Chapter 10

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"C'mon Aleexxx lets go back to the hotel." Sadie whispered in my ear as she sat in my lap. It's been three hours since Gwen told me to leave her alone. I haven't stopped thinking about her, even about our kiss that we shared just two days before. I don't know about her but I felt sparks. Like major sparks and it just made me fall deeper for her.

"I'm not necessarily in the mood right now Sadie, I have to pack and catch my flight for tomorrow morning." I explained. I know it's bad, I'm thinking about a different girl with my girlfriend in my lap. The truth is, is that I was totally unaware that the relationship happened, I got so drunk the night before and woke up with her making breakfast and calling me babe. I remembered nothing about the night before.

I guess you could say that I felt like nothing would ever happen between Gwen and I even though my feelings for her were through the roof and maybe further, but getting with Sadie was in the least of my intentions. I was to nice to break up with her for no reason whatsoever, but I didn't want her.

"Oh c'mon babe you're going back to Baltimore tomorrow and I'm staying for a photo shoot," she whined and leaned a little bit closer "just show me how much you'll miss me." She growled in my ear. It made me feel sick because of the fact that I won't miss her and I don't love her like I said I did. I was so stupid, dedicating If These Sheets Were The States to her. I don't know why I did it when I was thinking of Gwen the whole time.

"Sadie, really." I said and pushed her away a little bit. One thing I've learned about Sadie is that she's relentless, when she wants something, she won't stop until she gets it and the one fucking time I'm not in the mood to do anything at all, she is. I didn't want her like she wanted me. That's a lot coming from me! I'm actually denying a free fuck because I can't keep my mind off of Gwen.

I looked to see Jack next to me and sighed, he was on the phone talking to god knows who, probably some random girl. All of the sudden Sadie kissed me, and I don't mean sweet and innocent, I mean full on force make out.

Jack flailed his arms at something the person over the phone said and slapped me in the face. "What the fuck Jack!" I yelled as he ran away from me. I would've ran after him, but, yeah there's a girl on my lap that is hornier then a teenage guy.

"Do you wanna go back now?" She growled as she bit my neck. She wasn't gonna get off my case now was she? I just nodded and she tugged me up and walked through the city streets leading the way back to the hotel. I said yes because I had to pack, I have a flight early tomorrow morning and a girl that wants me at a considerable distance from her.

I noticed how when Sadie spotted the hotel she started walking faster. "Hurry up I'm cold." She whined. Says the one wearing a pencil skirt in the beginning of march. Jesus how much dumber can a dumb girl get?

She ran into the hotel holding my hand and pushed the elevator button multiple times, I was about to tell her to stop because the constant clicking noise was bothering the crap out of me until the elevator doors opened and she pushed me inside and against the elevator wall. She had this smirk on her face that I just wanted to put a mask over and walked her fingers up my chest. What part did she not get that I didn't want this?

The elevator doors opened back up and there was an older couple standing there with their eyes like saucers by what they saw. A girl with a pencil skirt and blouse on with her hand on my chest and the other hand...places. And me, with a look of what I would assume disgust and and scared posture.

"Oh dear." The woman said. I grabbed Sadie's hand and ran out of the elevator.

"Oh Lois, young love my dear, we were all at that age once." I heard the man explain.

"Oh but Jeremy, I feel so bad for that young man." She whispered. The voices disappeared when the elevator doors closed and I stood in front of my door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I whisper yelled at Sadie. I was beyond pissed now, she embarrassed me in front of people I didn't even know and probably made me seem to be a man whore.

I opened the door and waited for her to walk in and close it. When I heard a click I started packing. "What're you doing babe?" She asked and sat on the bed. I groaned and looked at her. I wanted her to notice the scowl on my face. "I'm doing what I told you I came here to do Sadie. I'm packing, I have a flight to be on at 10 am tomorrow."

She walked up to me and pushed me down the bed straddling me. "I thought you were gonna show me how much you're gonna miss me." She whispered. I didn't want to think about Sadie, I just told myself to think about Gwen. Gwen and her soft pink lips, her round face, her brunette hair that falls down her back. Her eyes, her dark eyes. Beautiful, dark eyes.

Sadie bit down on my neck considerably hard and stuck her hand down my pants.

I felt really uncomfortable and didn't want or need this, I just didn't want it, well at least not from Sadie. Gwen just the girl that I wanted, the girl of my dreams.

On the other hand Sadie knew how to work, oh man she knew how to work.

"Oh fuck Gwen!" I gasped and she stopped. Oh shit, I did the absolutely worst thing imaginable. I cannot believe I just moaned Gwen's name.

"Excuse me?" Sadie said while squinting her eyes. I wouldn't be to happy if my girlfriend moaned another mans name so I knew at this point that I was screwed. For some reason I was happy about that. Maybe she would break up with me and I could get Gwen.

"Did you just. Moan. Another girls name." She said deathly calm. I mean although I was hoping she would break up with me, I was terrified right now.

"You did not." She growled. She pushed herself up and stood in front of me. I found myself immediately relieved and sat up. I tried my best to look ashamed and I think it was working.

"You disgust me Alex Gaskarth." Well you disgust me to so I guess we're even. She pulled on her shoes and grabbed her purse and opened the door. Jack was standing there with his hand up ready to knock but a look of surprise on his face. Sadie huffed and stormed passed him and he lowered his hand.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?" He asked as he walked in. I looked up and smiled. "That. My friend, was my Gwen window of opportunity opening." I gloated. He looked sad and looked at me.

"Dude she doesn't want to talk to you. You really broke her." He explained and played with his fingers. "Which means I pick up the pieces my friend." I said. I was truly relieved to be rid of Sadie, believe me when I say what happened was completely unplanned, but I didn't know it would have this effect. I was so happy.

"That's the Alex I'm talking about. What did you do that made her like that anyway?" He said and pointed his thumb to the door anyway.

"I may or may not have moaned someone else's name while she was trying to work magic." I said with my cheeks burning. I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato. I don't understand why I was so embarrassed this was my best friend I was talking to.

"YOU GO! THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!" He yelled and high fived me. He smiled and patted my back. "We'll get your girl man, i'll make sure of it." He said stood up.

He walked towards the door "Matt's gonna yell at me for wandering off again, i'll see you tomorrow bro." He shut the door behind him and I laid back down thinking about his words.

"We'll get your get girl man, i'll make sure of it."

I sure fucking hope so.

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