Chapter 14

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I had no idea how to do this. I mean how do I know which one to buy. There's organic and there's store brand. I held two apples in my hand and studied both of them to see which one I should get. There was the classic, Granny Smith, and then there was the Macintosh, you know the ones with the green patches on them. I sighed and lowered my head and accidentally hit my forehead with an apple and groaned. I was so stupid.

I looked around and sighed in relief, at least no one saw that. I took the basket and walked down the aisles where the cereal was located and picked up some surely unhealthy cereal and continued walking. Who knew that grocery shopping was this tiring? My basket is nearly full, but I was so drained, sleep would definitely be my best friend tonight.

Another perk of the struggles of grocery shopping, milk. There's never a wrong answer as to which milk to get but there so many choices and I can't choose. I sighed and picked up the whole milk and continued walking through the aisles. Maybe Alex is good at this kind of stuff. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad, spending time together and just enjoying each others company.

I need to stop. He's not even my boyfriend and I find myself thinking about him when I shouldn't. Like food shopping for example, I just thought about food shopping with Alex. Oh the joys of being in love. I guess you could call it love, I mean it's definitely there. Whenever I think of the fact that I love Alex my heart beats faster and faster.

He has my heart and I can't take it back. He could take advantage of that and break it into a million pieces and I would find myself putting it back together to give back to him, I was so head over heels for this man it hurt. I don't know why my heart and my mind chose Alex to fall for, he could get someone so much better. Prettier, funnier, skinnier, less problematic.

"Miss? Are you alright?" I snapped my head up to see a man, late 50s I would assume, looking at me with a worried expression. I looked forward and realized that I was spacing out while staring at bread. Staring at bread and thinking about Alex. I'm going somewhere in life, and it's most likely the looney bin.

"I'm fine sir, just trying to decide which bread to buy." I reasoned. Though we all know the real reason was because of the Alex. His most infamous act of stealing my heart, and maybe my sanity.

"Oh silly me, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that! You have a good day now." He said and walked away. I smiled brightly at him and threw a random package of white bread into the basket. I had to get out of here quick. I'm spacing out at bread and I must look fucking crazy.

I ran to the express line and grouped my items up. "Are you sure you have 15 items or less ma'am?" The teenage girl with the name tag Alice said blandly. Alice looked like the definition of Barbie, she had platinum pin straight blonde hair and a figure to die for. Her makeup was on flawless and she was just, beautiful.

Maybe Alex would want her over me...

"Does 16 bother you?" I asked and lined the last item up. She smacked her gum between her teeth and shrugged. "Not really. But it is a fifteen items or less checkout." She said while ringing the items up. Well she shouldn't be complaining if she's already doing it. I stood there quietly after that with my credit card in hand. I was getting really impatient, she was taking her sweet time and I just wanted to go home.

"Your total is 34.92." She said in a bored tone. I swiped my credit card and signed my name before grabbing the three bags and walked to my car. Walked, more like ran. Sitting in the comfort of my home was what was really appealing to me right now.

As I pulled up into my driveway I smiled. Home sweet home. The thought of me being the only one occupying this big house was beyond my worries right now, I was home and I was tired.

I unlocked the door and walked into a dark house. It wasn't quite spring yet so it still got dark fairly early. Then again, there were no windows in my foyer except for the door so it was just dark in general. I sighed and sat on the ground with the grocery bags, throwing my heels across the foyer. My feet hurt like a bitch and I didn't think I could even walk properly.

I put my hands down and felt something soft on the floor. The floor was linoleum. There's nothing soft about linoleum. I was still in the dark so I had no idea what it was. I picked it up and rubbed it around my index finger and thumb. It was really soft, it must've been a flower petal. Oh crap! Maybe the tulips I got from the florist are dying! I was never really good with flowers in general so this wasn't a surprise to me.

As I went to stand up I felt a piece of paper on the floor. Most likely a sticky note. This was suspicious to me. I peeled it off the floor and turned on the foyer light. In front of me was a sight for sore eyes. My whole house, littered in red petals, which I assumed were roses. Little sticky notes were stuck in a straight line leading to the kitchen. I looked down at the one in my hand and smiled. It was a little compliment.

I love the way no matter how dark your eyes seem, your eyes shine like a thousand suns.

It was really sweet and I found myself holding on to the post it while I walked forward and picked up the second one.

I love your sarcasm, your thoughts never lose my interest. You're my best interest.

I laughed and found myself keeping that post it as well. I found this all really sweet, and it made me smile like an idiot more then once in the matter of five minutes. I walked forward and found myself picking up another post it while I slowly inched closer to the kitchen.

I love how your lips are soft like a cloud, except pinker and I don't know what a cloud feels like.

That one made me laugh the most and so far I had the mind set that I was going to be keeping most of these post it's. I picked up the fourth one and smiled.

I love how you could be in a messy bun, have no makeup on with Mickey Mouse stamped all over your pjs and still look like a queen to me.

I was slowly piecing it all together. I had only ever been sarcastic with Alex. Alex was the only one who has kissed me recently, and Alex was the recent guest I've had that has seen me without makeup with pjs on. The more I thought about it, the more happy I got. If this was really Alex, then he really does reciprocate the feelings I have for him. Maybe not all of them, but some.

I inched forward to pick up the next one.

I love how my thoughts always slip to you when I'm doing something.

Well the feeling is the same. Can't even fill out paper work without thinking about Alex. Like how his day might be going, or what he might be doing. I was in deep for him. I picked up the last one and immediately felt tears prick to my eyes. It was all too much for me to stay calm about.

But most of all...I love how I love you.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a plate of spaghetti and meatballs and looked over to the fridge where another sticky note hung.

"Will you be mine?"

I looked down and saw another sticky note and tilted my head.

"Check yes or no." I said to myself.

"What the fuck Jack I told you not to put the check box!" I heard from the dining room. I walked towards the room and smiled.

"Check box or not, my answer is yes." I said. I saw Alex appear and smile. He had a button up shirt on and a single rose on his hand.

"For you my lady." He said and bowed.

"Oh kind sir, I'm terrible with flowers but thank you." I said in a posh, very..very badly done British accent.

"Flowers die, but my love for you won't. " He said with a wink.

"You cheesy mother fucker, kiss her already!" I heard Jack yell.

"With pleasure." He said and pulled me into his arms. The first kiss off my more.

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