chapter 8

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Chapter 8
She knock gently on the door that lead to inna's room and twisted the handle, she peeped inside and walked further into the room. Inna was standing on the prayer mat, facing the qiblah,she was wearing an ankle length hijab. She sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her to be done. Inna said her salam and turned to bahijah. Who gave her a smile. You are back, where is your friend inna asked. She is taking a nap Bahijah answered.
Pass me the Qur'an on the side drawer Inna said . Inna started reciting the holy Qur’an leaving Bahijah drowned in her thoughts. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a salam coming from the door. Waalaikumusalam she answered , it was muhsin. Bahijoo, muhsin called .
Ya muhsin you are back
Yap, how have you been we haven’t talked since you arrived, it’s been long since we last met muhsin said with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
Amazing ya muhsin , am now a big girl not the small Bahijah you knew before . Am done with high school and am going to start college by next week she said grinning from ear to ear.
Well I can see that , my Small princess is now a big girrlll. So any boyfriend muhsin asked fixing his gaze on her.
Bahijah gasped dramatically when she registered what he said . Ya muhsin she said face palming herself , no I don’t have any boyfriend not yet , am not ready for that.
Okay bahijoo so when are you going to the school tomorrow , I and Aliyu have some business there we can go together and I can help you with the registration
Okay she replied nonchalantly.
Inna closed the holy Qur’an dropping it on the bedside drawer she fixed her gaze on Bahijah and muhsin who were so busy discussing about campus life. Muhsin , Inna called making the both of them turn and face her.
Ina yini Inna he said while getting up from the bed and squatting down to show some respect.
Lafiya lau, yaushe ka shigo have you eaten she asked
He nodded effortlessly , am just coming from Aliyu’s place he said as his eyes moved from one thing to the other.
Inna sai da safe , I have to wake up early tomorrow Bahijah said while getting up from the bed. Ya muhsin what time are we leaving tomorrow she asked .
Maybe by 8 o’clock in the morning then we will pick up Aliyu from his house he replied.
Okay I will see you in the morning then , good night .
Bahijah woke up by the sound of her alarm clock it was time for prayer , getting up from the bed she walked to the bathroom to perform her ablution. When she was done with her business , she spread a prayer mat on the fluffy carpet in the room . Maryam wake up it’s time for prayers she said .
She took the blue ankle length hijab and face the qiblah.
Maryam also woke up and matched to the bathroom for her morning business, when she was done she came out and saw Bahijah who just finished folding her hijab and was ready to go back to sleep. Bahijah she called .
Yes , how far
When are we leaving Maryam asked
By 8 o’clock , ya muhsin is going to drop us, he has something to do there she replied. Am going to set another alarm so that we can wake up by seven and get ready .

Bahijah and Maryam woke up around seven. Bahijah got dressed in a  black abaya , picking her side bag and the folder that has all of her credentials she walked out of the room with Maryam trailing behind , who was dressed in a red Ankara dress. They quickly went to dinning room for breakfast after extending their greetings to Inna who was in her bedroom reciting her morning azkar. After breakfast Bahijah call muhsin who inform them to meet in the parking lot.
Good morning ya muhsin Bahijah greeted when she spotted him standing next to his car .
Morning bahijoo how are you and your friend
Good morning Maryam said we are good are you ready
Yes let’s go.
Both Bahijah and Maryam sat in back seat because they were going to pick up Aliyu and the front seat was meant for him.
Aliyu was sitting in the gazebo waiting for muhsin when he spotted his car , a bright smile appeared on his face when he saw Bahijah in the back seat. He walked to the car and open the front door . Good morning ladies he said taking a seat while closing the door.
Good morning Bahijah and Maryam replied at the same time.
Hooo excuse me am I invisible muhsin said feigning hurt.
Sorry man but you don’t expert me to greet you first when we have to two beautiful ladies here he said while fixing his gaze on Bahijah.
Awww Maryam awwed at his statement and Bahijah knew at that instant that her best friend was officially a drama queen. 
Well can we go muhsin said while starting the car.
Yap Maryam and Aliyu said at the same time while Bahijah rolled her eyes at their childish behavior. Ya muhsin we have to go to a business center first you know the registration is online then we can go to the department for our departmental registration that’s all for today Bahijah said while looking outside the window.
Okay Gimbiya angama anything else
Nop I guess that all am I right maryam
Yes that all for today , tommorow we can fill in the accommodation form and visit the hostel Maryam replied.

Dropping Bahijah and Maryam at the business center muhsin asked Aliyu to help them while he went to do the work he came for.

The rest of the day went great with Aliyu helping Bahijah and Maryam and after that muhsin came to pick them up . Aliyu wasn’t a bad company Bahijah thought because he helped her and maryam do a lot of things, he was a very funny and nice guy, Who had made her laugh a lot today with his jokes.
Bahijah collapsed on the bed, who could have thought that registration was going to be this tough . Am very tired Maryam whispered jumping on the bed . Am going to take a shower then we can have lunch and go meet fatima Bahijah said.
Okay hurry up I also want to take a shower
Okayyy she replied and quickly ran to the bathroom.
After she had a good relaxing shower, Bahijah got dressed in a black armless jumpsuit which was very light while Maryam got dressed in a black hoodie and a leggings . They both went to the dinning room were they saw muhsin and Aliyu . Assalamualaikum they both said at the same time while taking a sit on one of the brown royal wooden chairs in the dinning area .
Bahijah served herself some fried rice with chicken and salad and a chilled zobo juice , she didn’t waste any time and started digging in because she was very hungry . Woww!! Who could have thought that angel is a foodie Aliyu gasped.
Am not a foodie Bahijah replied am just hungry that all.
Really are you sure Bahijoo muhsin said in a childish voice while grinning from ear to ear .
Ya muhsin!!!!  She said while pouting stop teasing me.
Okay girls why don’t you finish eating and take a nap then we can all go out for ice cream Aliyu offered . Okay I will also go and call Fatima .

He was seated on a couch in his penthouse watching a football match when he heard his phone ringing he quickly picked the call when he saw the name on the screen.
Assalamualaikum pa he salamed
Waalaikumusalam my son , how are you doing Alhaji Ahamd asked
Allahamdullilah he replied
I hope you haven’t forgot about the dinner tonight I don’t want you to miss it
Insha Allah pa am on my way Adam said .
Okay I will be waiting don't be late .
One of the things, Adam hated in his life was family dinner which was like their every weekend ceremony. His father’s wife will dress up in expensive lace and jewelry. The dinner was always a nightmare with his step mom complaining about things , her spoilt son throwing daggers at him and her niece always looking for an opportunity to flirt with him. He always had an excuse to ditch the dinner but today he was going to attend it because of his pa.
Adam got dressed in a white Polo shirt and a black trouser , he took his car keys and left the penthouse .
The house was busy with house helps going up and down preparing for the dinner today Adam walked majestically to his room when he was done responding to the house helps  greetings. The dinner was at 8 o’clock and it was just 7:30 . He wanted to be on his own before the dinner starts.
Excuse me sir, Alhaji junior !! Sarah called pulling a drowning Adam out of his thoughts. Your father asked me to call you it’s time for the dinner .
Okay , I will be there in a minute he replied.

The dinning hall was a modern dinning hall which screamed richness . It had a huge family size Italian dinning table . He was the only one absent . He sat on his permanent seat which was next to his pa's . Who was seated on the master chair. Good evening pa he greeted
Good evening my son Alhaji Ahamd replied
Adam turned his gaze to his step mom who was dressed in a purple Swiss lace. Good evening hajiya he greeted .
Evening she replied nonchalantly
He turned his gaze to farouk who was seated next to him , dressed in a blue shirt . Hello Adam farouk said with a dirty smirk on his face . Sannu Adam replied with a frown on his on his face . Good evening ya Adam , he heard Sadiya’s flirty voice who was facing him dressed in a black offshoulder dress. He looked up fixing his gaze and look back at the ceramic plate in front of him.  They eat the fancy dishes that were served to the them by the maids that were dressed in a black and white uniform . It took like forever before he heard his father’s voice , farouk now that you are done with school what are your plans . Alhaji Ahamd said waiting for his stepson 's reply.
Nothing sir, farouk replied.
Okay you should start parking your bags because you are going to join my cement company in Lagos , I have already talked to the manager .
What!!! Adam heard hajiya Asmau voice he looked up and saw her throwing daggers at his pa. Alhaji Ahamd fixed his gaze at his wife , any problem hajiya he asked .
Nothing Alhaji , hajiya Asmau said trying to fake a smile . But Alhaji why must he go there I mean he can work with Adam . Adam quickly looked up facing his stepmother with a frown on his face.
Am sorry , hajiya but we don’t have any job vacancy . So I don’t think he is needed here Adam said with a smirk.  Hajiya Asmau frowned when she registered what Adam was saying.
Adam is right Asmau , and besides it will be better for him to start from there. So that I can know how serious he is .
Thank you sir I promise I won’t disappoint you. Farouk said

Hajiya Asmau was seated on the edge of her bed . She took her phone from her bed side drawer and called her son  .
Farouk leave what ever you are doing and come to my room right now, any problem hajiya farouk asked when he heard his mother voice .
I don’t have the time for you questions , I want to see you right now.
Am on my way hajiya.

What is the problem hajiya farouk asked when he stepped inside the room and saw his mother standing with a frown on his face .
I can’t believe this , how can Alhaji do this to me. We can’t achieve our goal if Alhaji will send you to one of his companies. You have to stay close to Adam so that we can have all of Alhaji properties .
Hajiya you don’t need to worry about that am not going to stay there for a long time , we need to wait for the right time before we can achieve our goal. You have to be patient , I have an excellent plan but we need to wait . But first I need to work hard so that I can win Alhaji's trust.
You are right my son , Maybe I was just over reacting .
You can go I will see you in the morning , I need some rest hajiya Asmau said

Assalamualaikum  guys
Happy Ramadan
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