Chapter 60

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Xiao Zhan's POV

"Oh god... When did you have time to make this?" Yibo's mother asked while walking around the room to take a good look. 

"We purposely sent you guys on a vacation for this, it was quite hard to set up," Yibo explained to them while I had just sat there waiting.

"Zhan are you okay, you seem a little quiet" Softly spoken words of Yibo's mother when she saw how I was acting,"

"Huh? Uh yes, I'm fine, mum. You shouldn't worry about me," I excused.

"What nonsense are you speaking, of course, we have to care about you, you're pregnant for god's sake." Hua Chen started lecturing me about my health and safety. We've gone over this about a thousand times but then again I'm happy that she cares for me. 

"The twins will be here soon won't they?" Yibo's mother asked, she was the one that was the most excited about having twins.

Yibo was born an only child and that made his parents have high expectations for him, even though he never felt burdened by their expectations he did disappoint them when he came out. 

They weren't sad about Yibo being gay, but more about how they couldn't have grandchildren. But ever since they found out that Zhan could give birth, they were more than happy for Yibo and Xiao Zhan to be together.

By now I was already on my seventh month, two months before my due date, time went surprisingly fast for us but we are more than happy for our little ones to arrive. 

Time skip~

"Yibo! Can you get the dried fruits for me?" I shouted all the way from the living room to the kitchen. " Yeah, ge just wait a bit, I'm still doing the dishes." 

By now it has been 3 more months since the time we built the baby room. I should be due in a few days from now and honestly, it seems scary.

The fact that knowing I might go into labor anytime scares me, no matter how much Yibo tries to calm me down my senses will still go crazy. 

I'm more than happy that my little ones are coming but the thought of pain just scares me. My nose twitched when the smell of dried fruits can into the room. 

My cravings had substituted along with my mood swings. It's as if I were never pregnant to begin with, but the huge stomach says otherwise.  

A sudden pain hits me, I ignore it like everything else since I have been feeling a little pain here and there. To me, it seemed like a normal day but with another wave hitting me after 20mins I knew this wasn't normal. 

Before I knew it my water broke. 

" Yibo! Come here at once you airhead!! Get me off this couch and to the hospital!" I screamed but otherwise, I seemed calm. 

"Wait for a second Zhan ge," 

'sigh, this was going to be a long day'


                                                                                                                                Bye Bye~

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