Chapter 25

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Don't get me wrong, yesterday was really fun. I loved going out to dinner and just being overall part of the group, but I just wasn't feeling it today. Not only was I the only non hungover person on this bus, but today was the three year anniversary of my grandmother's death. It was just a terrible day for me all together. After we had all gotten back from dinner last night they all decided to party. So I was in my bunk all night on the edge of tears dreading the next day.

I wasn't in the city so I couldn't visit her grave like I do every year so I had to settle for the next semi best thing. Church. My grandma was always religious and I even had a couple of good memories of going to church with her so that's what I would do today.

I stayed in my bunk to get dressed and put on a nice sundress and climbed out of my bunk and kept my head down as I walked towards the bathroom. I wanted to keep it simple today so I just put on some mascara considering I'd probably be crying a lot today. I turned around and walked out and towards Alex's bunk. I needed all the comfort that I could get and he was the first person I thought of. I didn't want to be rude so I knocked on the side of the bunk and waited.

"Alex?" I called out. I assumed that he was just really out since he got really drunk last night. I felt terrible to bother him, but I really needed the comfort so I pulled open the curtain and gasped at what I saw. Right in front of me was Alex, cuddled up to another girl I didn't recognize. I could tell she only had a bra on but since they were covered in a blanket I couldn't tell if anything was underneath and I didn't want to know. I ran out of the bunk area and straight into Jack.

"Woah where you off to so fast?" He said and smiled. I didn't dare look up and pushed my way past him. I just wanted to get out of there, but no he had to grab my wrist and he had to stop me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I stayed quietly and took my hand out of his grip tightly.

"I'd like to leave please." Was all I said as I walked out. I didn't want anyone bothering me and I didn't even want the comfort anymore. I didn't think I could put my trust into someone as much I put into Alex again. On the other hand, I could be acting silly. The worst that could've happened is that they actually did sleep together, which I wasn't sure if I wanted to know at all. Then...well then...oh who am I kidding there is no bright side to this, he looked pretty cozy with her.

"Gwen!" I turned around and saw Jack running towards me. That's the thing I liked about him, he could always be pulling jokes, but once he sees that someone isn't ok and that they might be having a rough day he just becomes the most caring person.

"Look I said I wanted to be alone, I'd appreciate if you let me be." I snapped. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but my worst insecurity actually came true and Alex found someone prettier and someone more worth his time.

"I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's wrong and why you're so sad." He said. Wow he could be stubborn when he wanted to be. I felt my lips quiver and let a few tears slip and that's when I knew I wasn't getting out of this.

"He found someone prettier and worth his time, I found him cuddled up to another girl. To top all of that on top it's the anniversary of my grandmas death. It's just not a good day." I cried and collapsed into his arms. I didn't care if we were in public. I just didn't.

"Oh honey." He said and kneeled down next to me and hugged me close while rubbing my back. He didn't care that I was crying much less that he was comforting me. For just a moment I looked into his eyes and got lost. I knew it was a bad thing to do, but my brain was telling me that maybe he's the only one that cares.

"So what are we doing today?" He asked and looked at me and interrupted my thoughts.

"What?" I asked confused. I didn't think he would want to be near me after my little breakdown.

"I was going to go to a local church and pay my respects to my grandma." I whispered and stood up.

"You mean we?" He asked and stood up with me. Jack didn't seem much like one for going to church so I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny, I can go to church." He whined and walked forward.

"I didn't say anything." I said as I followed him. After about 10 minutes of walking I stopped in front of a church and sighed. It was now or never. Never sounded absolutely splendid, but I was determined to show at least some respect for my grandma. I walked in and for some strange reason I immediately felt welcome.

"Is this really what you want, I feel really outtie because I'm bound to make a really bad dick joke." Jack said and I just nodded and walked in.


The service ended about an hour ago and Jack and I were still trying to find our way out without being stopped by every person. They weren't fans, but they all thought we were a couple and kept complimenting on how cute we looked together. Considering we weren't actually together it was extremely awkward and we were determined to get out of there. But of course another woman had to stop us, she was elderly so I couldn't really help but smile at her.

"I remember when I was your age and being in love young. Keep it up, you to are so cute." She said and walked away with her husband. I couldn't keep back the tears so I cried. She reminded me so much of my grandma.

We finally made it out and walked back to the venue without interruption which I was quite happy about because I didn't think I could handle any fans attacking Jack right now.

"I just want to thank you for today Jack it means a lot to me." I said and hugged him. He was quick to hug back and laid his head on top of mine.

"Don't thank me, I'm just happy that you're getting a little better today." He said and squeezed a little more. It was great to have Jack with me and all but I didn't think that I could handle seeing Alex. It seems childish to be stubborn and not find out the truth, but I was scared to see if my suspicions were actually true.

"I can't stay here Jack."

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