five: Moon Goddess

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five: Moon Goddess

"Aden?" Someone asked, bring me out of my daydream.

"Yes?" I looked up glancing at Collen, who had asked me a question. I was too thinking about earlier today to grasp any of what he said.

"I asked if it was a good idea that you be gone for so long."

I raised my brow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that, at times, you'll just leave to the human world territory without notifying anyone. I don't mean to come off as insubordinate, but what if something happens while you're gone? Especially since-"

"Nothing will happen, Collen," I cut him off. I know we were worried about the possibilities of those rogues coming back into our lands, but I was confident that nothing would happen. "Besides, while I'm gone, you know you're in charge. But that's only if my father isn't at the packhouse, technically he's still Alpha until I have my mate."

"I know, it just stresses me out because you're my best friend," Collen nodded. He's such a dork, I thought. My best friend since we were just pups. Beta's son, it was destined we would get along. Even though there's almost a 4-year age difference, he's still my best friend.

"Don't worry about it, Collen, that's what I'm here for," I nod. It's my duty to take care of this pack.

As I go to leave the room, Collen clears his throat, catching my attention. "If you don't mind me asking, Alpha, why do you keep on leaving?"

My wolf stands proud seeing that Collen called me Alpha because of the importance of his question. "It's a secret, so you're not allowed to speak of this. I think I found my mate," I smiled. "Remember the human from the mall exhibition?" He nodded recalling the event. "The one with the long brown hair that smelled like lavender is my mate," I smiled at the thought of her.

"But a human?" Collen asked carefully. I could tell that Collen wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but no matter, trying to undermine his mate made me growl.

"Do not undermine my mate like that, Collen. If the Moon Goddess didn't want me to have a human mate, then she would have given me a regular She-wolf," I growled. Collen took a step back but squared his shoulders standing in an attention position.

"I didn't mean to, Alpha, I was just-"

"I also know," I started, "that you were staring at her friend who was next to her. I didn't think to bring it up, but you looked like you wanted to jump in her skin."

Collen paled at the fact that his Alpha and best friend has noticed his staring. He tried his hardest to not pay attention, but she was too intoxicating. I know he thought they smelt too different. It wasn't rogue, it didn't smell-

The door slamming against the wall made both of us turn around. Daniel, panting like he'd run miles, stood at the door, "Alpha, Collen, there's a problem at the west end of our pack lines."

Quickly, we both followed Daniel to the west end of the lands. They weren't that far away, so it took no more than 5-minutes. Upon arrival, I growled at Daniel, "What is the meaning of this?"

Looking around at the patrollers for answers, I grew impatient at their silence. Not even just impatient, but confused for his summoning. There was no need to run all this way for something that isn't urgent. There was no need to stress him out further than he was for that.

"I-I was mind-linked to come here immediately. Before I ran here, I decided to come to you," Daniel spoke up. "I didn't know what was present, so I thought best that you be here, as well."

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