Chapter 27

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Of course I was to nice and couldn't deny him the right to speak for himself. I wasn't sure if I would even have the courage of listening before breaking down. I didn't know if I could handle it.

"There's nothing to talk about Alex." I said and sat down on the couch in the back lounge. He sighed and sat next to me, but a little to close so I scooted away. That's weird, I scooted away from my boyfriend, but not as weird as I realized the circumstances.

"There a whole lot to talk about." He countered and sat in the same spot not daring to move any closer.

"Then talk!" I yelled and put a hand over my mouth. I was never one to just yell or snap like that so my outburst surprised me. He stayed silent and looked at his hands and scratched his palm as he sighed.

"You've never yelled at me like that before." He whispered and looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes. It made me feel bad immediately and I looked away.

"I'm sorry..just talk..please." I said and looked down. I just wanted this whole "talk" over with.

"I don't remember much of anything from last night, but I swear, I would remember if I slept with someone else, you've gotta believe me Gwen I didn't sleep with that girl." He pleaded and took my hands. I sighed and pulled my hands away from his grasp and placed them in my lap.

"How am I supposed to believe that Alex, you were half naked with her." I said quietly and kept my eyes trained on the floor. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

"If it makes you feel any better, I understand because if that ever happened I wouldn't believe the other person either." What he said really got me thinking. What if it was me that woke up like that? I mean I can only imagine. Not only would I be absolutely frustrated. But I couldn't imagine having that feeling because I wasn't in his shoes.

"If you never slept with her then how did she end up in your bunk Alex?" I asked and wrapped my arms around my legs. I was at a point where I was vulnerable and the last thing I needed was for him to take advantage of that.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples almost as if he were annoyed. If he were so annoyed than why was he here. I didn't know if he was actually truly annoyed though.

"I honestly don't know, I passed out and when I woke up she was there, but I can promise I didn't fall asleep next to her." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

I didn't know what to believe anymore. I just shrugged played with my nails.

"Everything ok in here?" I looked up and saw Vic standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Um yeah, yeah, I was just leaving." Alex said and got up brushing off his pants. Vic nodded and turned around walked out and Alex turned to me.

"Before I go I'm saying this," he started and walked closer "you have my heart, you could take it smashed with a sledgehammer, metaphorically of course, but you listen to me and you listen good, my heart will always beat for you Gwen. Always. But tell me, are we done and over with?" He finished and grabbed my hands. He looked into my eyes with such sadness and love that I was overwhelmed. I didn't think I could answer the question. So I went with my heart. Not the doubts my brain was making.

"No I just think we need a little time." I said and rubbed his shoulder. "I'll see you back in Baltimore." I whispered and kissed his cheek. I pulled away and looked at the ground.

"I love you." He said as he walked out

"I know." I whispered. He sighed and walked out and Vic walked into the back lounge and stood in front of me.

"Tell me all the dirty little details." He said and put his arm around my shoulder. I laughed and shook my head.

"We didn't break up, but I told him that we needed time apart and then said I'd see him back in Baltimore." I said with a shrug.

"That was a summary not the dirty little details." He said and crossed his arms.

"He swears to himself and me that he didn't do it. I guess it was too much for me to handle because it was the anniversary of my grandmas death and I just didn't know what to expect or do. It was already a crappy day so I was thinking crappy thoughts." I said and laid my head down on his shoulder.

"Everything will work out eventually." He soothed and laid his head down on mine.

"You really think so?" I asked hopefully. All I wanted was for everything to work out. I couldn't bring myself to break up with Alex, so that had to mean something right? That maybe there really was hope for us. Well, I had hope.

"I know so." He said.

"Now get some sleep we got a long two days of warped left." He said and kissed my forehead. Vic was a really good friend, I only hoped that we could be friends for a long time.

"K, goodnight Vic." I said as I climbed into the spare bunk. He smiled and climbed into his own.

"Goodnight Gwen."

The City Comes Alive When We're Together  (An Alex Gaskarth love story)Where stories live. Discover now