Chapter 35

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Xiao Zhans POV

'Ding Dong'

"Hua Chen, did you invite someone?" I ask when the doorbell started to ring.

"No, just ignore it," Hua Chen was too deep into the movie to care about anything else.

"Ok," I agreed since this was our first time having a movie marathon and I didn't want to ruin it.

We turned back to the movie, well I turned back to the movie, Hua Chen's eyes never left the screen.

'Knock Knock' 

This time the person knock instead of ringing the bell, probably thinking that the bell ran out of battery.

"Hua Chen let's just go check,"  I whined.

"You go if you want I'm gonna stay here" She replied stubbornly.

'sigh' "Alright."

I walked to the front entrance. When I opened the door the driver was there,

"Hello, is there something you need?" I asked.

"Sir, young master asked me to take you to his parent's house he said that you will meet there."

"What? Wait just let me call him"

I dialed Yibo's number while the driver waited patiently outside.



"Zhan ge? Is there something you need?"

"Yeah, the driver said that we will meet at your parent's house."

"They called yesterday saying that they wanted us to visit."

"oh okay, when are you off work?"

"At 5 the earliest."

"Hmm okay, bye love you~" 

"Love you too"

End of call

"Hua Chen I will be out!" I shouted so that she could hear. A faint "ok" was heard.

I went upstairs to make sure I was presentable, I was meeting Yibos parents after all.

The only thing I brought was my phone and the card Yibo gave me, it was under the phone cover.

"let's go," I said to the driver.

We went in the car and he started driving when I started to ask him some questions.

"Can I know your name?" 

"Yubin sir"

"Can you just call me Xiao Zhan? Or Zhan ge anything is fine by me"

"ok, Zhan ge,"

"Are you married? or have any kids?" I asked curious about the driver's love life.

"I have no kids and I'm not married, " Yubin answered while hiding his smile,

"Do you live with a roommate?" 

"I live in a flat by myself,"

"Ohh, can I visit sometime?"

"Of course Zhan ge"

We talked about many other things before we arrived at a family-sized house,

"Isn't Yibos parents richer that Yibo?" I asked

"They just don't like to have a big house now that Yibo is living in a different house." 

"Oh, I understand. The luxury is really something. With so many expensive things I'm scared to ruin it,"

I walked up to the door knocking three times before a middle-aged woman answered,

"Uh nice to meet you, Yibo said that we would meet here." I bowed down to show respect.

"Ah! Yes come in dear,"

"My name id Xiao zhan miss,"

"Oh, you were the one Yibo was talking about,"



                                                                                                                                           Bye Bye~

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