Chapter 17

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You know I've always had a type of respect for Vic. We've grown close like that. He's like a role model to me. He's older by a couple years and he has good advice, great advice actually. For crying out loud we've done a song together! But in a matter of maybe thirty seconds, the respect went down the drain.

I know, I know it seems really harsh to be like that, I mean especially over an ex girlfriend. It was only because I've warned him about Sadie before.

•flashback about 4 months ago•

"Hey Alex." Sadie purred as I ran off stage. My adrenaline was still pumping and I just felt great. It was an awesome crowd back in our home town to finish tour and this was the last show.

I had no interest in Sadie, but she made it quite obvious of her interest in me, or maybe the money I had, or going as far as saying the dick in my pants.

"Are you gonna introduce me to your friend silly." She said and poked my nose. She was so annoying, like really annoying. That fucking nasally voice and plastic body that just revolted me.

"I'm sorry, um this is Vic, lead singer and rhythm guitarist for pierce the veil." I introduced. Vic was unusually quiet. Normally he would be happy to meet someone, but he was just, quiet.

"I'm Sadie." She winked. I rolled my eyes and she looked at me "anyways Sam called and were going out tonight, don't wait up." She said and walked away flipping her hair. Oh believe me, I won't be waiting up.

"Dude," Vic said and looked after her in a daze "she was hot, you're a lucky guy." He spaced out, staring at the distance where Sadie walked.

"Yeah lucky I don't have any std's." I murmured and looked at his continuing gaze. I couldn't let him be with someone like that! Vic deserves better, way better. Top of the line princess, not Sadie. I put my hands on his shoulders and spun him around, "fucking promise me you will never be into her." I said and squeezed his shoulders.

He always knew when I was being serious, and right now was one of those times. "Dude I promise."

•end of flashback•

"What the fuck bro!" I yelled and slammed my glove down on the ground. I was ready to punch him in the face "what about the promise!" I growled.

"I thought that was because you were dating her!" He yelled back and pushed Sadie behind him. She was just an inch below his height and he looked quite overprotective right now.

"I've never dated that girl once in my life, meaningless drunken hookups, it was because she's trouble." I said shouted. Gwen walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder "calm down." She whispered in my ear. Normally it would work in an instant, but not right now, no, I wanted to knock Vic the fuck out.

"You seem jealous Alex, does the fact that I can kiss her whenever I want bother you?" He sneered and walked forward. His fists continually clenched and unclenched.

"Why would I be jealous of that!" I yelled and pointed to her. She smirked and flipped me off "willing to cheat already huh? Well no thank you." I yelled and looked at Vic. His eyes had a darkened effect and his nostrils were flared just a little bit.

Everyone was eerily silent except for Gwen at my side rubbing my shoulders and Vic's heavy breathing, all of the sudden he lifted his fist slightly and gave me a really dirty look. "Do it, I dare you." I challenged. He paused and looked at me some more before taking a swing at my face.

"Oh my gosh! Alex!" I heard Gwen yell. I groaned and lifted myself up.

I wanted payback, you don't just punch someone and expect them not to punch you back. I lifted my fist and connected it with his left eye. His head snapped to the side and before the fight got any worse there was a yell behind us.

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