Chapter 36 part II

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I stood there breathing heavily in front of the nurse while she tried to hold me back. "Why are you not letting me go with her! Let me see her!" I yelled and tried to push past her, but with my fatigue and panic and overall tiredness, damn was she strong.

"Sir just go sit for ten minutes while we set your wife up to deliver it won't be long." She said and pushed me over to the chairs in the waiting room. I sat down and started shaking while she walked away. I didn't really care about them making the mistake of calling her my wife right now, I had bigger problems. Why wouldn't they let me see her? I needed to know that she was alright and that she would be ok.

"First time?" I heard from next to me. I didn't even realize that I was sitting next to someone. I jumped from the scare and looked at the man next to me. He looked middle aged, enough that his hair started graying and made highlights through his hair. He seemed a little old to be sitting in a pregnancy ward.

"Yeah, you?" I asked trying to make decent conversation.

He laughed and shook his head "Nooooo son, my daughter is in there giving me my first grandchild." He said and patted my knee "My baby days are over."

"Oh, congratulations." I said dimly and looked next to me to see if the nurses would walk out to tell me it's ok to go see Gwen.

"Thank you. I can tell that this is your first. Wanna know why?" He asked and leaned close to nudge my shoulder.

"Sure." I said genuinely curious

"Beet red face, panicking about being away from her, and looking at your surroundings to see when the nurse will come out. I'm not stupid son, I know what it's like," he said and leaned forward "I've gone through this process 4 times." He finished.

I swear this guy either really knew about this or was psychic. I smiled a little and nodded.

"So what's your first?" He asked.

"Girl." I said and looked him to see him smiling

"That's great! I have three daughters and one son. Boy was I blessed." He said and laughed. I could only imagine having that many kids, it was only my first and I was considering not going for another.

"I know that look. The 'oh my lord I don't know if I could do that' look. Son, it's worth it, I swear on my life." He said. The doors slid open and I saw Jack walk in, followed by Rian and Zack.

"Alex! Bro! How is she?" Rian asked as he walked up to me.

"I don't know, they haven't come out yet." Just as I said that a nurse walked through the double doors and smiled. "You can go in now Mr. Gaskarth." I stood and hesitated before turning around.

"Thanks for the talk..." I trailed off

"Phil." He finished

"Phil." I repeated and rushed towards the nurse so she could lead me to Gwen's room.

"How is she?" I asked as soon as the double doors opened. She laughed and shook her head. I didn't see what was so funny about this, I just wanted to know how Gwen was doing and if the baby was ok.

"She's perfectly fine. Don't fret. We gave her an epidural. Everything's fine." She soothed and stopped in front of a door that read 184B and opened it.

I walked in and once I saw Gwen I ran over to her and planted kisses all over her face and head and lips and she laughed.

"Hi to you too." She greeted as I took a seat next to her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and she smiled.

"I'm fine right now. Little discomfort, but I hardly feel the contractions." She said with a shrug and leaned back. Even in a hospital gown, no makeup and matted hair she still looked beautiful. She was so beautiful.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed and kissed her forehead.

"Me too." She said

For the next couple of hours it was like we weren't in a hospital room or even in a hospital at all. Except for the occasional doctor checkup every hour or so we just joked around and had fun.

It wasn't until she lurched forward crying out in pain that I became worried and shot up from the seat and went over to her side.

"Press the button! Press the button!" She panicked and handed me a remote looking thing and I pushed the button that said nurse twice and in a minute a nurse was rushing into the room.

Gwen looked angered and was about to yell at the nurse "You felt the contractions through the epidural?" She nodded quickly and the nurse ran out to go find a doctor. The heart monitor started beeping faster and faster and Gwen started crying.

"What's happening?" She whined as the doctors and nurses rushed in.

"We have to take you to the delivery room." One of the many doctors said pushed her out. I followed running with the doctors and nurses next to Gwen as she squeezed my hand.

The rushed through the doors and a nurse stopped me from going in. This is not happening again.

"Put these on." She said and handed me a pair of scrubs. I rushed to put them on over my clothes and lastly she handed me a mask. I felt like a doctor, but I knew it was for health reasons.

By the time I followed her back into the delivery room Gwen was already leaning forward keeping a grip on the rail as she squealed in pain. I ran over to her and wiped the sweat from her face as she laid down breathless.

"Ok once you feel another contraction I want you to push!" The doctor instructed. And even though he couldn't see her she nodded.

"Hey sweetheart." I whispered and rubbed her head. "You're doing great. You're doing awesome. Just a couple more pushes and our angel will be here." I soothed and she screamed in pain and leaned forward and pushed while the nurses counted to ten.

"Alright Gwen you're doing wonderful ok? Just give me one more big big push." The doctor encouraged and Gwen laid there breathing deeply.

"One more push, one more push." She whispered to herself and leaned forward screaming. She looked like she was in a lot of pain I hated seeing her like this.

Crying filled the room and she laid down crying and smiling. "Time of birth 6:48 am." The doctor said and handed the baby to a nurse who whisked her away to the other end of a room.

"You did great I'm so proud of you." I said and wiped her forehead.

The nurse came back over with a pink blanket cradling the baby that had a pink hat and smiled.

"She looks like a Mackenzie." I whispered and looked at her closer. Gwen was still crying softly and pushing the blanket down with her fingers softly to get a better look at her face.

"She's beautiful." She whispered and brushed her finger down her cheek.

"Do we have a name yet?" The nurse asked.

"Go on. You name her." She said jerked her chin in my direction. I pointed to myself and raised my eyebrows ands she nodded.

"Mackenzie. Mackenzie Lilliana." I said and looked at her smiling. She handed me the baby and I leaned over and kissed her lips.

"Go introduce her." She urged. I hesitantly walked towards the door with Kenzie and made my way out to the guys. I was walking slowly taking quick glances at my baby girl as I did.

I made it to the waiting area and the guys looked over at me with the baby.

"Never did I ever think I'd see Alex holding a baby or wearing scrubs." Zack said and got up and followed Rian and Jack. "I always thought Rian would be the first to be honest." I added and looked at Rian who was staring at Kenzie with adoration. Jack was smiling and patted me on my shoulder.

"Guys I'd like you meet Mackenzie Lilliana Gaskarth." I introduced and held her closer. Then it hit me, I was a dad.

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