chapter 28

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Chapter 28

48th hours  had passed since bahijah went missing , the mansion was very silent as the atmosphere was tensed . The mansion was surrounded by security agents and police officers, the entire city had become more security conscious. A body of water was formed inside Adam’s eyes , the deed had been done . His wife has been kidnapped and he couldn’t do anything about it, tears rolled down his cheeks as the whole event was been replayed in his head. He had went to the restroom to check on her but instead he found her clutch with a paper attached to it.

Wait for our call

Those four words burned his soul , it felt like his whole world was snatched away from him. Those words made him feel so useless , his wife was taken by some unknown people and he couldn’t stop them, he wasn’t there to save his precious gem. They even had the guts to command him. And now it’s been 48th hours since the took her, he was tired of listening to the nonsense the police were feeding him. He was tired of waiting for the stupid call. Adam , his Pa’s tensed voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
What’s the problem pa, he murmured fixing his gaze on the ceiling.
Have you told her parents ? Alhaji Ahmed asked.
Adam averted his gaze from the ceiling and looked at his father , “ No I haven’t, I can’t” he said in a low tone shaking his head.
You have to , she is their daughter and they have the right to know. Alhaji Ahmed reasoned.
Adam, your father is right . Hajiya Asmau said sitting next to him placing her hand on his shoulder.
We need to tell them about the kidnapping. She stated if you can’t tell them then give me their contact , I can call them .
Okay, do whatever you want to do , I just want to be alone . he said getting up from the couch as  walked out of the living .
The light in the hallway were dim , you could see his shadow on the sparkling clean floor as he walked to his room. The hallway was silent only the sound of his shoes clacking against the floor. Adam slowly pushed the door and walked inside the room , everything reminded him about her , the image of her face appeared in his mind. Her beautiful smile, her laughter that sounded like music in his ears. Her melodic voice that always makes him happy, her warm touch and that shade of pink that always appears on her cheeks when she blushed. The whole room smelled like her. What if she doesn’t comes back ?
No , he uttered shaking his head . That can’t be possible, he wouldn’t let that happen. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. She’s his wife, it’s his responsibility to protect her and he is going to do anything to save her .
Adam tensed when he heard his phone ringing . Finally!! He sighed
Hello , a familiar female voice erupt from the other side of the call.
What the hell do you want Sadiya, he yelled.
Adam, I need to talk to you about something very important. Sadiya uttered in a very tensed voice.
I don’t have time for you nonsense and stupidity. He replied.
“Believe me , it’s very important and it’s about Bahijah’s kidnapping .”
“ What are you talking about”
I know who is responsible for her kidnapping but I can’t tell you through the phone, I need you to meet me somewhere far away from home and don't tell anyone .
“Okay, I will be there in 40 minutes and mind you this…”he paused “better be important”

Greed, ,A five letter word that destroys the soul of humanity like a great cancer. Hajiya Asmau' s soul and morals has been destroyed by this five letter words . She has already been wasted by the heat of greediness which has made her develop some bad traits such as selfishness , anger, jealousy and unhealthy competition. Bahijah was sitting in a corner locked in a small room which looked like a cell , her knees bent over as she wrapped her arms around her legs, tears rolling down her cheeks .
What if I don't get out of here
Is this the end
It seems like hajiya Asmau is ready to do things which are likely to be impossible because of money. Her greed for wealth and power has reach a petrifying level where she is ready to do anything , as long as she can get what she wants.
What are you thinking about sunshine . Farouk’s deep husky voice reached her earlobe . “ Stop wasting your tears”.
“ What am I thinking about ” she chuckled. I am thinking about your mother’s downfall, she replied spitting on his face. And before she could say anything else a hand smacked her on her cheeks.
“ Who do you think you are” farouk yelled, “ just because I care about you mean you can do anything like that to me”
Bahijah laughed at his words as the sound of her laughter filled the atmosphere. “You care about me” Are you serious!!
If you care about me, you wouldn’t have kidnapped me. She glared at him.
“ How many times do you want me to tell you this ” he rolled his eyes. “ you are just a pawn in the game and nothing is going to happen to you”
“ I don’t care”
Farouk!! A musculine voice erupt from the doorstep.
“ What is the problem” he asked annoyingly.
“I have a message from your mother”
What’s the message”
You should get the hostage ready for the video. The man replied.
What video? Bahijah asked.
A video we have to send to your husband and my darling stepfather, he smirked. We have to convince them that you are alive and healthy. Follow me farouk said.
I am not going anywhere with you . She replied.
Well, you clearly said you don’t want me to touch you , so I will advise you to just follow my orders. He warned
Once farouk saw that his words have sunk in , he smiled once again.
Follow me , he lead the way as they walked down the familiar hallway.
“ As a measure of proof and to show the Dikkos that we are serious, I came up with the idea of making a video of you sending a message to your husband and father in law. You are going to assure him that you are perfectly alright and we are also taking good care of you.”
Bahijah rolled her eyes at the last part, Are you serious!
Farouk smirked and ignored her . “ You are also going to explain what we want and also our conditions, there you can say whatever you want to say to your lovely husband.” Are you ready ? He asked playing with the gun he’s holding and bahijah got the hint that now is not the time for braveness and acting like a hero.
Okay. She sighed.
“ Take a seat” farouk says as he pulls a chair facing the camera and moves far away from her. Bahijah felt nervous, what was she going to say, what if something goes wrong and farouk uses his gun on her.
I can't die. Am not ready for this.
“I can’t do this ” she yelled.
Shut up bahijah  and face the camera. He uttered in a warning tune . Just do what you were told to do. 3 2 1 go.
A green light flashes as a strange sound echo’s in the room , farouk waved giving her a sign to speak.
“ Adam, how are you doing , it’s been 48hrs . So I know by now you have figured out that I have been kidnapped, unfortunately I can’t tell you who is responsible for the kidnapping , am…. ” emotions filled her voice , her voice was cracking as tears filled her eyes . She closed her eyes for a moment as tears rolled down her cheeks. A sigh escaped from her lips as she continued. “ I can only tell you about their demands , it’s not me they want, it’s you and they will only release me when you surrender yourself to them. You don’t need to worry about me, am okay.” The camera went off and clapping begins.
Bravo sunshine, you were amazing. Farouk smiled. You were perfect , now if you will excuse me I have to send this video to your husband and that guy over there…, he pointed , will escort you to your room. “ And you know what sunshine, I am proud of you ” he grinned and walked out of room.
This way hajiya , the guy who farouk pointed said as he lead the way .

The  sun has started to set , Adam was already tensed as he drove to the café Sadiya told him to meet her .
What is she going to say to me? What does she knows about the kidnapping?
Adam hoped this wasn’t one of her stupid games because he wasn’t ready for any of her shenanigans. He is already stressed about the kidnapping and the worst part is he can’t do anything about it. Right now he doesn’t need anymore problems.
Adam turned into the direction of the gate as he drove in with lot of anger and speed . He quickly got down and walked into the café.
The café wasn’t very crowded, it was a small yet magnificent place . Sadiya was sitting in a corner next to the window dressed in a red top and white pants.
“ What do you know about my wife's kidnapping” he asked straight to the point.
“ Have a seat” she gestured in a low tone.
Adam slowly settled on the chair next to her.
“Adam I know you don’t like me but…”
“ Just go straight to the point” he glared at her.
Okay, she said scratching the back of her neck as she looked around the café avoiding making any eye contact with Adam. She cleared her throat before she turned to face him properly. “ I don’t know how you are going to take this considering our history, but believe me, am not going to lie to you.”
“ What do you know about my wife’s kidnapping” Adam asked for the second time with an annoying expression on his face.
“ My aunt is responsible for the kidnapping “
What! Adam just stared at her in complete shock. “ What the hell are you talking about!!!” he yelled.
“ Believe me am not lying , I will never lie about something like this. Her and her son are the ones who kidnapped your wife”
“ And how do you expect me to believe you” he chuckled . “ why will she do something like that, you are the one who has a reason to kidnap my wife. He stated with a disgusting look slamming his fist on the table which got the attention of the customers and employees in the café.
“ l know I hate your wife and yes I still don’t like her but…” she paused, I love you and I can’t watch my aunt kill you. She uttered as tears rolled down her cheeks.
What do you mean? Adam asked he was confused why will hajiya Asmau kidnap his wife and what did she meant about his aunt killing him.
“My aunt kidnapped  Bahijah so that she can use her and blackmail you to transfer your father’s property to her name”
Are you mad!!
Believe me, am okay . She said with a sympathetic look . “ She has been planning this for a long time , maybe before she even got married to your father”
But why will she kidnap bahijah ? Adam leaned forward entwining his fingers.
“The initial plan was to make farouk gain your trust and then make you sign the documents but you know how foolish he is ” she chuckled “ he couldn’t even gain your father’s trust”
“ So that why she changed the plan and kidnap bahijah? ” Adam asked shocked by his stepmother's act.
Yap, and use her to make you sign the documents. Sadiya murmured shaking her head.
“ But how…” Adam paused when he heard a message alert from his phone.
Who is it? Sadiya asked
An unknown contact and it’s a video. He replied nonchalantly.

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