Chapter 34

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Xiao Zhans POV

When I woke up my head hurt,

It wasn't normal but I ignored it. 

I looked over to grab my phone, it was six in the morning.

This time Yibo was still here,

'Doesn't he need to go to work?' 

"Yibo get up" I shook him a bit. He didn't answer me, his body was moving but his mind was asleep.

He wrapped both hands around my waist and he put his head on my lap.

I moved my hands to his hair, it was soft and fluffy. 

I then got up, took a shower, and got ready for the day.

I'm pretty sure Yibo said something about going out yesterday but I couldn't remember.

When I when out of the walk-in closet I saw Yibo sitting up in a daze,

"Yibo?" I waved my hands in front of his face, which seemed to do the trick.

"Zhan ge! I thought I lost you." The younger hugged me as soon as he snapped out of his dream-like state.

"Why would I leave you Yibo? Give me some reasons" 

Yibo was speechless, "See there's no reason for me to leave you, I would never."

"Yibo don't you have work?" I hugged Yibo back to comfort him.

"It's too early ge," Yibo Whined.

" I want to stay like this forever," He tightened the hold.

"But you can't stay like this if you don't eat or clean yourself can you?" I patted his head.

The younger was always so cute when he whined, "Zhan ge, I don't want to." 

"We can shower together~" I answered him.

"But didn't you already shower?"

"Is there a rule saying I can't shower twice?"


"So let's go" I dragged him with me into the bathroom.

Time skip~

"Bye, love you," I gave a few kisses before Yibo left to go to work.

"Love you too" Yibo pulled me into one last deep kiss.

When the door shut I went to the couch, I was bored and there was nothing to entertain me.

"Hua Chen, I'm bored."

"Nice to meet you bored, I'm Hua Chen."

" You know what I mean!"

"Well we have a theatre in the back, do you want to watch some movies?"

"What are movies?" I tilted my head,

'gasp' "You have never watched a movie?" 

I shook my head.

"Let's go watch Disney movies then, a movie marathon!"

Hua Chen took me to the back of the mansion, I noticed that there was a smaller kitchen, a gym, and the theatre.

"What flavor do you want?" She pointed to the popcorn,

"Uhhh... can I have caramel?" I said the first flavor I saw.

"Sure, you can go in first, I'm going to get something."

I went in to see four rows of seats, they were bigger than the ones I saw in the mall, they look so comfortable.

When Hua Chen came back her hands were full of candies and snacks, in her other hand was a big bottle of soda.

She settled then in the seat next to me, sitting on my other side.

"Uhhh....just wait" She went up to the projector and selected a playlist.

"Let's get this started!" She said while the first movie started playing.


                                                                                                                         Bye Bye~

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