chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Trust.  The most important thing in a relationship , trust is something that two people in a relationship build together. Trusting someone means that you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. “ Does this mean that his wife doesn’t have any confidence in him and she doesn’t feel safe with him?” Adam has never felt so hurt and hopeless before, it hurts to know that his wife doesn’t trust him . TRUST is the foundation for any relationship, without it the relationship will be shaky and will eventually fail. Does this mean that his relationship with his wife is failing ? Last night was the worst night in his life, he came back home early with the hope of spending some beautiful time with his wife but instead he got the worst heartbreak ever. TRUST is more important than love , love only reflects our ability to trust others,  We trust in order to be trusted.”what is the meaning of their relationship when his wife doesn’t trust him?” partners who don’t trust can’t feel secure , their relationship will experience many emotional highs and lows and that was something Adam wasn’t ready to face. Lack of trust is the main reason relationship fall apart because if you don’t have trust it means you won’t feel secure that your partner will love you and be loyal to you and Adam wasn’t ready to give up on his marriage. He gently closed his eyes as he tapped his fingers in the desk, he slowly opened his eyes fixing his sight on his MacBook he wasn’t concentrating on what he was doing , how could he  !
When his relationship was going through a hard time, he gently stood up from his chair and walked to the window. The interior design of his office got renovated Last week, the office room now looked brighter and more elegant with a theme of black and white giving it a classy and luxurious look. The desk was a black circular mahogany vintage Italian desk , the interior design screams power and richness. He stood by the window gazing at the busy streets of Abuja , the busy streets was filled with private cars and taxis moving around . The sun was shining brightly as the weather today was not friendly. He was pulled out of his thoughts when a knock came from the doorstep. Come in he said.
Sorry for disturbing you Mr Dikko , his secretary's voice erupted from the doorstep , your wife is here should I let her in .
What!!! He gasped when he registered what she said.
Excuse me sir , she said surprised by her boss's expression.
Sorry , he apologized, let her in . He replied.
“ assalamualaikum” he heard the warm velvet voice that always makes his heart racing and his body restless he turned fixing his gaze on his wife . she was dressed in a black fitted gown , the gown was slightly tight making her curves erupt through the dress, she wasn’t wearing any makeup just a little lipgloss.
“why are you wearing this dress ? ” Adam asked clenching his fist.
You didn’t answered my Salam. Bahijah said in a low tune .
Waalaikumusalam, why are you wearing that dress? He asked for the second time. Can’t you see that it’s too tight.
It’s not that bad . She replied as she walked towards his direction engulfing him into a tight hug placing her head on his chest.
Are you okay? He asked in a deep voice .
“ Am sorry ” she said in a low tone as tears rolled down her cheeks, each sob felt like a dagger piercing through his heart and he felt helpless , her tears soaked through his shirt and tore his heart and at that moment Adam knew he was ready to do anything and give up anything for her . I know you are angry with me and sorry I shouldn’t have accused you like that without any concrete reason. Am so sorry , please forgive me. She apologized in a symphonic tune .
Come with me he said as he grabbed her hand and walked to the couch on the side of the office room. Sit down he said
Am not angry , he said like I said in the morning , am just disappointed . I thought you trusted me but I guess I was wrong. He started I don’t even have the right to be disappoint , I mean you don’t love me and how can you trust someone you don’t love that’s impossible right .
“ I love you ” she uttered , I was just jealous.
You don’t love me Bahijah please don’t say does words when you don’t mean them don’t play with my heart , I can’t take it. He said in a serious tune .
I am not joking, am serious . She replied .
You don’t love me because if you don’t trust someone, how can you love them? Trust precedes love , we can only truly love someone that we can trust. Trust is the sense of security that allows both parties to expose themselves fullly without any judgement or fear. He stated
Am sorry , I really love you , I was just jealous. She said trying to stifle her tears.
Bahijah, you should have trusted me that is what husband and wife do they trust each other, it is the foundation of a relationship.
Adam , am sorry she murmured
It’s okay , am just hurt that my wife doesn’t trust me one little bit and jumps into conclusions without any reason . He said disappointment lacing his voice.
I told you , am sorry . She said
And I said it’s okay and lets forget about it , I don’t want to talk about it anymore . I love you and I don’t like it when you jump into conclusions like that, if you want us to make this marriage work you need to learn how to trust me because we can’t make this marriage work if you don’t trust me he uttered wrapping his arms around her waist.
I know and am learning believe me, I promise it won’t happen again . I will never accuse you like that. She murmured.
It’s okay my love ,he said as he gently wipe off her tears with his thumb,  now tell me what are you doing here? he asked
I just came to say sorry and then maybe we can go out for lunch together . She replied.
Well that’s a good idea, he smirked as his lips met her's the kiss was different , she kissed him back showing him that she trusted him like she said and what ever she hears or sees will not change anything between them. Adam slowly pulled out caressing her cheeks with his thumb . Just give me five minutes and I will be done he said as he stood up and walked to his desk.


The atmosphere in the car was warm and silent as Adam drove to their destination, Bahijah looked through the window gazing at the tall trees , it was an isolated area with only a few cars on the road. Where are we going to ? She asked I thought we were going to one of your restaurants.
Nop, we are going to a diner owned by someone very close to me . He replied
And who is she ?
She is like a mother to me . He smiled.
We are here , he announced thirty minutes later . The diner wasn’t like all the luxurious restaurants she has visited with Adam, it was different and more welcoming. Let’s go he said grabbing her hand as the walked inside the diner. The diner was filled with different types of people, from oldies, to couples and families , an elderly lady dressed in a blue faded wrapper and a red hijab was serving all the costumers . A beautiful smile erupted on her face when she saw them, Adam ! She called as she walked towards their direction . Is that you ? She asked.
It’s me goggo , Ina yini . He greeted
Lafiya lau , why are you standing there come in and have a sit . She said as she led the way . They settled on a table close to the window.
And who is this beautiful lady with you ? The elderly lady asked
She’s my wife he replied , Bahijah this is Goggo and Goggo , this is my wife Bahijah. He introduced.
Ina yini , Bahijah greeted
Lafiya lau yata , you are very beautiful Masha Allah. Goggo smiled
Thank you . She blushed
Ohh , you don’t need to thank me , now tell me how did you get married to this naughty boy , did he cast a spell on you . She teased .
No Goggo , I didn’t cast any spell on her , she married me because she loves me . Adam stated . Now enough of the chit chat , I came here to eat and am very hungry right now so go and get me something to eat .
Okay, my boy just give me ten minutes , she replied . What do you want to eat Bahijah?
What he wants to eat . She replied
Well that’s a good choice , I know you will like it . Goggo said as she walked to the kitchen. She later came back with two plate of waina and miyan taushe. After they were done with their food , Goggo took her to the kitchen where she met three elderly ladies and a young teenage girl whose name was sa'ade. They had a little chit chat where Bahijah found out that Goggo' s husband was Adam’s driver when he was a kid . Goggo' s husband died when Adam was sixteen and after his death Adam built the diner gave it to Goggo when she refused to collect any money from him.
I like Goggo , she is a nice lady . Bahijah said gazing at Adam who was driving.
Yes, she is a nice lady am glad you had fun . He replied
Are we going home? She asked
Nop , I want you to see something . He replied as he pulled the car in an isolated farm. Lets go he said . Adam entwined their hands as they walked inside the farm , they stopped at a beautiful lake which was docorated with flowers around it, they slowly sat on the floor fixing their gaze on the blue sea. This is my favorite place , Adam said. It’s peaceful and quiet he smiled.
It is indeed beautiful . She replied
You know whenever I have any problem I always come here , I just love the place .he said in a low tone. I know I said I don’t want us to talk about what happened yesterday , but still I need you to trust me I will never break your trust I promise that, I want us to make this relationship work and for that to happen I need you to trust me . He uttered as they looked into each other’s eyes , Bahijah could see the honesty and sincerity in his eyes. His eyes are just like the ocean deep and wide, one of the things that makes him attractive are his eyes , he  has the most expressive and beautiful eyes and Bahijah loves to look at them.
I promise it won’t happen again , I promise to always trust you no matter what. She murmured. The environment went silent for a while as the sun had begun to fall , casting a reddish orange shadow on the sea , they stayed like that Bahijah got comfortable in his arms and watched as the sun goes down. She felt the breeze kissing her skin and Adam’s arm wrapped around her made her feel warm, everything around them felt so real . It was like too good to be true. She was ready to make this relationship work. she was ready to give it her strength and trust because love is a rollercoaster of emotions , it is a journey of strength and trust. True love is about trusting each other , it’s about making sacrifices for each other’s happiness and well-being . It is about compassion and equanimity , it’s about offering joy and happiness and true love never does it only grows stronger.

hello guys
so how was the chapter
If I was to name the chapter I will name it trust .

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Maryamerhbello ♥️

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