chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Assalamualaikum malam Musa, Bahijah greeted as she and Maryam entered the black EOD .
Waalaikumusalam bahijoo , malam Musa Maryam’s personal driver answered.
Ya gida she asked
Gida allahamdullilah malam Musa answer . Gidan sarki ko he asked
Yes malam Musa , gidan sarki. They were going to stay in the emir of zazzau's palace, the emir’s first wife is mommy’s Aunt. She is also Bahijah favorite grandma  hajiya Rukayya, even do she wanted Bahijah to stay with her throughout her studies but daddy said it will be better to stay in the school hostel. She was going to stay there for the four days she was going to spend in zaria for her registration .
Aaah I can’t wait to get there , finally am going to see a Queen and stay in a palace . Maryam said.
Bahijah looked at her best friend who is a drama queen, come on Maryam the is nothing special about the royal family or the palace so just chill she said .
Well you can say that since the Queen is your mother's Aunt , Maryam said while eating her doughnut. Here have one .
Ohh I thought you were not going to share Bahijah said in a fake British accent.

The emir's palace

Maryam we are here Bahijah said waking up maryam.
Malam Musa parked the car at the park space which the palace guards showed him.
Thanks malam Musa they both said
You are welcome enmatan sai na zu dawkan ku malam Musa replied.
The palace is constructed with traditional architectural designs dated as far back as the early 19th century. It is a masterpiece of the hausa architecture, symbolizing the culture, history and traditions of the people of zazzau. The buildings are made of conical shaped and sun-dried clay bricks ( tubali) mud (kwababbiyar kasa) and rafters. The wall of the house is about 90 centimetres at the base.
Wow!! Maryam gasped thank God I brought my camera . This is a piece of art BJ.
I know Bahijah replied in a childish voice.
Sannun ku da zuwa, ina yini ku . A maid greeted them while squatting down to show respect.
Lafiya lau Bahijah answered
Gimbiya Rukayya is waiting for you , she said I should come get you.
Okay let go Bahijah said holding Maryam’s hand.
The first Queen's part was a modern and luxurious former which is highly classy and splendid.  The front door of the drawing room was metallic . The maid opened the door and invited them in. The walls were fashionable shades of white and the floor polished concrete. The drawing room was bronial with brown and off white Royal Italian couch and a loveseat with four brown royal wooden chairs at the side close to the window with a table in the center. It is a palatial living room. The walls were painted white and brown which matches with the couch and the carpet at the center.
Assalamualaikum they heard a sweet elderly female voice . A beautiful lady of about 50 years came in .
Inaaa!!  Bahijah gasped while hugging her. How are you doing, I missed you she said.
I missed  you my baby, you are now a big girl now , you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you.
Oohoo ina Bahijah blushed.
Won’t you introduce me to your friend the queen said.
Ohh sorry, ina this is maryam Maryam this is Ina.
Ina yini Maryam said while squatting down a little bit. Lafiya lau the queen answered while hugging her.
Where is Fatima , Bahijah asked .
Fatima went to visit a friend , she will be back soon . She was very excited when she heard you were coming.
Fatima is the emir’s youngest child , and also his forth wife’s only child . She is Bahijah's age mate and also a good friend.
Come let me show you your room so that you guys can fresh up and rest before dinner is served, you bags are already there the queen said.
Okay let go maryam , Bahijah said holding Maryam’s hand.
The door of the room is white with a brown handle. Bahijah slowly opened the door as she and Maryam walked inside. The white linoleum floor was sparkling. A beautiful carpet approximately in the middle of the floor. The walls are painted purple and off white. To the left of the door is a purple chair with a beautiful heart shaped throw pillow.  far left is a rectangular window. Which gives a pleasant view of a cold room. The scent of the famous turaran wuta was what filled the air in the room . Center left and far left is a queen size purple bed with a white bed cover and a purple duvet which has a floral design. To the right of the altar is a closet. Next to the closet is a dressing mirror. It is a simple and beautiful purple room.
Wow!!! BJ , this room is superb I love it. Maryam whispered.
I know right , inaa has a great taste . She said while jumping on the bed.
Are you going to use the bathroom first or should I go in. Maryam asked .
No you go first . She answered.
Sitting on the bed , Bahijah unfolded her vail . She took her phone which was ringing from her Gucci side bag. It was mommy, assalamualaikum mommy.
Waalaikumusalam my baby , have you reached there hajiya Aisha asked.
Yes mommy,  we just arrived at the palace and am currently in my room. I was about to call you when you called .
Ohh really I thought you have forgotten about your mommy already hajiya Aisha said with so much love for her daughter.
How can I forget about my sweet mother, that is impossible mommy Bahijah said.
I know I was only joking hajiya Aisha replied. I will call you later and extend my greetings to your Ina.
Okay mommy , bye and I love you.
I love you too take care of yourself and make sure you leave early because the early you start your registration the sooner you will finish mommy said.
Okay bye.


Dressed in a grey suit and a blue shirt with a grey tie , he was sitting on his office chair. The office of the COO ( chief operating officer) is a luxuriously business-like room, which is located at the fifth floor of the building. The office is painted grey and white . At the far left is a sliding door which leads to the balcony in the office. His desk is in the center which is filled with files and a desktop on it. Close to the balcony is a couch and a Italian table by the side.
Checking the time on his Rolex wrist watch , he pressed the button on his desk.
Can I come in sir, came a famale voice.
Come in Tara, he said.
Am done for the day cancel all my meeting, I have to see my father before he leaves for the annual shareholders meeting in Lagos
Okay sir. But what about the meeting with the clients from Japan , it’s a very important meeting sir. She said.
I will see to that tomorrow, I need to leave now . Adam said adjusting his Messengers bag on his shoulder.

Parking his car at the park space in the Dikko Mansion , Adam matched to the entrance of the mansion. He stabbed the doorbell two times, the door was opened by Sarah, the head of the staffs in the house . Alhaji junior, welcome come in.
Hi Sarah, how are you doing he asked with a friendly smile on his face.
Am good sir. She replied , I know you are here to meet your pa, he is waiting for you in his room.
Okay , thanks Sarah .
You are welcome Alhaji junior , she said with a motherly smile on her face.
Sarah is like a mother to him. She’s not only the heart of the staffs in the house , she is also his nanny . She has been with him since he was a kid.

Assalamualaikum pa, he said while entering the palatial luxurious room.
Waalaikumusalam , come in son . Alhaji Ahmad Dikko said.
Pa how are you doing, he said sitting on the edge of the bed .
Am fine , my son . You look horrible , you know  . You work too much , rest a little bit . Alhaji Ahamd said with so much care for his only son.
Am okay pa don’t worry about me. About meeting Bahijah 's parents , how was it . He asked
It went well , my son. Fortunately her father 's elder brother turned out to be your baba Musa's childhood friend. So it went well but her father clearly stated that he is not going to get his daughter married now. So when she is done with school , we can fix the date.
That’s not a problem pa like I said , I can wait. He said
I know my son Alhaji Ahamd said  with a smile on his face.
So does that means that she is going to be mine . He asked
Yes my son Alhaji Ahamd said while hugging his son.

Assalamualaikum guys

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