chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Night fell quickly or maybe it was due to the fact that , she spent her whole day, touring around Venice with her husband . Bahijah looked up gazing at the sky as the moon glowed full and bright making the beach look more breathtaking than it is and the sound of ocean waves crashing against the beach. The sea is the perfection of blue and aqua mixed together sparkling underneath the brightness of the moon as the star twinkled left and right, but among all of them was one particular star which was different and also the brightest .
A penny for your thoughts , his husky voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he laid on the sand next to her.
Just a penny. She pouted
Okay , a dollar for your thoughts . He chuckled.
Am just gazing at the beauty of nature. She replied. Is there anything more beautiful than the beauty of nature, just look at the stars I love how they twinkle. She smiled
Can you see that star, the one next to the moon. That’s you and I am the moon.
What do you mean . She asked.
There are more than a thousand stars in the sky but that particular star is different from them all and it’s more close to the moon, that how you are in my life . You are different from all the girls in the world, you are the most beautiful and the brightest and you will always be by my side just like how that star is always together with the moon. You are the most beautiful gem in my world, the girl that stole my heart at first sight.
It felt like time has stopped as her gaze met with his, she was flabbergasted as the rate of her heartbeats increased. She could feel the sincerity and honesty in his voice. She was out of words , she couldn’t find the right words to express her feels, it was a different and pleasant feeling , it was new and she was ready to experience it. A beautiful smile erupt on her face as her lips touched his, lightly at first , gently and then the kiss went deeper. It was a passionate kiss which held so much sincerity , love and promises as the stars twinkled in the sky , the sparkling water danced as seagulls fly around the water. It was a kiss under the light of a thousand stars , as the stars were witnesses of their love. His hand found it way to her blushing cheek as he drew back looking at her. The smell of his cologne drove her hormones even crazier than they were  she wasn't sure about what the future holds but she knows she was going to enjoy the moment and give it her all . This was really an unplanned future , throughout the last five years she had designed and painted her future with Aliyu and here she was with a different man sitting in a beach and that man is her husband . This is truly a twist of fate.

So, where are we going to visit today. Bahijah asked gazing at her husband who was sitting next to her in the car.
“ the bridge of sighs” and then we will visit a good friend of mine Nicolas , he is Italian .we met in college and he lives here with his mother and sister . I promise his mother I will visit, you don’t need to worry they are very nice people and I know you will like his sister , Isabella. He stated wrapping his arm around her waist.
Okay. She replied as she avert her eyes to the window, they were in a less busy part of the city and Bahijah couldn’t help but admire the beauty the country had to offer . Green grass and the light grey clouds that covered the blue of the sky made the picture look breathtaking , nature is really beautiful.  “Venice is really a beautiful city , am going to miss the city when we leave especially our beach house” she grinned.
Well, we can visit on holidays or when am free.
When are we going back home . She asked
You are really funny you know, he chuckled. You were just saying you  you will miss Venice when we leave and now you are asking when are we going to leave. Wow!
I know , but still I want to know when are we going back to Nigeria. She uttered entwining their hands.
We are just going to spend a week here then we will be going back, I have a lot of responsibilities , I can’t leave my work for more than a week .
You can't leave your work for more than a week or you don’t want to leave your work for more than a week. She rolled her eyes.
Okay, I don’t want to leave my work for more than a week. He admitted. I can’t leave my assistant alone to handle everything , I need to be there especially now that pa is getting older and will soon retire. I need to be there to monitor everything.
Just admitted that my husband is a workaholic . She stated.
Okay, as you say. He replied nonchalantly. The car pulled on a park. Thank you Raphael, you can come pick us up in the next hours, Adam said as they stepped out of the car, let’s go he said as he lead the way. Bahijah was in awe when she saw exterior of the bridge, it wasn’t an ordinary bridge but a beautiful ancient bridge. The bridge wasn’t too crowded just some tourists here and there. The bridge was highly ornamental , it was built with white limestone with lattice- like screens covering two rectangular windows. It was one of the most beautiful landmarks Bahijah had seen in Venice.
Wow, this bridge is beautiful . She stated.
It’s know as poute dei sospiri in Italian , he started it’s also one of the most famous bridge in the world . That’s the front bridge , he pointed, it passes over the Rio di Palazzo and connects the new prison to the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s palace.
So are you saying that, this bridge can lead us to the Doge’s palace.
Yes, but we can’t pass through there, it’s not allowed.
“ It was designed by Antonio Contino, whose uncle Antonio da ponte designed the Rialto bridge. The bridge was built in 1960. It also said that prisoners long ago would have crossed this bridge on their way to a lifetime of incarceration, getting one glimpse of the outside world and that’s where the bridge gots it’s name, from the sighs of prisoners.”
Come with me, I want you to see something , He uttered as he grabbed her hand . Bahijah gasped when she saw the shadow of the sunset on the water.
Wow!! This is amazing . She grinned. The sunset on the water gave the water a breathtaking look, it also created a romantic atmosphere.
Now, this is what I love the most about the bridge of sighs, he whispered into her earlobe. “ I guess this is one of the things the prisoners try to get a glimpse of before they are dragged into prison for the rest of their lives.”
Wow, this is really a romantic sight , no wonder this bridge is now a symbol of romance in the modern era.
Yeah, you are right about that. “ I fell in love with it the first time I saw it”.
What! I thought you love me. She pouted.
Ofcourse I love you,  he chuckled. you don’t need to be jealous . You are far more beautiful than this bridge and anything in this world. You know whenever I look at your beautiful face , you always remind me about how great Allah is , because only Allah can make such a beautiful creature and my heart always smiles and my eyes shines when l remember that you are mine , only mine. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. Bahijah closed her eyes as the wind blew faster making the atmosphere more chilly and romantic, it felt nice to have his arms around her , she found herself falling in love with the moment.
The spent almost half an hour , enjoying the beautiful weather and the breathtaking sight of the bridge of sighs, and then they walked to a nearby market. They walked through the streets, walking in and out of random shops , the market was filled with traditional clothes and items, different kind of jewelries , local food and items, Bahijah had never seen. The only bad part about the market was that only few could speak English, most of the traders only know how to communicate in Italian. Bahijah had no idea what to buy until a beautiful bracelet caught her eyes, it was made of blue thread and in the center was a white bead with two small pink beads on each side. She felt a strong attraction to them. An elderly lady standing behind the table , which was filled with jewelries. Her blonde hair was slightly turning grey . She was dressed in a purple faded gown, when she saw Bahijah looking at the bracelet, a smiled appeared on her face.
“ Ti piace ” she said in Italian.
She’s asking if you like them. Adam translated.
Yes, it’s beautiful. She replied.
Si ci piacerebbe comprarlo ( yes we will like to buy it) .
The lady picked up another bracelet , which was identical to the one Bahijah saw and handed both to Adam.
What is she saying , she asked.
She said, it’s a good luck charm couple bracelet. It strengthens the love between a couple.
Wow, she chuckled. Do you believe in it?
Nop, but we are still going to buy it. He replied nonchalantly. Adam spoke to her again then he dug into his pocket and handed her some Euros . They lady smiled and gave him the two matching bracelets. Hai una moglie bellissima ( you have a beautiful wife ) the lady smiled.
Grazie ( Thank you ) he replied politely.
Raphael came back to pick them up an hour later. So where are we going next. My friend’s house, remember I told you I promised his mom that I will visit.
Okay, I hope his family is nice.
They are very good people sweetheart , believe me you will like them. He uttered.
Okay. She replied.
The house was a typical Italian style estate, with large rectangular windows. It was a fairly modern and beautiful former.
Your friend's house is beautiful . She said as they walked to the entrance of the house. The estate was beautifully decorated with flowers and plants . It was indeed an Italian beauty, it was pretty dark as night had fallen, the stars were twinkling adding to the beauty of the estate. The air was a little chilly but nothing Bahijah couldn’t handle, she was lost in the beauty of the estate. They were welcomed by the butler whose name is Antonio. The butler led them to a beautiful modern Italian living room.
“ Have a sit , Mr aresco and his mom will be here in a minute, the butler said walking out of the room.
Lets sit down they will be here in a sec, Adam said as they sat on the white Italian couch.
“ Who do we have here today” a musculine voice with a heavy Italian accent erupted from the doorstep. Bahijah avert her eyes to the doorstep fixing her gaze on the young man . Nicolas , Adam called engulfing Nicholas into a hug.
I can’t believe you are here, when was the last time I saw you. Nicolas grinned.
Stop exaggerating, we met in Spain last year remember . Adam uttered rolling his eyes.
Now, who is this beautiful lady here. Nicolas said gazing at Bahijah with a flirty smile.
She’s my wife and don’t you dare flirt with her. Adam replied in a warning tone wrapping his arms around her waist.
Well, khalid told me you got married but he didn’t tell me that you got married to a goddess. He smirked. Hello bellissima, am Nicholas Aresco, I can’t believe a beautiful lady like you got married to this idiot. He stated.
Hello to you too , it’s nice meeting you and my husband is not an idiot . She replied placing a kiss on Adam cheeks.
“ Okay , even though I don’t want to say this , but am jealous ” he said in a low tone .
“ get a wife” Adam smirked. Where is your mom, he asked.
“ Am right here” an elderly female voice erupted into the room. Natasha , Adam called gazing at the blonde lady in her late forties. Adam how have you been , its been long since I last saw you. The lady smiled.
Amazing, he replied.
Well that’s good to hear, she replied. And this must be your wife she said wrapping her arms around Bahijah , Bahijah stood there awkwardly . You are very beautiful my dear. The lady said.
It’s great to meet you, ma'am . Bahijah murmured softly.
Oh call me Natasha. She said. It’s time for lunch, so lets go eat . Nicholas said as he led the way to dining room.
The dinning room itself was another beauty. The interior design of the room was golden, made of solid oak the dining table was three quarter the length of the room, it was big enough to sit twenty six guest comfortably. The chairs were designed from the same solid oak in a beautiful pattern.

Hello guys

Longest chapter so far
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Maryamerhbello ♥️

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