chapter 17

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Yibos POV

I felt blood gush out of me when the pair of fangs left.

The same tongue lapping over my blood.

My hand that was previously on his waist left, moving up to the mark.

I looked at Zhan but all I could see was a pile of messy hair.

Zhan licked over the wound, he lifted his head to see his masterpiece. Giving a content sigh.

When I ran my hand over the mark there was no blood or any feelings of scares.

"What did you do," I asked in a stern voice.

Zhan looked down, "I marked you" 


Zhan flinched at my loud voice.

I ran over to the bathroom, facing the mirror I gasped.

 A little white bunny was on my neck like a tattoo. 

I felt a pair of arms around my waist a little head peeking over my shoulders.

"With this stay on me forever!" I raised my voice.

"Yes," Zhan peeked over then looked at my eyes through the mirror.

I was so angry at this point, "how could you do this without my permission!"

"But you said yes!" 


I guess Zhan must have thought that I was giving permission to mark me.

"Do you not want me?" Zhan asked in a small voice. He looked down.

The hands wrapped around me slithered away, the ear caressing my head retreated.

Seeing this I immediately felt bad.

"No, I jus- uh! Just give me some time." With that, I stormed out the door.

I went to the kitchen to get some water to cool me down.

I saw Hua chen looking at me with that knowing look.

"I was just angry ok!?" I said to Hua chen while she was still giving me that look.

"You know I did some research on hybrids," Hua chen told me.

She continued, "And you might be surprised at how much I found"

"And? What's the meaning of this" I asked with arrogance in my tone.

"Well if you're going to look after a hybrid then you should know their behaviors and what they like, especially if you're going to date him." Hua chen stated the facts.

"Who said I'm going to date him," I looked at her while my hands were starting to clench down.

"You can say what you want but with that mark on that neck I don't think you can talk much." A hand on the table was slapped down.

 I hit the table and now my hand is stinging red. 'sigh'

"Tell me what you found out" I looked down at my glass, half done.

"That's what I wanted to hear, so hybrids are really sensitive they can't be mistreated all else they will be like a doll without feelings. I guess that's what happened to Zhan." I nodded for her to keep going.

"They will have heats witch will allow them to get pregnant no matter what gender they are. But they can be put on suppressants which are harmful if they are used for a long time. They should start having their heats when they turn 18." I already knew most of the information so it wasn't a surprise to me.

"They can also mark you so that other hybrids will know that you're already taken. When you are marked you can't be unmarked. They will have a mark that represents their animal status. which you have on your neck." 

I unconsciously touched my neck the mark there was hot.

"The mark is hot." 

"That means your hybrid-Zhan is feeling sad, depressed or territorial."

"Depressed" I whispered.


                                                                                                                                   Bye Bye~

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