chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Monica high school
It was the day that all the SS3 students in Monica high school were waiting for , it was their graduation day. It was a very important day for Bahijah , she was finally done with Monica high school. No more waking up 4 in the morning for morning duties . She was dressed in a white shirt and a black maxi skirt, which was their dress code for today .
BJ are you ready maryam asked
Yes am done she said rapping a black vail on her head , let go maryam we don’t want to late.

She looked to the left, there she saw a huge crowd sitting on the bleachers. It was hard to spot her parents. The school hall was decorated red and black, she was sitting next to maryam. Mus'ab was sitting at the next roll. She couldn’t believe she was finally done with high school . Her twin already got a scholarship in a university in china to study medicine. She was going to school in Nigeria . Her and Maryam were going to attend the same university.
The graduation ceremony was over. All the graduates of Monica high school jumped in the air, threw their hats off and took pictures with each other. She ran through the throng to find Mus’ab. She managed to see him with his friends, Mus’ab ! She shouted his name. Bahijah ran to where her brother and his friends were giving him a bear hug.
Am so happy she said let go look for mom and dad .
Okay baby sis he said pulling her cheeks.
Bahijah saw her mom and Maryam's mom talking with one of their teachers , there they are she said holding her brothers hand. Mommy !!  She shouted am so happy to see you. Ina yini aunty she said greeting maryam's mom .
Lafiya lau Bahijah ykk and Mus’ab , how are you doing .
We are fine aunty Mus'ab said.
I will go get Maryam
Okay Bahijah Maryam's mom said.

6th January 2013
It was 10 am in the morning and Bahijah was still sleeping. The size of the room is the smallest out of the rest of the family member's room. The bed was right in the middle of the squarish room. There is a big black shoe box beside the bed. A mirror hanging on the purple wall above a small dressing mirror filled with perfumes and make up items. Next to them is a tall white drawer buldging with clothes. The room smells like fresh strawberries because of the bowl of dried petals and shells that have been smothered with air freshener. It feels cold in the morning because of the natural light that comes streaming in from the window. The room has a modern and girlish style . Most of the accessories are modern. The photo frame on the bedside drawer has a glass border with a little butterfly on the corner. Close to window is a study table filled with books on it. Bahijah !! Her peaceful sleep was destroyed by hajjo , their house help annoying voice shouting her name . Ohh Allah she said opening her eyes. Bangggg !! Bangggg!! She heard the sound of the door being knocked . What’s the problem hajjo , she asked.
Mommy said , I should remain you that you have to get ready because Maryam and her driver will be here any time soon. Hajjo replied.
Ohh my god I totally forgot me and Maryam are going to zaria for our registration , thanks hajjo.
Always at your service hajjo said.
She quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower , her bag was already ready . They are going to spend 4 day and then come home and get ready for school. Mus’ab already left last month , she was the only one at home . Coming out of the bathroom Bahijah got dressed in a red shirt and a black jeans, she took her Gucci side bag and her bagpack which had her clothes in it . He quickly went to kitchen to get her breakfast.
Good morning Hajjo , has mommy already left for work.
Yes she said you should call her when you are leaving Hajjo replied.
The pancakes are good who made them she said while eating in a rush.
Mommy made them , you know am not that good.
Ohh yeah she said in mocking tune looking at Hajjo.
Assalamualaikum , they heard Maryam’s voice . Waalaikumusalam mairo Bahijah replied.
Maryam was dressed in a black abaya . Are you ready she asked .
Yap am done lets go . Bye hajjo take care.
I will, Allah ya kiyaye Hajjo replied

Who is Bahijah
Dr Sulieman Maigari is a man from Rimi local government kastina state . He is a medical doctor who has his own private hospital in kaduna. He is married to a beautiful lady from kastina , Hajiya Aisha . Hajiya Aisha is a civil servant working in INEC . Hajiya Aisha and Dr Sulieman have two kids who are twins, Mus'ab and Bahijah . Bahijah is a beautiful teenage girl who is 17 years old , she looks just like her mother. She is fair in complexion and has an average height , she has long curly fulani hair.

Assalamualaikum guys

Happy Ramadan.

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