Chapter 55

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Yibos POV

"Alright so..."

"You're pregnant and with twins!" The doctor annouced while beaming at us.

"What?!" My eyes opened wide, they sparkled in excitement.

"Can we know the gender?" Zhan ge asked with an extremely wide smile.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to come back when you're five months into your pregnancy before you'll be able to know the genders." The doctor explained to us.

"Would you like to keep photos of the ultrasound?" His hand was already hed out.

I eagerly snatched them and looked at my future kids.

Looking at the pictures before looking at Zhan ges tummy, I was in awe.

This 'human being' was going to give birth to my children. 

My heart grew so warm it was ready to burst. Before I knew it I was already shedding tears.

Zhan ge wiped them while his own tears were falling. 

Seeing that we were in an emotional trance, the doctor left the room. 

I hugged Zhan ge but making sure that the hug wasn't too tight. Didn't want to hurt my kids down there.

We stayed in our own little world. 

Where there is nothing to worry about just us and our kids. 

We were snapped out of our little trance when there was a knock at the door. 

The doctor came in telling us that we needed to leave and that a patient was waiting for their turn.

I looked at the clock that was hung up on the white walls of the hospital.

'What? It has already been 20 mins?!'

I carried Zhan ge away bridal style. He squealed and instantly wrapped his arms around my neck, making sure that he didn't fall.

By the time we got to the ground floor, everyone had a glance at us, some staring. 

We had been crying so streaks of tears were prominent. A big smile on both of our faces and me carrying Zhan ge.

I'm sure we looked a little off, if not handsome and beautiful. 

I happily carried Zhan ge like he weighed nothing to the car. Excited to tell the news to everyone I drove back to our house.

I can't wait to decorate their little rooms when we will know the gender. But that won't be until a few months away.

Feeling a little tired from the events that had been happening one by one. I decided that I needed some quality time with Zhan ge.

I carried the sleeping Zhan upstairs and into our bedroom. Laying him down and sleeping right next to him.

Sleeping like no one else was in our own little world of happiness.


                                                                                                                                               Bye Bye~

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