chapter 21

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Chapter 21


So are you going to tell me , where we are going to . Bahijah asked resting her head on her husband’s shoulder.
For the last time love , it’s a surprise . He grinned.
Okay, she said as she looked through the window gazing at the busy streets , they were on their way to the airfield as they were leaving for their honeymoon today. Bahijah was curious to know where they were going to and Adam had vehemently refused to disclosed their destination, but she didn’t care as long as he was with her; she was content to wait it out. Are you angry with me , he asked in a low tone. Bahijah avert her eyes gazing at him.
No , am not angry , it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me am okay as long as you are with me. I am ready to go anywhere with you by my side. Bahijah felt butterflies in her stomach when she registered the way he was gazing at her, that look he gives her when he wants to kiss her , the one that sets her whole world on fire, the one that tells her how he feels about her. It’s a look only the two of them can understand , one that doesn’t need to be vocalized . “ you have no idea how you make me feel my love ” he whispered into her earlobe. It felt like time has stopped as they stayed like that gazing at each other , and Bahijah knew at that moment , that she was gradually falling deeply in love with her husband . It was perfect , everything was perfect  she will never forget how she felt at this moment , she forever remember  what he said, the smell in the air , his touch , his voice , the love and joy in his eyes . She was meant to be his, her lips are his to kiss , she was his to ravish , his to love , his to touch.
They stopped at a security check , one guy stooped his head to Charles 's side speaking to him in low tone after a few minutes the conversation came to an end as Charles drove into the private airfield . The car drove to where the plane was and stopped close to the stairs leading to the plane. Bahijah slowly walked out of the car when Charles opened the door for her. Thank you Charles . She smiled sweetly.
You are welcome ma'am , I wish you a safe trip .


Bahijah groaned loudly and looked out of the window , they have been on the plane for only three hours and she was already tired. Are you okay , Adam asked gazing at her.
Do I look like am okay , am tired.
Why don’t you go take some rest in the cabin.
I don’t want to sleep , I want this plane to land. She pouted.
My love , I don’t think it’s a good idea to land a plane over a water . He replied I’m an amused tone.
You are right , she said and at that moment her tummy growled . Then Adam suddenly talked to the intercom. My wife is hungry , bring in some food for us . He commanded.
Not long , a red haired approached them with a trolley. She served them some potatoes and steamed veggies and chicken. Would you like something to drink ma'am . The lady asked politely .
Water please, thanks She replied in a friendly tone .
Anything to drink sir . She asked looking at Adam.
Coffee , he replied briefly gazing at the newspaper he was reading. Bahijah smacked his head when the red haired lady left.
What! Adam asked looking at her in disbelief, running his hand on his head. Why wereyou so cold to her and you didn’t even say sorry to her. She glared at him.
Bahijah, she is my employee he rolled his eyes, you don’t expect me to be very friendly with her and I need to be strict with them so that they can know how serious I am , and I want them to take their work very serious. He replied.
But still you were so rude . She glared at him.
Okay, am sorry . He apologized kissing her cheeks.

Bahijah woke up , when her head hit something , she snapped one eye open and realized her head fell on the side of Adam’s seat. After they ate , they both fell asleep. She looked out the window and it was dark . She felt like they have been on the plane for years . Adam she called tugging his shoulder to wake him up .
“ Hmm… he responded and turned on his side facing her , he slowly opened his eyes  looking at her . What’s the problem ? He asked , he looked exhausted and Bahijah felt guilty for waking him up , she didn’t know what got into her to wake him up .
Am tired , when are we going to land she asked she was getting sick inside the plane,  she has never been on a long journey like this , she was tired.
He glanced at his wrist watch , we are Landing in the next two hours . It’s 10:30 , we should be in Venice around 12 . He replied drowsily.
We are going to Venice , she asked dumbfounded , her anger and tiredness was replaced with excitement . Am so happy she said pecking his lips.



The sound of ocean waves crashing against the beach and the sound of birds caught her ear's attention , it was soothing as the smell of salt in the air reached her nostrils. Bahijah slowly opened her eyes and she was laying in a white king size bed . The pillow perfectly firm and the sheets were smooth, she sat up in the bed as she looked around the room. Their suitcases were tossed on the floor off to the side, the interior design of the room is white in colour . The floor and walls were also white , to the left held a pair of pair of glass doors leading out to the white sand fading into the blue oceans. They were currently in Adam’s beach house in Venice , their flight landed around 12 last night . She was very tired Last night when they arrived. She sighed before throwing the covers off and stepping out of the bed. Walking out of the room , she gently walked to the living room . Beautiful blue Luke Irwin chairs and couches surrounding the room, the coffee table in the center and her husband was sitting on one of the chairs dressed in a nice sweatpants and shirt looking at his MacBook.
I can’t believe you are working on our honeymoon . She groaned as she walked to where he was sitted.
Good morning bellissima ( beautiful) , he smiled grabbing her hand as he made her sit on his laps.
Morning , I thought we are on our honeymoon .
Yes , we are. He replied
Then why are you working ? She asked
Am sorry, just give me a minute I will be done . He smiled kissing her cheeks.
So what are we going to do today?
Am done , he sighed . For now why don’t you go take a bath , then I will make breakfast for you and then we can go out.
I love the house it’s beautiful . Bahijah murmured gazing at her husband who was getting dressed.
Well, am glad you like it . Let’s go he said grabbing her hand as they stepped out of the bedroom. They met an Italian middle aged man standing next to the car outside the beach house. Hello Raphael . Adam smiled. Benvenuti a Venezia , signor Dikko ( welcome to Venice Mr Dikko ) the man greeted . It’e passato malto tempo da quando ( it’s been long since you came)
Lo so ( I know ), come sei stato ( how have you been ) Adam asked
Good sir, Raphael answered.
Incontra Mia moglie ( meet my wife ) .
Bahijah , Meet Raphael he is my chauffeur here in itlay.  Hello ma’am welcome to Venice. Raphael smiled.
You can speak English ?
Yes ma’am , I can speak English my Mother is from England.
Wow, nice to meet you Raphael . Bahijah smiled.
Can we go signor? Raphael asked fixing his gaze on Adam.
I never knew you could speak Italian . Bahijah voiced out as they settled in the car.
I can speak a lot of languages my love . He replied entwining their hands.
Well I can see that she whispered averting her eyes to the window as she looked at the beautiful streets of Venice. Raphael pulled up in a beautiful ancient building.
Wow , this building is beautiful . Bahijah gasped when they stepped out of the car.
It called the Doges palace , he uttered well since we are in Venice I thought why don’t we visit some of the ancient buildings and museums. He grinned wrapping his arm around her waist . Are you happy he asked.
Very very happy she grinned kissing his cheeks. Well can you explain more about the palace . She whispered as they stepped inside the ancient museum which was filled with tourists from different countries.
Ofcourse he whispered. Well the palace is built in a Venetian gothic style and also one of the main landmarks of the city of Venice in northern itlay . It was the residence of the doge of Venice, and it also has a lot about the history of Venice. Adam started as they walked around the palace. It was founded in 1340 and became a museum in 1923.
What about the interior design , what is the palace made of . She asked.
The walls are made of stucco and the ceilings feature ornate work of art. And this is the  Doge’s apartment while the first floor we left is the chancellery office, where the officials used to have their meeting. This ancient pictures you are seeing are the portrait of all the Doges , generation to generation.
How do you know so much about the palace . She asked
It’s is my second best place in Venice, so I know a lot about the history of the palace. He replied as he brushed his knuckles against her cheeks.
So which one is your favorite place?
"The bridge of sighs", he replied. Don’t worry we will visit there tomorrow . He whispered to her ears .
Can I snap some pictures. She asked.
Yes of course , you can it is also advised to spend some time viewing both the exterior and interior in details to truly capture a piece of the history of Venice. They spent almost 2 hours touring around the palace as Adam explained more about the palace. After their little tour in the Doges palace , Raphael drove them to a beautiful Italian restaurant named “ la zucca”.
I don’t know what to eat. She pouted gazing at the menu. They are all foreign dishes I have never heard about.
Don’t worry about that , I will order something delicious for you. “A sarde in sour and bigoli in salsa for the both of us” . Adam avert his gaze to the young waiter who has been waiting for them to place their order. Minutes later the waiter arrived with their food. Anything else signor , the waiter asked politely.
No thank you .
Do you like the food? Adam asked
It’s delicious , especially the spaghetti . I wish I could get the recipe .
It’s called bigoli in salsa, bigoli is the strands of pasta resembling spaghetti while a salsa is a sauce which consists of onions and salt cured fishes. You don’t need to worry about the recipe, you husband here can make mouthwatering bigoli in salsa . He grinned.
Wow , well that’s amazing I can’t wait to taste it . She smiled . Can I ask you a question ?
Yes go on, you can ask me anything you want.
How do you know how to cook ?
Amma was the one who taught me how to cook , when I was a teenager and then growing up I learnt more from different people. Are you happy ? He asked
You know this is like the fifth time , you have asked me that question. She murmured . Ofcourse am happy , infact it’s been long since l had so much fun.
Am just worried, maybe you don’t like my company. He uttered in a low tone.
What ! Ofcourse I like your company , why will you think like that . 
Well , Ameera onced told me that am boring.
I don’t know about her but to me you are not boring .

Ciao ( hello) guys.

And share.

Maryamerhbello ♥️

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