chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The room was very dark with only a little bit of light coming from a small window, bahijah was laying on the small mattress . Her eyes were closed but she was not sleeping, she panicked when she felt a hand pressed against her mouth. She quickly open her eyes placing her hand on the Intruder’s hand as her eyes met a familiar eyes. She struggled in her hold as she tried to scream, but her screams sounded muffled because of her hand.
“ Listen to me careful bahijah, don’t you dare scream I don’t want farouk to find out about my plans , l am here to help you” Sadiya said calmly. Bahijah stopped struggling and calm down . After Sadiya was sure that she won’t scream , she slowly removed her hand.
Bahijah stood up and looked at her, “ What are you talking about , how can you help me, I thought you were together with them” She whispered.
“ No!!! Well that’s what they think , but I can’t let them kill Adam that’s why I am helping you” Sadiya replied.
“ No, I don’t believe me , you hate me so why will you help me” She said as her eyes got teary shaking her head.
“ Trust me, I still don’t like you” Sadiya giggled “ I am only doing this for Adam and this is his plan”  She reasoned.
“ I still don’t believe you, you are lying to me” Bahijah accused. “ If you want me to believe you then call my husband, I want to talk to him and if you don’t call him then trust me , I will scream my lungs out and I know that your aunt is here , I heard her voice” Bahijah stated firmly folding her arms around her bosom.
Fine!!! Just don’t scream . Sadiya said rolling her eyes.  “ you are such a drama queen , I can’t believe he choose you instead of me” she murmured while dialing Adam’s number before she gave her the phone .
Bahijah held the phone to her ears and waited impatiently as it rang. “ What do you want Sadiya , you know I am busy with the police ” A sob escaped from her lips when she heard his husky voice and for the first time in four days she felt relieved . “Adam” she whispered .
“ Bahijah are you alright did they hurt you?” he asked worriedly.
Bahijah closed her eyes as tears run down her cheeks . “ Am alright , I just miss you so much”  she said her hand trembled while she held the phone.
“ I miss you too, just give me so time , I will be there , we will be together in some few hours I promise ” He said in a calm tone .
“ Are you sure, she wants you died ,  I don’t think you can save me”
“ Don’t lose hope My love, I promise I will save you ” he replied.
“ Okay then, what about Sadiya  can I trust her?” She asked.
Sadiya scoffed when she heard what she said making bahijah to roll her eyes.
“ yes , you can trust her” he said firmly. “ Take care of yourself I love you”.
“ I love you too” She whispered.
“Are you done, I don’t have time for your clingy romance” Sadiya snapped with a disgusting look on her face.
“ just admit it , you are just jealous” Bahijah said nonchalantly.
“ whatever, let’s go my aunt wants to talk you, Adam will be here in some few hours ”.
Why are you helping me ? Bahijah asked as they walked down the familiar hallway.
“ I’m not helping you , I am helping the man I love even though he doesn’t love me ” she replied in a low tone. “ my aunt wants to kill him and she is going to use you to accomplish her goal, trust me if it’s you she wants died I will be on her side, but it’s the man I love”.
“ Do you think that by helping me Adam will suddenly fall in love with you” Bahijah scoffed.
“ I don’t need his love any more” Sadiya whispered “ He doesn’t love me and he will never fall in love with me , it took me a long time to realize that”
“ Well that’s good to know” she said rolling her eyes “ because I won’t share my man with you.
“ oh Sweetheart believe it or not I don’t want to be your Co wife” Sadiya chuckled as they walked inside the familiar office and as usual Hajiya Asmau was sitting on chair behind the desk as they light in the office was dim it took Bahijah a while to notice  the man she hates so much sitting on a coach.
“ I have your guest with me Hajiya” Sadiya smirked while settling on the couch next to farouk.
“ Have a sit Bahijah, your husband just called, he will be here soon ” Hajiya Asmau smiled.

The weather today was friendly as the wind blew faster making the atmosphere more comfortable and inviting, Adam avert his gaze to the window examining the scene around them. The birds were chriping flying from trees to trees, the road was not crowded, just a few cars here and there, Hajiya Asmau choose a very isolated area for her crimes.
“ Adam ” Alhaji Ahmed called.
“ Naam” he replied fixing his gaze on his father.
“I’m sorry , this is all my fault, Bahijah  got kidnapped because of me ” Alhaji Ahmed apologized.
“ what are you talking about pa, it’s not your fault you had no idea about Hajiya's plans” Adam whispered.
“ But she’s my wife, I should have known about her intentions”  Alhaji Ahmed uttered rubbing his forehead with his fingers.
Adam felt horrified , his PA is a man with self respect, values and high esteem. A man who has made a good name and also earned a lot of respect in the society and also in the business world. He has never seen him so broken and hurt like this.
“ Pa , I don’t want you to blame your self for what happened, it was already destined by the almighty. Hajiya Asmau is a very smart woman, the was no way you were going to know about her plans, everything was well plan and believe me she will pay for her crimes.” Adam reasoned.
“ Oga are you ready” the officer who was driving the car asked looking between the father and son.
Yes , Adam replied “ but why did you park the car here? I can’t see the house”
It’s a ten minutes walk to the house, we don’t want them to get suspicious , so you are going to walk alone. I have installed a device in your wrist watch” the officer explained.
“ And what’s that for” Alhaji Ahmed asked.
“ It’s going to help us to listen to your conversations, so that we can know when to attack.” The officer replied. “ don't worry about it, we are going to save your wife”
“Good luck son, stay safe ” Alhaji Ahmed said patting his son’s shoulder.
It was a very old looking building with a massive iron gate , the were two huge guards standing by the gate. The first guard was fair in complexion , who looks like an Igbo guy  with a huge scar on his face , his right arm was tattooed. The second guard was dark in complexion with a tribal mark on his cheeks, he was dressed in a blue t-shirt and a black faded jeans. He was holding a gun on his right hand.
Adam slowly walked towards their direction folding his sleeves. “ inform your Oga about my arrival”
“ We don’t need to inform her about your arrival” the Fair guy replied.
It’s a “she” !! He said acting clueless.
Yes, the guy replied “Emanuel search  him” he instructed.
“ follow me ” the Fair guy said after two minutes of searching.
It was a very creepy house , as they walked in silence Adam gazed around the house , it looked more like a forest with tall trees and bushes only the sound of their footsteps and the birds chirping could be heard. The black guy , whose name was Emanuel opened the door that leads to the entrance of the house. “ Let’s go” he smirked as they walked on the dark oak stairs which creaks with each step they took. Adam looked around studying the house as they walked down the hallway , the walls looked frightening, which made him nauseous.
We are here, Emmanuel said as he opened the brown wooden door. “ Go inside, we are not allowed to go in.”
Welcome Adam, a familiar voice hit his earlobe.  Hajiya Asmau stood close to her desk, her arms around her bosom with a smirk on her face . She was dressed in a purple lace and a white veil.
“Adam” He suddenly heard that voice that always makes his eyes shine and his heart smile, that voice he longed to hear for days. An unknown feeling engulfed his heart when he saw her, she was standing next to farouk who was holding a gun. she was still dressed in the black dress she wore to the charity balls . A frown erupt on his face when he saw the tears in her eyes and how messy she looked.
“ Sweetheart” he whispered . She looked tired and so thin , she was smiling at him but still he could see the pain in her eyes.
“ Don’t worry about her , she’s alright why don’t we go straight to the point ” hajiya Asmau 's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“ Why ” he whispered “ Why did you do this ” he asked.
“ I just want you to transfer your property to my name that’s all ” she smiled.
“ What if I don’t , what will you do about it” Adam smirked.
Hajiya Asmau chuckled as the sound of her laughter filled the room. “Don’t test my patience young man , you don’t….” she paused when she a scared Emmanuel at the doorstep.
Police!!!  He yelled, “ the police are here, we need to leave, they already have Uche with them.  “
“ What!!!!” hajiya Asmau shouted as her hands trembled.
Adam smirked when he saw the horrifying look on Hajiya Asmau's face.“ Did you really think that I am stupid enough to come here alone”
Bahijah ran towards his direction clutching his shirt tightly due to fear. “ Why did you call the police , she’s going to kill us ”  Adam shield her with his arm, he wasn’t planning to let anything happen to her.
“ You made a wrong decision , you shouldn’t have called the police” farouk uttered pointing his gun at them, “ You just signed your dead sentence”
“ Farouk , What are you doing drop the gun” Sadiya spoke for the first time .
“ Why , or are you still in love with him?”
“No, the police are here you dumb idiot” Sadiya yelled
“ Farouk, she’s right drop the gun” Hajiya Asmau said.
“ No!!” farouk replied firmly.
“ Don’t worry sweetheart , I won’t let anything happen to you, Adam assured when he felt bahijah's nails digging his chest. 
“ What are you going to do ? Are you going to shoot ?” Adam chuckled at farouk.  “ Are you that stupid”
“ You have no idea about what I can capable of doing” farouk smirked.
“ Then shoot me” Adam yelled he could see farouk’s hand shivering because he knew what will happen if he shoots him, he was scared. Adam freed his arm and stepped away from bahijah .
“ No… Adam….” He heard her broken voice .
“ Shoot !! “ Adam yelled as he took a step further”
And finally , he heard the gunshot and everything stopped. It all happen in a slit of seconds when he fired and bahijah ran forward in front of him.
Her hair was flying on his face when she fell backward in his arm.
“ Bahijah” he caght her before she hit the ground .
As the sun sets down the clouds and the orange glow appears a satisfying smile erupts on his lips, he loves standing by the window watching the busy surrounding of the hospital , different cars parked in the parking lot , patient , doctor and visitors walking around the hospital . It’s been two weeks since he was transferred to Abuja , Aliyu loved the weather it was just like the weather in Zaria chilly and inviting. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock.
“ Come in” he said.
A petite nurse dressed in a kaftan and hijab appeared . “ Doctor , your attention is need, the is an emergency and it’s very serious”
“ Let’s go” he said grabbing his lap coat as he walked out of the room. “ What’s the case?” He asked.
“ The patient was shot , a bullet in the stomach luckily it didn’t touch any vital organ.” The nurse explained . “ She’s a very important patient, the MD is serious”
“ Get the operation theatre ready ” he stated.
“ I have already done that” she replied.
Aliyu quicky walked to the changing room and changed his clothes
“ What’s the patient’s name” he asked.
“ Bahijah Sulieman”

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