Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning feeling weirdly refreshed. I was joyous and happy. I remember falling asleep with Gwen and smiled. I loved the way that she relaxed in my embrace. When I was with Gwen I was the happiest man on the earth. It's like whenever I see her face my day just gets better. I looked to my left to see she wasn't there and almost grew sad immediately.

Is this what it felt like when I left her? If it is I feel really bad about that now because I feel terrible. Her side of the bed was cold and I just wanted to cuddle with her again. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time to see it was late. Nearly noon. I looked at her side and saw a neatly folded paper and neat script written on it.

"As much as I would like to stay in bed cuddling with you all day, I can't. I have my first day of work today. Whenever you wake up help yourself to the leftovers from last night, I have to go food shopping after work. I'll see you soon.
Xo Gwen."

I got up and opened the door and made my way down the stairs. It was an awfully big house for just one person. I'll visit a lot to make sure she isn't that lonely.

My feelings for Gwen grew more and more every day. Dare I say I love her. I just don't know how I would tell her. You can't be insincere about it but sweet. The candle lit dinner shit. Grab the girls hand and confess your undying love. To this day it surprises me that I have extremely strong feelings for one girl and not multiple.

The house wasn't fairly unpacked yet, so there were a lot of boxes around that I found myself drifting towards. I know it seems bad to snoop...but the thought of it being "bad" isn't going to stop me from doing it. I may be in love but I am the same mischievous Alex Gaskarth I was before I met Gwen.

I sat on the floor and removed the tape from the box that said photos and opened it. There were tons of pictures.

Like one of her parents standing outside of a huge building with a thumbs up.

Then there was her and her mom when she was little, six or seven I would guess. Her mom was pushing her on the swing with a cell phone in between her shoulder and her ear and Gwen was smiling.

As I got deeper it seemed to go back in time. There was one where she looked smaller, around 4 and was standing next to Mickey and Minnie at Disney World. She looked so happy with her wide semi toothless smile and Mickey Mouse right next to her.

She was really adorable when she was little, not that she isn't now. Just, like, fuck she was just really goddamn adorable ok!

I shuffled over to another box labeled yearbooks and opened it. There were yearbooks from elementary school, middle school, high school. There was even one from preschool! I didn't know they had yearbooks in preschool.

I opened the first one I saw, which was a middle school one and smiled. On the first page there was a collage of pictures and in the top hand corner stood Gwen with braces and a microphone in her hand. She must've been in chorus.

The more I looked through the book the more attached I felt myself getting. I closed the book and put it back in the box.

Just as I closed it my phone started ringing and I saw it was jack. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. I had to get back sooner or later. As much as I would love to stay here and wait for Gwen to walk through the door, I couldn't. So I put my shoes on and walked back over to the house and knocked on the door since I forgot my keys.

Jack swung it open and smiled. "What happened to 10 minutes?" He said and I walked in.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I played off, when really I knew, I said I'd be home in ten minutes after I talked to Gwen because I was to shy to do it in front of the guys. Me? Shy? In front of my best friends? Yeah I don't know what's happening to me either.

"Well that 10 minutes turned into all night..was she good?" He suggested and followed me into the living room.

"We didn't have sex Jack." I said and sat on the couch. Although I wasn't against the idea...Stop it Alex! She's not even your girlfriend and you're daydreaming dirty stuff about her. I need to stop.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you don't think it." He said with a wink. I shook my head really quick and hid my face.

"You got it bad bro. So tell me..." He trailed off and studied my face. He grabbed my face and turned my head side to side, then pressed his ear to my chest.

"Do you looovvveeee Gwen." I stayed quiet and he sat up.

"That told me enough, you love her. Just face it Alex, we're over." He said and got up. I laughed and watched him wave his hips back and forth as he walked away.

He was right though, my feelings for Gwen were deep. Every time I thought about the fact that I loved her, my heart would just race. Lets face it, my heart runs marathons for her. I just head over heels for this girl and I couldn't stop it. I falling into an abyss of love. The deeper I got, the more I realized that I couldn't fucking live without this girl.

I needed to make her mine. I needed the satisfaction of knowing that that she would be mine and I would be hers. And soon enough, maybe we could live together, maybe little Alex's and Gwen's will be playing tee ball......I need to stop. I didn't even ask her out yet, I don't even have an answer of yes. For all I know she could take my heart and throw in the fucking garbage disposal, but that it wouldn't stop me from loving her.

I ran upstairs and into knocked continuously on Jack's door.

"What does a guy have to do to take a nap here." He grumbled and opened the door and smiled. "So you've finally realized your love for me and want to have makeup sex, don't even have to ask." He joked and opened the door more.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Jack but I have a better plan and I need your help setting up and making magic happen. You in?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I can certainly make magic happen." He winked. I rolled my eyes and shoved him. He nodded and went to go put pants on.

"So what're we doing?" He asked as we walked to my car. I stopped walking and faced him with a smile. "Uh oh Alex what's your plan." I shrugged and opened my car door and got in.

"Oh nothing really, we're just gonna get me the girl of my dreams." I said with a shrug. This plan was my big shot to get Gwen and I couldn't wait.

"You sneaky fuck teach me your ways."

All that was running through my mind was Gwen. Tonight, tonight would be the night that I make Gwendolyn Dahlia Holloway mine.

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