chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Maryam!! Bahijah called
Yeah what up
Do you think it will work she asked  I mean this whole marriage thing , am scared I don’t know anything about him . Aren’t we supposed to know each other then fall in love after that we can get married .
Bahijah you don’t need to be in love before getting married , you know this whole relationship thing before getting married is actually Haram , and I believe that to be in love with someone you need to know him better , you need to know each other's weakness , flaws before you can say that you are in love and true love starts after nikkah. Maryam replied
I love you you know , I don’t know what will I do without you . Bahijah said giving Maryam a tight hug .
Maryam has been her best friend since nursery School , they are a crazy pair that she knows , but if she were to live a thousand lives, she will always choice her as her best friend. She has always been there for her in her brightest and darkest days. She knows she will always be there for her no matter what . Allahamdullilah Bahijah whispered.

“Assalamualaikum” !! They heard hajjo's voice from the doorstep.
Waalaikumusalam come in hajjo Maryam replied
“Bahijah mommy said I should inform you that your guest is here” hajjo said  .
I will be there in 2 minutes she replied


Adam! Adam!
Yes what’s the problem
I have been talking to you but you aren’t saying anything what are you thinking about Abdulaziz asked
Nothing am just… don’t worry am okay he replied .
They were sitting in the guest palour in Dr Sulieman residence , dressed in a a white kaftan and a black cap he was finally here to see his fiancee . It’s been five years since he last saw her .
Are you sure he heard his best friend voice pulling him out of his thoughts .
Yes  !!
“ assalamualaikum”!   Came an female voice .
Adam looked up fixing his gaze on the doorstep he saw a  middle age woman dressed in a a brown and golden expensive lace .
Waalaikumusalam they replied .
This most be my mother in law Adam thought
Ina yini he greeted squatting down a little bit to show some respect.
Lafiya lau  , how have you been ? Hajiya Aisha asked .
Allahamdullilah he replied
Ina yini aunty Abdulaziz finally decided to announce his presence.
Lafiya lau Abdul how is your mom?
She’s doing good ma.
Minutes later a maid appeared with some refreshments . Feel free and have some refreshments , Bahijah will be here in some minutes hajiya Aisha said walking out of the room.

Maryam ! “ lets go together , I will feel free when I see you there ” Bahijah plead
Bahijah I don’t think it’s a good idea , you don’t need to worry about anything Maryam replied

Bahijah walked into the living room with her head bowed.
Assalamualaikum she mumbled as she sat on a single sitter adjacent to theirs
Waalaikumusalam Abdulaziz answered , amarya ykk he asked
Allahamdullilah  , Ina yini ya Abdulaziz she greeted
Lafiya lau , I ' m going to excuse you both Abdulaziz said and quietly left the room.
Adam looked up fixing his gaze on Bahijah memorizing every bit of her face, her long dark curly lashes almost touching her pale cheeks, her naturally pink lips . Everything about her was just so captivating, the fitted gown she was wearing looked good on her, he could see her curves.
She is not going to wears dresses like this in public when we get married he thought.
“Aren’t you going to say anything ” she said dragging him out of his thoughts as he saw a pink stain creeping over her cheeks .her deep brown eyes held a lot of secrets, and he is too eager to unravel them. A bright smile appeared on his face when he saw the bracelet he gave her as a gift five years ago on her wrist.
I like your bracelet he said
Ohh , it a gift
From who? He asked with a mischievous smile
Uhmm….. I don’t know! From an invisible friend I guess .
Ohh I can see Adam chuckled
How have you been ? He asked You look different .
Allahamdullilah , the last time you saw me I was just 16 and am a big girl now Bahijah replied fixing her gaze on him with a mischievous smile on her face .
Well I can see that , since you are going to be my wife soon Adam smirked
Can I ask you a question Bahijah asked
Yes of course feel free to ask me anything he said
Why do you want to marry me ?
Adam smiled when he heard what she said  because you are the one my heart wants , I don’t know why but whenever I see the is this odd beautiful feeling that always makes me wonder what kind of feeling is it , but I know it’s good. I want to wake up and see you by my side staring at your angelic face . I want you by my side , I want to hold you , love you . I don’t know what the future holds but I promise to always be by your side, I don’t how you feel about me but I know with time you will learn how to love me. I just need you to be there with me by my side , I won’t promise you a perfect life but I want you to know that I will always love you . Anymore questions for me he asked
Bahijah couldn’t reply back she was flabbergasted . Bahijah!! He called pulling her out of his thoughts.
Ohh I am sorry !! I don’t have anything to say  she replied
Okay then lets talk about the wedding , are you going to have any events he asked
No just a walima after daurin aure that’s all
Okay then , my aunt is going to organize a dinner party so I thought I should ask you if you are comfortable with it .
It’s okay I don’t have any problem with it Allah ya kaimu. She replied
Okay then can I have your account number
Account number !!!
Yes maybe I can assist you with the wedding preparations Adam chuckled when he saw her serious face.
“You don’t need to do that” I can ask Daddy if I need anything .
Please I insist and we will be married soon so I see no problem in that. It’s my responsibility .
Okay she replied
Thank you why don’t you send me the account details via text
I don’t have your number Bahijah smiled nervously .
Ohh am sorry let me call you then.
You have my number !!
Yes are you surprised Adam smirked
Yes she replied
Seconds later she heard her phone ringing , is this the number she asked when she saw an unknown number .
Yeah he replied so what name are you going to save the number as he asked
Ya Adam! She replied nonchalantly
What ya Adam come on love don’t you think it’s too boring , how about something cheesy we are getting married you can’t save my number like that Adam chuckled
Okay then why don’t you save it yourself Bahijah said passing the phone to him.
Okay he replied.

Bahijah chuckled when she saw the name he saved the number with “my faithful husband” , what !! my faithful husband are you serious.
Yeah am faithful love believe me he smirked.
“and funny”
Only for you babe only for you he winked. Adam chuckled when he saw a shade of pink on her cheeks . You look good when you blush he said making her to blush again . They talked for almost half an hour before he decided to leave . I will call you later before I go to expect my call he said walking out of the living room .

Bahijah woke up early the next morning, she couldn’t sleep through the night . Adam wasn’t what she expected . She still couldn’t believe that she is getting married that too to someone she barely knows, at least he loves me she thought . she got dressed and arrange the room before stepping out . It was 10 o clock in the morning the house was quiet , Mommy and Daddy have left for work and hajjo was on a leave. She was too lazy to cook so she took some cornflakes and settled down on the couch with a remote on her hand looking for a good movie to watch on DStv. She didn’t find anything interesting to watch , so she decided to watch keeping up with the Kardashians on E! . Almost at the end of the episode , Mus’ab came in and sat next to her. Hey sis he said placing her legs on his laps
Hey when are you going back to school she asked
A week after your wedding he replied
BJ he called
Ya akayi she replied
Ya muhsin called me today he said he wants you to talk to Aliyu for the last time . They will be coming today around 2 .
Mus’ab must I talk to him , I mean he knows that am going to get married do I need to talk to him
It’s just for today, he wants to talk to you for the last time before you get married .
Okay then sai yazu .


Aliyu was sitting  a chair in the garden when Bahijah walked in wearing an ankle length hijab . He turned around as he sensed her presence and smiled lovely. Bahijah walked to where he was sitting and sat on the chair opposite to his.
You look beautiful as always Aliyu said
Thank you you don’t look bad either she replied
How have you been he asked
Allahamdullilah she replied
So when is the wedding
In 2 months time . Aliyu she called am sorry we had to end up like this , I know you were serious about us , but I want you to know that it’s not my fault and I don’t have any say in it .
It’s okay Bahijah , it was already destined that we will not be together . I just wanted to see you for the last time , I want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I will always remember you and the love we shared , I don’t know if I will ever find another girl like you . I wish you success and all the happiness Life can offers. I know your future husband will love you very much and cherish you after all you’re an angel and you spread happiness wherever you go .
Thank you Aliyu for everything May Allah give you a lovely wife who will love you very much , thanks for understanding .


Hajiya Asmau  was laying on her bed in her bedroom going through some papers when she heard her son musculine voice.
Assalamualaikum hajiya farouk salamed stepping inside his mother room.
Waalaikumusalam hajiya Asmau answered
Hajiya, sadiya said you were looking for me he said sitting on the couch next to the door.
Hajiya Asmau looked at her son with a frown on her face , farouk bakajin magana this was the only chance you had to show Alhaji that you are responsible but you ruined it . Alhaji told me yesterday that the manager told him that you haven’t gone to the office for the past 2 years and whenever you are their you don’t participate in anything .
Am sorry hajiya , but am tired of going to that place duk aikin wahala ne  he replied
So what have you been doing in Lagos ! So what Peter told me is true all you have been doing there is spending time with girls and drinking alcohol , toh gashi kaja Alhaji has fired you . Now we need to change plans . Take this she said passing some papers to him. We are going to need Adam to sign it so that we can transfer the property to our name .
And how are we going to do that hajiya he asked
Don’t worry about that I will inform you when the right time comes.

Assalamualaikum guys
Don't forget to


Love you all


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