Chapter 7

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(The song above is the song referenced in the chapter and that's what I think Penney would look like.)

"ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!" Penelope screamed as she walked into my apartment. Tonight was the night of the All Time Low concert, it's been 3 days since I've seen Alex after that kiss. It made my heart skip a best every time I thought of it, I wasn't mad at Alex, I understood that he would be busy, upcoming concert, meetings, all the fun stuff. Alas, Penney knew nothing about my little thing with the lead singer, and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Penney, honey, we're only going to a concert. Nothing really special." She gaped at me. I had no idea why, maybe because I already knew the lead singer or maybe because while I knew someone from the band, she didn't and found my excitement, or lack of to be weird. Because, quote, "THIS IS ALL TIME FUCKING LOW WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!" I was beaming on the inside, I would finally see Alex again because Penney managed to score some meet and greet tickets too. So maybe I could surprise Alex.

"Your lack of excitement is nauseating me, what happened to you?" She said and placed the back of her hand to cover her forehead. One thing I've learned about Penney is that she's very dramatic. She told me once that she started crying when she witnessed a public breakup in Central Park, but that's not the point, she was just dramatic.

"I can see it now," she placed a clenched hand over her mouth and lowered her voice to try and resemble a man "breaking news, 22 year old Penelope Astor was pronounced dead at her friend Gwen's apartment building, cause of death, All Time Low. This is George Hart-"

"Alright, alright I get it, while I'm standing completely fine and ready to leave and see a concert, you're dead because you're so excited." I waved my hand and laughed. She was funny when she wanted to be.

"No, no. No no no no no no, that's not my point," she walked closer and put an arm around my shoulders. It reminded me of Alex, and how he did that. "Ah you see my dearest Gwen, my example was that I died from excitement," she started.

"Yeah I got that completely I don't-" "shush, sh sh sh sh sssshhhhh," she placed a finger over my lips and continued.

"Patience my dear, my point is, I died from overload of excitement, and I want you to do the same." She said simply. I swear sometimes she is just the craziest, but she's hilarious and she always has me laughing.

"We're gonna be late Gwenny-Poo lets goooo!" She said and pulled me out the door.

"Don't say's always good to be early." She argued and tugged me to my car.

"3 hours early?" I said and started laughing. "Just shut up and drive." She said and stuck out her tongue. I started the car and pulled away from the apartments.

Soon enough after a long drive and maybe like, 36 turn arounds we made it to the venue.

"We're late!" Penney whined and got out of the car. There was a huge line and she made her way to the back of it. "Well I hate to be a Debbie downer, but maybe if you didn't have me turn around 36 fucking times we would be in the venue by now!" I said and crossed my arms. She smirked and looked at me.

"Well SORRY for making you turn right instead of going straight!" She said and threw her arms up in the air. Everyone turned around to look at us and we made a stupid face at them. It might seem mean but that's just how we joke around, sarcasm, literally every conversation.

"Tickets." Said the man. He was wearing bright yellow to be seen in the night and holding out his hand. He scared me a lot. I placed two tickets in his hand and he opened the rope.

"Was it me, or did that dude scare the crap out of you?" Penney whispered as we walked in. "Definitely not you." I said and made my way towards the growing crowd.

I wanted to make sure Alex couldn't see me because I wanted to surprise him at the meet and greet so I made my way towards the middle of the crowd.

The concert should be starting really soon actually, the venue was filling up fast and the voices already got louder.

The lights dimmed and Penney screamed beside me like the rest of the people were and jumped.

"HEY SEXY MOTHER FUCKERS WHAT'S GOING ON TOOONIIGGHHTT!!" I heard someone yell, it wasn't Alex because I knew Alex's voice, but instead was a lanky guy with a guitar around his neck and skunk like hair.

Everyone screamed and played a few chords. Everyone started screaming probably recognizing the song and then I heard his voice. But he wasn't talking, no, he was singing, and it was absolutely amazing.

"Meet me on Thames street,

i'll take you out though I'm hardly worth your time,

in the cold you look so fierce but I'm warming up,

cause the tensions like a fire"

I waved my hands around with the crowd and smiled. This experience was exhilarating, I love the energy the crowd gave off and the overall positive attitude. Except for one dude, he was just standing there doing nothing. Why come here if you're just gonna be rude?

"How's everyone doing tonight!" I heard once the song ended. This time I screamed with the crowd.

"That's awesome, well were the amazing, sexy All Time Low and were here to GIVE YOU A FUCKING AWESOME SHOW HOW DOES THAT SOUND!!?" He yelled through the microphone, everyone screamed louder and I think one girl started crying.


"Alright guys, this is our last song tonight!" Alex announced through the microphone. I've done a pretty good job of making myself unseen. At least I think I have.

"This song goes out to a girl that I truly care about, " I noticed how The guitarist, who I now know as Jack rolled his eyes. He looked like he was searching the crowd looking for someone. I saw his eyes dart to me and all around before they landed on me again. He looked at Alex and shook his head and turned back to me and mouth an apology.

Why was he apologizing, and how did he even recognize me? Did he see a picture? Did Alex tell him about me. I tried thinking about it more but Alex continued his speech and I kept my eyes trained on him.

"She's been there for me for like ever and I'm so happy she's in my life, she's right over there, sitting side stage," he stopped and waved and turned back to the crowd.

"This song is for the woman I love, my girlfriend Sadie, I love you babe." The notes to a song I didn't recognize started to play. I wasn't focused on the music, I was focused on my broken heart. How could he so this to me, just kiss me and have me confess my feelings and just find a new girlfriend like that. It hurt. It really fucking hurt.

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