chapter 25

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Chapter 25


A sigh of relief escaped her lips as the warm water from the shower washed her body relaxing her tense muscles , turning off the shower she slowly walked out and wrapped a towel around her body as she walked to her Walk in closet . Bahijah quickly wore her undergarments and got dressed in a brown lace . “ Are you ready? ” her husband’s husky voice erupted from the doorstep as the scent of his cologne engulfed her nostrils, he was dressed in a black kaftan and a black cap.
I just need five more minutes to apply some make up . She replied
Trust me sweetheart , you don’t need any makeup you look beautiful . He said with a smile on his lips as he walked towards her direction wrapping his arms around her.
A sigh escaped her lips when she felt his soft breath in her hair. “ no way , we are going to father’s house for dinner and I need to look good” she murmured.
Don’t tell me that you are doing this because of sadiya . He smirked
Well that’s non of your business so why don’t you just be a good husband and wait for your wife .she uttered.
Okay my love , I will be waiting in the living room. He smiled as he walked out of the room.
Applying some make up , just a little bit of foundation and her some red lipstick which shows boldness and power , Bahijah slipped into a silver Louis Vuitton high heels and gently walked out of the room. Her killer designer heels clinked against the spotless floor making clinking sound of boldness as she walked down the hallway.


The weather today is not friendly as  the sun was shining brightly through the pure white clouds in the baby blue bright sky.  He slowly avert his sight to the window gazing at the busy streets. “ Another family dinner! ” Adam wasn’t ready for another family drama , the last time they went there sadiya had a fight with Bahijah . It’s high time he takes a serious action on Sadiya and her obsession with him but as much as he doesn’t want to attend the family dinner , he also doesn’t want his wife to know how much he hates his step mom and the stupid family dinners his pa always forces him to attend. Hajiya Asmau is the most wicked and manipulative woman Adam has ever seen. He can still remember when his pa got married to her, he was just 16 . He was so happy even though he has his Amma , he was still happy that finally he will have a mother and his  excitement increased when his pa told him that he will also have a new brother, but unfortunately all his dreams of having a new mother and brother were thrown into the ocean by his new mother. When pa was busy touring around the world making money , His new mother will stave him and make him do all the household chores but everything came to an end when he went to school aboard . “ a penny for your thoughts ” her warm valvet voice pulled him out of his thoughts .
What is the problem? Bahijah asked entwining their hands together.
Nothing , he replied in a low tone .
“You don’t want to go to your father’s house !”  Bahijah uttered making him look at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
You are wrong about that sweetheart , he murmured kissing her cheeks . Am just worried about a project am working on .
Are you sure ? She enquired.
Yeah , you don’t need to worry about anything because am very excited to see my pa, its been long since we last met . He said with a small smile on his face.
I don’t like seeing you like this . She stated in a low tone. Adam smiled as he placed his hand on her face and lightly caressed her cheeks with his thumb “ thank you ” he whispered softly before placing a light kiss on her forehead.
Thank you ! For what ? She asked.
Thank you for loving me and caring for me . He replied as he closed his eyes nuzzling his face on her neck. “ l love you”  he whispered placing a kiss on her earlobe.
“ l know ! ” she smiled and I love you more.

The dinning hall was decorated with beautiful fixtures , a couple of paintings were hung on the walls . The window overlooked the backyard providing a spectacular view. The dining table was big enough to sit twenty six guest comfortably. A huge Crystal chandelier hung in the center of the room, with many bulbs all lit up making the room extremely bright. The atmosphere in the hall was tense as they walked in.
Assalamualaikum, Adam salamed making everyone present in the room avert their gaze to their direction. Alhaji Ahamd was sitting on the master chair with his wife, who was dressed in a blue Ankara blouse and skirt sitting next to him. Farouk and Sadiya wre sitting on the left side of the table.
Waalaikumusalam, Alhaji Ahamd replied . You are late , he stated in a serious tone.
I know pa, we are sorry for that . Adam apologize.
It’s okay, he replied. Bahijah , how have you been? it’s been long since I last saw you .
Am doing good, thanks for asking. Bahijah smiled. One of the servers pulled out a chair situated at the right side of the table and the one next to it. Adam sat on the first chair while Bahijah sat next to him. The table was already set with a Spanish cuisine, the cultery was placed on a small napkin on their right. The glasses were spotless made of crystal. There were four servers in the dining hall three girls and a boy , all dressed in a white shirt and a black trousers.
Hello Adam , it’s been long since we last met. Farouk said.
Well, I have been very busy with work and family lately . Adam replied nonchalantly.
You have a beautiful wife . He smirked fixing his sight on Bahijah . Bahijah looked up gazing at the young man who was sitting on the left side of the table, even though she was inexperienced , she could swore she saw lust in his eyes and Adam must have seen it for he shielded her with his body wrapping his arms around her possessively.
That she is and she’s only mine. He replied
Who is he? Bahijah whispered into his ears.
My step brother . He also whispered. The room went silent for thirty minutes before Alhaji Ahamd cleared his throat gaining the attention of everyone present on the table.
How is the preparations for the annual charity ball going , Adam . He asked.
Good pa, he replied many of our business partners and investors are ready to sponsor some of the orphans and it’s going to be a success like always. Adam grinned.
Well that’s good to know. Alhaji Ahamd replied .
I don’t understand which charity ball are you guys talking about. Bahijah whispered.
I will tell you about it later . He replied.
Well , since we are talking about the charity ball , I was thinking maybe I can have 3 invitation cards I want to invite my friends . Hajiya Asmau uttered.
That is not a problem hajiya , you can talk to Adam about it . Alhaji Ahamd replied.
I will have my secretary send some invitation cards for anyone that wants to invite a friend. Adam said. “anything else ” he enquired.
“ I guess that’s all ” Alhaji Ahamd replied . So I think it’s time to talk about the reason why I call for this family dinner , he started. As you all know I am not growing any Younger and that why I have decided to retire. I am going to hand over my company to my son , Adam. Who is the COO of the company, my lawyer will be coming with all the required documents tomorrow and we will be having a meeting with the board of directors. Does anyone has any problem with my decision ? He asked.
No Alhaji, you made the right decision . Hajiya Asmau said. Adam is the right candidate for this position . She smiled.
Thank you pa, I promise to make the company greater and better. Adam grinned. “ Congratulations ” Bahijah whispered.
Thank you love , he replied placing a kiss on her cheeks. We have to celebrate . She smiled .
Anything , you want . He whispered.  “ you know you are not the only ones here right ” sadiya said interrupting their happy moment.
“ sorry about that ” Bahijah smirked
It was already dark and in the night sky were Stars , Adam tilt his head gazing upward at the black curtains draped over the sky and the stars that were sparkling giving it a beautiful sight. The stars were shining and dancing along the sky in various patterns . He looked at the glowing moon that was smiling down at him with love so intense that it warmed his heart, it was like it was making a promise to him that it will never abandon him. Adam was standing  in the balcony gazing at the beauty of nature as the cold midnight waves rolled in and tickle him making him to wrap his arms around his body.
What happened today in the family dinner was very surprising, his stepmother has never cared about any charity event the Dikkos have organised so far but today she said something unexpected that left him dumbfounded. It was very surprising to know that she wants to invite her friends, that was something very odd. Is she planning to do something during the charity ball or has she suddenly had a change of heart. What is she planning this time around? A question that Adam had no clue what the answer is.
As the midnight breeze blew faster, he was pulled out of his thoughts  when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his body.
What are you doing here? Bahijah asked placing her head on his shoulder.
Just thinking about life. He replied turning around as he pulled her into a hug nuzzling his face on her neck.  I thought you were asleep. He murmured. I just woke up and found the bed empty and cold. She replied. I hope you know that you can talk to me if you have any problem. She said.
You don’t need to worry about anything . He uttered. The charity ball is next week so I was thinking maybe you will like to go shopping tomorrow. He stated caressing her neck with his thumb.
I have a lot of dresses , I don’t need to go shopping. Bahijah replied.
I know , but you are the boss’s wife and I want you to look very pretty he grinned besides the is no harm in adding another one to your collection.
Okay, she smiled. Are you going to come with me?
Do you want me to accompany you? He asked.
Yap, I want to spend sometime with my husband. 
Okay then, you can meet me in my office tomorrow and then we can go for a dress hunt. He chuckled.
Tell me about the charity ball. She said
“Well 25 years ago my dad started a foundation called the sunshine foundation . In which we help the poor, oldies, widows and orphans. So every year we  organize a charity ball where many business men and companies make donations which we use to help the foundation plus the funds that DIKKO CONSTRUCTIONS donates to the foundation. It is one of the social activities we engage in.”
Wow , that’s amazing . She grinned. So where is the foundation  ?
Here, in Abuja. Do you want to go there? He asked.
Yeah, I will love to . Can we go there tomorrow after we are done with the shopping.
Okay, anything my beautiful wife wants. He replied.
Thank you , she said as a bright smile erupt on her face.
You look more beautiful when you smile my love he whispered softly before placing a light kiss on her forehead , they stayed there like that, she got comfortable in his arms fixing her gaze on the night sky.

Hello guys
It's been long since I last updated

So here is chapter 25 , I will really appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you think about the chapter.

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Maryamerhbello ♥️🖤

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