Chapter 31

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"Home sweet home." Alex whispered in my ear as the bus pulled up to our houses. It's been a long tour, a lot of drama. I was just ready to relax. Unpacking, settling and work was the least of my worries. Relaxing was my main priority.

"Get me off this goddamn bus." I said and lugged my suitcase down the stairs and towards my house.

"Little eager now are we?" Zack said as he stepped off after me.

"You have no idea." I sighed and searched through my purse for my keys.

Alex followed close behind and stopped next to me with his suitcase behind him. I paused and looked at him smiling.

"So I was thinking..." He started as I turned the lock and opened the door.

"That maybe," he paused and look towards the living room.

"Alex? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Gwendolyn! Darling!" Looks like I spoke too soon. I closed my eyes and sighed. I faked a smile and turned around with Alex laughing.

"Mom! Dad! What an awesome surprise! What are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged them.

"No seriously what are you doing here?" I asked and let go.

"Oh honey you are just too much. Now don't just stand there and question us who's the nice boy you left standing there?" My dad asked and pointed in Alex's direction.

I was so distracted by the surprise and really unwanted visit by my parents that I forgot Alex.

I turned around with a genuine smile on my face and walked towards him.

"Mom, dad this is Alex, my boyfriend." I wasn't sure if I was truly ready to tell them about my pregnancy. I didn't know how they would react and I didn't want to know, but there was this one nagging thought in my mind that told me to find out. I had to find out.

"Oh I know who he is sweetheart, I met him at dinner." My mom waved off and smiled. I rolled my eyes at the memory of that dinner. It was the first time I saw Alex again after he left me in the hotel room

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Alex said as he held out his hand to my father.

"I like him already." He whispered after he shook his hand.

It was now or never at this point "actually, Alex and I have some great news." I started and grabbed his hand. He squeezed and leaned down to my ear "what are you doing?" He whispered and stood back up.

"Just trust me." I said and squeezed his hand. My parents were standing there waiting for me to say something and I put my free hand in my stomach.

"Alex and I are expecting." I said with pure joy in my voice. They stood there and didn't stay anything. I just had a feeling that this would be their reaction.

"You mean...there's a baby...growing inside of you?" My dad asked and pointed to my stomach. My mom started laughing and held on to his shoulder to hold herself up.

"What's so funny?" I asked as she kept on laughing.

"That's what he asked me when I told him I was pregnant!" She said and continued laughing.

I didn't think they would react like this at all. I thought they would shun me. Tell me I'm to young and walk out on me. I wasn't expecting the laughter and congratulations from my mom, I wasn't expecting the "I am getting old." From my dad. None of it.

"You're, um, happy?" I asked and squeezed Alex's hand tighter who had his jaw dropped.

"Why wouldn't we be? We're going to be grandparents! You're going to be 25 soon, in fact tomorrow that's why we're visiting and you found a man you love. What's the problem?" My dad answered and put his arm around my moms waist.

"We thought it would be just splendid to order in and spend time together before we depart for Paris tonight." My mom said and pointed to the amounts of food.

"Is there any macaroni and cheese?" I asked and looked at the mouth watering food sitting on the table. I was only about two months and the cravings had already started. I'm sure they would only get worse.

My mom nodded and I ran towards the food and instead of having a variety I mounted a bunch of macaroni onto my plate and sat down eating it.

"C'mon Alex this is amazing! Come eat!" I said through a mouthful.

"She reminds me so much of me when I was pregnant! Doesn't she Howard?" She said and tapped his chest.

"How could I forget Lorraine." My dad said and laughed.

We all ate and talked and caught up. I was happy that we were all doing this. It was really a good day. They were fine with the fact that I was pregnant and somehow I grew ok with that. I was happy that Alex was the one I would be starting my family with. No matter what this baby would be loved. Loved by Alex, me, my parents. Everyone.

"Oh would you look at the time! We really must be going now dear, catch our plane." My dad said and walked to the door with my mom.

"Keep us updated when you can." My mom said as she hugged me. I hugged my dad and pulled away so they could go.

"That was...eventful." Alex said as I shut the door. I pulled my suitcase upstairs and Alex pulled it out my hand and smiled.

"You're going to have to deal with me doing this to you for the next 7 months so get used to it." He said and walked up the stairs.

"So I was thinking. We skipped a whole step." He said as he opened my door. I looked at him and tilted my head in a confused way.

"I mean we dated, got pregnant, and we didn't get married so it's only best to make this as normal as possible right? So how bout I move in?" He said and walked towards me. He was right. This relationship was all out of order.

I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head "you're crazy." I said and pushed his shoulder. He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned in, "Yeah crazy for you."

"Shut up and start unpacking." I said as pushed his shoulder.

"Yes ma'am."

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