chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The wind blew faster making the atmosphere more chilly and inviting , although it used to get slightly hot some days but for some reason , the weather was pretty friendly today as it gets extremely breezy and pleasant . Bahijah looked through the window gazing at the busy road with hawkers moving here and there , the street was busy with tricycles, taxis and private vehicle even though it was a Saturday but it’s looks like a busy Monday morning . They were on their way to the Dikko Mansion and Bahijah was getting fretful as she kept her gaze on the busy streets of Abuja . As much as she didn’t want to think about it , Bahijah still wonder whether Adam’s step mom will like her or not .  “What if Ameera was right , when she said his step mom is a witch. ” a penny for your thoughts Hajiya Bahijah , his husky voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Is there any problem . He asked
Not really , am okay . She stated.
I don’t believe you . He said placing his head on her shoulder.
I don’t think I have to remain you that we are not alone, Charles  is driving . She said in a serious tone.
That’s not the answer to my question . He said nuzzling his nose in her neck as her lavender scent reached his nostrils.
I was just wondering.. she paused
Hmm go on he murmured.
What if your step mom doesn’t like me , am just scared. She voiced out in a low tone . A confuse look erupted on her face when she heard the sound of his laughter. Why are you laughing . She asked.
I just can’t believe you have being acting strangely because of hajiya Asmau' s thoughts about you. Who care whether she likes you or not when she doesn’t even like your husband.
And who told you that she doesn't like you, she rolled her eyes.
Because I know, now enough about my stepmom , we are here so let’s go . Bahijah slowly walked out of the car, she gasped when she saw the beautiful vast former. Wow , you parent's house is beautiful she stated. I know he said grabbing her hand as they walked to the entrance . Adam stabbed the doorbell twice and seconds later this door was opened by a middle aged lady dressed in a black uniform. Hello Sarah. He grinned .
Hello to you too , sir come in she said. They gently stepped inside the mansion . Sarah met my wife Bahijah, and Bahijah this is Sarah , the house keeper and also my Nanny. He stated.
Hello ma’am, it’s so meet you . Sarah grinned.
Thank you and call me Bahijah please.
Okay , your father is in the living room he has being waiting for an hour . okay thank you Sarah .
No problem sir, I will see you later . Let’s go he said entwining their hands as they stepped inside a living room which screamed richness , the interior design of living room was brown and off white . An elderly fulani man was sitting on a on of the brown sofas in the room reading a newspaper . Assalamualaikum they salamed as they sat sofa opposite to his dad’s.
Waalaikumusalam , Alhaji Ahamd replied, finally I thought you guys were not coming again he stated keeping the news paper on the coffee table next to the sofa.
Good afternoon pa, we woke up late today , and I promised you remember . Adam grinned.
Good afternoon sir, Bahijah greeted as she squat down a little bit to show some respect.
Hello my dear , please sit down and tell how are you doing . I hope this son of mine is treating well.
Am fine sir, thanks for asking.
You don’t need to be formal and don’t sir, feel free am also your father.
“ finally the latest couple in town are here” an elderly female voice erupted from the doorstep . Bahijah avert her eyes fixing her gaze on a middle aged lady dressed in a blue lace . Hajiya Asmau slowly stepped inside  the living room and sat next to her husband. Good afternoon Hajiya , Adam greeted nonchalantly.
Afternoon , Adam how have you been  she asked.
Allahamdullilah, Bahijah met my mom and hajiya, this is my wife , Bahijah.
Good afternoon Hajiya , Bahijah greeted with a smile. 
You have a beautiful wife , Adam . Welcome to the family my dear.


He was a very shy kid, he will always do his homework correctly and read hard just to impress her, Sarah murmured
What , I can’t believe he had a crush on his tutor . Bahijah chuckled I mean how is that possible she’s too old for him.
I know , but I don’t blame him miss Zainab was a very beautiful and kind lady , she always gave him chocolates when she’s here and your ten years old husband had a crush on her. He was always making paintings and drawings of her .  Always talking about her miss Zainab this, miss Zainab that. He was so crazy about her. She grinned mischievously
So what happened next , did he tell her about his feeling . Bahijah asked sipping the orange juice Sarah made. They were sitting in the kitchen island and Sarah was telling her stories about Adam’s childhood.
Well he wrote a love letter and gave it to her , but unfortunately his tutor broke his heart.
What did she say?
She told him, he was too Small for all this and she's too old for him . Do you know what your husband said?
What ? Bahijah asked as she gave Sarah a curious look.
He is going to ask God to make him grow fast and when he becomes an adult he will get married to her . Sarah chuckled.
“ What going on here ” they heard a female voice from the doorstep. Bahijah avert her gaze to the door and saw a young lady dressed in a blue dress. Who are you and what are you doing here , the lady asked as she stepped into the kitchen , giving Bahijah a curious and dirty look.
“She’s Alhaji junior's wife” Sarah said trying to ease the tension in the room.
Ohh, I can see so you are the one . She smirked rolling her eyes.
Excuse me , Bahijah murmured giving her a “ who the hell do you think you are” look.
Oh , come on don’t give that look bitch, I wonder what he saw in you that made him get married to you . She said and if looks could kill Bahijah would be in the graveyard. She took a step closer but before she could reach Bahijah, Sarah came in between them. Get out of my way if not I will make you regret it, she said as she pushed Sarah away so badly that she almost fell down and before Bahijah could register what was happening a hand smacked her on the cheeks.
You snatched him away from me and I will make sure you regret it , you just earned your self an enemy bitch. She yelled. Bahijah was dumbfounded ,she was confused she didn’t even know what was going on. “he is mine , only mine just remembered that and I promise I will make sure you regret this”.
Watch what you say to my wife! Sadiya  . A deep masculine voice erupt into the kitchen . Who gave you the right to raise your hand on my wife, Adam said as he grabbed her arm roughly and turned her towards him . Let go off me Sadiya yelled .
Who the hell do you think you are Adam yelled in her face as she was continuously trying to free herself.
What’s going on here a voice boomed from behind , hajiya Asmau walked towards Adam .
Why don’t you warn your niece to stay away from my wife, Adam yelled as he let go off Sadiya’s arm. Let’s go he said as he grabbed Bahijah’s hand and walked out of the kitchen. Where are we going Bahijah asked as they walked out of the mansion.
Home. He replied nonchalantly.


She was standing by the window , the puffy clouds covered sky like it’s scalding canvas, the dark sky decorated with stars. Even the smell of nature is so breathtaking and fresh instantly making her feel so brand new and clean in a way. She wrapped her arms around her chest , a chill ran through her spine as she felt his arms around her waist . Hey, he whispered into her earlobe making her tense. Look at me , he said as he turned her towards him, her cheeks flared up when he brought his fingers up to her face and gently ran his thumb across the bruises on her cheeks , am sorry about what happened earlier , maybe it was a bad idea to take you there . He whispered as he placed a kiss on her bruised cheeks.
It’s okay , don’t worry about it . She murmured
No it’s my fault , I promise it won’t happen again and I will make sure she pays for what she did today .
Adam, she called placing her palms on his cheeks, it’s okay you don’t need to worry about what happened and it’s not your fault . You stood up for me  . Thank you she whispered. Adam grabbed her chin making her look at him , her brown eyes filled with tears as he inched closer , placing his lips on  her's. It was a soft kiss , not  more than a gentle touch of his lips on her's but it did set her whole whole world on fire and Bahijah kissed him back.
Let’s go to bed , it pretty late and we have a trip tomorrow .
But , I need to pack . She murmured
Don’t worry about that , Easter has already done it . He said as he scooped her into his arms and dropped her on the bed , good night he murmured as he brought her to his chest.


She was sitting in a corner in her bedroom , she heaved a sorrow full sigh with a heavy heart and closed her eyes . Another set of tears stream down from the corner of her closed eyes . She still couldn’t believe it.
    She's Alhaji junior's wife
These words pierced her heart like a arrow, the man she loves is now married to someone else. How could he do that to her , he was her first love and will be her last . She can still remember the first time she met him, she was 12 and he was 16 when she came to live with her Aunt , it was a love at first sight for her . She has always tired to gain his love, always tried to impress him, how can she forget the unfortunate day she told him she loves him,  he said and she quoted . “ I don’t love you and I will never love a girl like you ” she still loves him and she is ready to fight for her love she is ready to do anything . 
“ Have you gone crazy Sadiya” . A voice boomed from the doorstep. Sadiya looked up fixing her gaze on her Aunt who was throwing daggers at her and if looks could kill sadiya will be in hell.  What were you thinking when you attacked his wife , how many times do I have to tell you to forget about him.
You expect me to forget about the man I love because of your own selfish reasons . She yelled.  You know how much I love him and yet you want me to forget about everything.
Sadiya, why don’t you understand that I am doing this for you , I don’t want you to get hurt because even if he gets married to you , you will end up being a widow because his days  are numbered. You know about my plan and I can’t let you destroy my dream because of your stupid love and the worst part of your madness is that he doesn’t even love you .
Hajiya, do you think it’s easy to forget about him !
I don’t care, he is not the only man on Earth so forget about him and move on , I can’t abandon my plan. You know Alhaji has transferred all of his properties to his only son and I need Adam's signature to transfer the property to my name, and I will make sure he is dead when he signs it so it's you better forget about him.


Maryamerhbello ♥️

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