Chapter 47

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Xiao Zhan's POV

For the rest of the day, I was fine, my heat was suddenly gone and I wondered why. 

From what I have heard it was supposed to last for a week, but I'm happy that it's gone, I can enjoy the rest of the week with Yibo.

Before I did any of that I took a warm shower and cleaned myself from the slick and leftovers from before.

I dressed in pajamas since I wasn't going anywhere anyway.

Yibo was already out of bed and was making breakfast while I got ready.

Today was one of those days where you wanted nothing to do with the outside world, hiding inside your very own bubble.

I was exhausted, I didn't feel any pain but I could feel my body getting tense. 

The feeling was uncomfortable and annoying.

I shook my body a little keeping it from shutting down. 

For some reason I wanted chocolate with strawberries, the thought sounded really good right now.

My body moved on its own, seemingly having a brain of its own I was walking over to the kitchen.

I strode in and looked into the pantry.

 When I didn't find what I wanted I moved to the fridge and scattered all the food that was neatly placed.

" Zhan ge, is there something you want?" Yibo started cleaning up the mess I had made, somehow dealing with me being this moody.

" I want strawberries and chocolate, how come there isn't any in here" I demanded for my food.

My stomach was getting upset and I didn't want that.

" I can get it for you after we eat, I already finished cooking," Yibo was understanding since his precious Zhan ge had just come out of his heat and was sensitive to everything he said.

" Can I have it now?"  I asked, hoping for the food that I wanted.

" If we eat now I'll take you to get them and you can take whatever you want from the store." The table was being set up by Yibo He had

 hoped that he had convinced Zhan ge since he was really hungry and just wanted to eat.

" Promise?" I asked skeptically.

" I promise." 


Sorry for the short chapter, my head has been hurting for some time now and I don't know why. I know that isn't an excuse and I'm sorry :(

I hope you have a nice day:)


                                                                                                                       Bye Bye~

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