Chapter 19

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Everything was so blurry. I couldn't comprehend if it was blurry or everything was just spinning. My hearing was fucked up to, my ears wouldn't stop ringing that annoying high pitched sound. It wasn't that bad gone because I could still here the screaming and the sirens. Why were people even screaming? Like jeez, then go away if you're just going to cause panic when in reality everything is fine.

I might have to get a new car though, which sucked, the whole process just bothers me, looking, finding, test drive, buying, registration, why am I thinking about cars when I just got into a car crash. Where's Gwen though? She was with me I know she was.

"Gwen." I whispered and leaned up on my elbows. What does it take to get some medical attention over here. Like really, helloooo disoriented car crash guy over here. Gosh, people can be so inconsiderate. I peeled my eyes open and saw the gray rain clouds in the sky, or was that smoke from a fire, I don't know anymore. I had to see Gwen.

"Sir." One of the EMT's said. I didn't listen I just had to make sure Gwen was alright, she had to be alright. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't.

"Gwen." I said to him. I wanted Gwen.

"Sir, please let me help you." He said as he helped me up. I immediately felt nauseous and fell back down on my knees and gagged. He bent down to my level and looked at me with concern. I didn't want his concern. I just wanted Gwen.

He took out a flashlight and shined it in my eyes "dude watch it, I can't afford to go blind." I complained and shielded my eyes. "Ow that hurts." I yelled and bent my head down to look at the ground. Only then did I see a necklace, but it wasn't just any necklace, this was Gwen's favorite locket. The clip was broken, but nothing a jewelry store can't fix. I stuffed in my pocket and kept my eyes on the ground.

"Sir from your symptoms I think you have a severe concussion, you're gonna have to ride back in ambulance with us." He tried to help me up, but I slapped his hand away. "I want Gwen." I said and looked around.

Then I saw a figure laying on the ground. It was Gwen. None of the EMT's were even near her. What the fuck, they aren't even there when you need them. This is bullshit. I crawled my way over with a struggle. Not with myself but the EMT.

"Sir don't move so much it's not good." He warned and grabbed my shoulders. I pushed them away seething with rage. "You want to fucking help someone! Then help my girlfriend laying on the ground over there." I yelled. I didn't think I had it in me. He looked surprised, taken back, but he wasn't moving.

"Sir, your girlfriend.." He trailed off and frowned and gave me the look. The look that always made me nervous. I can't stand that look.

"No she didn't." I Denied and crawled over to her more. This couldn't be happening. This isn't how it was supposed to go. Not at all. This wasn't my plan, our plan. I crawled over to her and stroked her cheek.

"Sir, she...she...I'm so sorry." He couldn't even finish it, I couldn't believe this.

I couldn't help but let my tears slip one by one. "Don't do this to me Gwen. Please." I whispered and kissed her lips. They were dry but I was hoping for at least some sort of reaction.

"DID YOU EVEN TRY!" I yelled at them but no one answered. It was useless.

"You can't die on me Gwen this wasn't our plan." I cried and laid my head on her chest.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING DON'T LET HER DIE!!" I yelled at the paramedic. He bent down and rubbed my shoulder.

"We've done everything we could, we used all forms of CPR. I'm so sorry." I cried into the paramedic shoulder and he became still at the sudden reaction.

"We have to get you to the hospital." He said. I wasn't going. I wasn't leaving Gwen's side. I would even ride in whatever car/truck she would be in. I wasn't leaving. I cried more and laid my head down on her chest. My sobs were continuous. This was horrific, I had plans with her. We've only been together for two months and I just knew I was going to marry her. I love her so much it hurts.

All of the sudden just when I was losing my own hope she started coughing. I panicked thinking it was just a reaction of something and backed up.

"Oh dear lord, there is a god." The paramedic said and crawled towards her. He was smiling and taking her pulse and checking reflexes. I didn't know what was happening.

"Wait! Wait what's happening!" I yelled and crawled towards him. She's not just pronounced dead at the scene of a car crash and then brought back to life by nothing.

"In my twenty six years of being a paramedic I've only seen this one time, it's called the Lazarus effect, or Lazarus syndrome, after resuscitation attempts and everything, she was pronounced dead, no one knows why but the decedent just starts breathing again. It's a miracle I swear." I was full blown surprised, my jaw dropped and I crawled back over to her to find her awake and looking around as if trying to remember what happened.

"We have to get you to a hospital sir." The paramedic urged and pushed me over to the ambulance truck where I would be riding, I was so surprised that I didn't realize what was happening, I was staring back at Gwen with an amused look on my face while they prepped her to take her to the hospital.

I was beginning to think that she was gone forever, I don't know what caused this sudden Lazarus effect, but oh boy was I happy. This was great. I wouldn't let her leave my side. Screw what Matt says, I'm taking her with me. I'm not letting her go again.


"Alright Alex great just follow the light with your eyes for me please." The doctor said and waved the light back and forth. I followed the light but my head hurt incredibly bad. I hissed at the pain and closed my eyes.

"Alright well the nausea, the headaches, and the sensitivity to light, it's definitely a concussion, but not as severe as the EMT said so you'll be fine. Just take it easy for a week." He said and wrote something down on his clipboard.

"Where's Gwen?" I blurted out. He looked confused and looked up.

"I'm sorry? Gwen?" He asked. I sighed in frustration and rolled my eyes despite the discomfort it caused.

"Holloway, Gwendolyn Holloway, my girlfriend where is she?" I urged and jumped off the table. I held my stomach in fear that I would throw up because the sudden movement made me nauseous.

"Believe it or not she's in the waiting room." He said matter-of-factly. I smiled and walked towards the door. More like ran. I just wanted to see Gwen and hug her and kiss her and spend as much time as I can with her. This whole experience made me realize that you really have to live life to the fullest because you never what when what you love the most will be taken away from you.

As I walked out there she was, reading a People's Magazine with a purple cast on her whole leg and crutches next to her.

She looked up when she saw me towering over her and smiled. "Hey you." I never thought that I would hear her voice again and it was music to my ears. "I love you so much." I whispered and hugged her.

"I love you to." She smiled and kissed me.

"What happened to your leg? The whole fucking thing is in a cast!" I yelled, literally from her foot up to her mid thigh was covered in a cast.

"Broke my tibia and my femur, it should be ok by the time you get back though." She explained and stood up. I felt bad, she broke basically her whole leg and I only walked away with a concussion and a couple scrapes. This would be a great story to tell the guys.

"I'm not leaving your side." I said when she pulled away. I meant it, I would either take her every where I go or stay with her all the time.

"But you have Warped." She said and rubbed my arm. I smirked and bent down so that I was eye level with her "which is why I'm taking you with me."


AN: was that cheesy? Don't remind me...I know...I'm sorry...

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