Chapter 4

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"Dude why are you being so mopey! Let's gooooo!" Jack said as he opened my door. We just got home yesterday. I thought I would be happy to be back in Baltimore but I missed the city. Ok no, I didn't miss the city, I missed Gwen. It was weird because I didn't even know her for a full day yet I felt so attached.

As soon as I got home to Baltimore I went home and laid in my bed thinking about Gwen for the rest of the day. I didn't meet her under the best circumstances and I wish I met her in a different light, but I was just glad that I met her. Me, Alex Gaskarth hung up on a girl? I know. Weird. I couldn't take the time to contemplate anything. All I know is that she was different from any other girl.

"Just leave me alone Jack, I don't wanna do anything." I mumbled through my pillow. All that was running through my mind was seeing Gwen again. She was so mysterious, so beautiful. It was surely just my brain going all out of whack, I don't do relationships, but I just had a feeling nagging at my heart saying that she was different.

I don't try to remember the bad things, like the way her tears cascaded down her face. Or the way her makeup smeared, no, it wasn't about that. It was about the way her hair fell perfectly around her face, the way her eyes lit up when she laughed, the way her hair shined when the light hit it a certain way.

Let's face it, I was a lovesick puppy on a girl who I don't even know. I know her name and what she looks like but I know nothing about her. Her personality, little random fun facts. I found myself wanted to know everything about her.

"C'mon Alex! I wanna go out and have fun! And Zack is with Olivia and Rian is with Cassadee! C'mon! Please!" Jack pleaded. I really didn't want to do anything, because I knew I would end up drinking to much and probably pick up some girl and wake up the next morning with a headache and naked.

Normally I would have no problem with that, but right now, not at this moment. For some strange reason I felt myself wanting to be loyal to Gwen. I didn't want to betray her. What did I tell you? Lovesick puppy over here.

"Not tonight bro. I'm not feeling it." I mumbled and turned back over. He didn't seem to get the message and ripped the blankets off of me.

"This isn't like you Alex." He said suspiciously. I didn't want to tell him about Gwen yet because I was afraid that he would think I'm crazy. But let's face it, he was my best friend and he had the ability to read me like a book whether I liked it or not.

"Is it a girl?" He whispered as he sat down. In this situation I didn't necessarily plan my white lie, so when I hesitated to answer I knew I was caught so I just simply nodded.

"Tell me about her." He said. He moved up so that he was sitting next to me and hugged a pillow.

"I've never seen you like this over a girl. Not even Lisa so tell me about her." He said. Was I really about to spill my guts about a girl I knew for 6 hours and wanted to be with? Yes actually, I needed someone to confide in and it was only fair that I shared this with Jack.

"Her name is Gwendolyn." I started. There wasn't much that I could say about her with the little information that I have.

"She lives in the city." I continued and sighed, I couldn't keep up with the beating around the bush. If thought I was crazy after I told him, then so be it but I need to tell someone

"I met her the night you guys went home drunk, she was about to end her life. Jump off a fucking bridge Jack! So I talked her out of it and brought her back to the hotel and she didn't tell me much, it was four in the morning and we both just wanted to sleep." I started to feel really bad because I was getting to the part where I just left her there.

"Matt woke me up like 3 hours later and told me we had to go. I panicked so I tore a page out of my lyric book and wrote her a quick note." I couldn't say anymore on the subject. I didn't know how she was doing at the moment or how she felt. But I know that I felt terrible for just leaving her.

"So you fell for a girl that you haven't even know for 6 hours?" He clarified. Sadly it was true, in a matter of 6 hours I found myself growing more and more attached to her and I didn't know if she felt the same way. For god sakes I didn't even know if I would see her again.

"I've never seen you like this before. Especially over a girl! Bro you got it bad. But if she's really that special then I support it." He said and patted my back. That meant a lot coming from him, I thought that he would think I was completely out of my mind crazy, but he was actually supporting me.

"Well thank you for supporting me dude, but to be honest I don't think I'm ever seeing her again. She won't be at a show because she doesn't even know I'm in a band, she doesn't have my phone number so she can't call, let's face it, I'm never seeing her again." I said sadly. At this point I was fully convinced that I would never see her again. I was stupid to not leave my number or even tell her how to contact me. It was a stupid move on my part but what's done is done.

"Don't be like that Alex, for all you know she could magically show up at our show in the city next month. You may even run into her when we're there. There's endless possibilities, in time you'll be reunited again. Now my little lovesick puppy, I'm going to raid your beer and watch home alone." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

Maybe he was right. I just had to be patient. It would all be ok.

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