ten: home

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ten: home

The land around the medical building was beautiful. I expected Aden's neighborhood to look like a town, but it looks more like a huge campsite. The houses around the building looked like oversized log cabins and there were signs pointing to different areas in the area. I read the sign over and over again trying to find the typo: Pack House, Warrior Cabins, Fighting Grounds. This seemed to be like a little military base.

"Uh, Aden?" I asked. He stopped walking and turned to face me, "do you live on a military base?"

"In a way, I guess," he shrugs. "This is a very exclusive neighborhood. You either have to be born here or married in," he explains. I nod, taking in the information. More like a cult.

As we walked in the direction of Pack House, I noticed lots of people staring at us. I bit my lip and wrung my hands, I don't like being the center of attention. It's not that I'm shy, but attention makes people watch you, anything you do will be criticized. And I'm not the best at keeping good attention, it just doesn't gravitate towards me.

"Your neighborhood is pretty big," I nod in astonishment. It was truly beautiful, the landscape looked magical.

"It is," Aden agreed, "Mahogany Moon was the second-largest... neighborhood in my area next to Camp Hana, but the oldest one out of all of them. Camp Hana was only bigger by a few thousand. There are other neighborhoods in other areas that are large than both of our places, but because they weren't in the area, it isn't a problem."

"Why would it matter if there are other neighborhoods that are bigger than yours? It's just where you live," I stared at him. I don't understand this, and I don't understand why he says neighborhood is such a weird tone. There's something he's not telling me.

"Well, since this area is sort of like a base, there are instances where we would need to protect our land against intruders and others who want to harm the members in our little neighborhood," Aden explains. I just nod and shove my hands into the sweater that I was given.

Finally, after a few minutes of walking and talking, we arrive at a huge house, at least three floors, and absolutely beautiful. "Welcome to Mahogany Moon," Aden smiles proudly.

I looked around, admiring the scenery. Beautiful gardens and trees surrounded, what I assumed, was the entrance. A large sign above the double doors said MM in big reddish-brown letters. Members of this community ran around the building and through the trees. Looking past the building, I noticed smaller buildings that resembled townhouses. This area must be the Community Housing sign that I saw.

Together, we walked forward towards the double doors. Aden kept his hold of my hand, barely holding it, but touching me enough to cause little tinges. Everyone who they passed bowed their heads or kneeled causing me to be confused. How odd. "Why is everyone kneeling and bowing their heads?" I asked curiously.

"Uh, gratitude," Aden smiled, "I'm kind of the leader's son."

"Hm, everyone is so kind. Very homey," I confessed.

As we continue to walk towards the building, an older man and woman come out. I could tell they were an aging couple, not much older than my parents, probably late 40s or early 50s. For an older guy, the man was built and had shady blond hair with specks of grey. His eyes were a hard grey, no shine, but power. On the other hand, the women had much softer golden eyes. She had long black hair that, too, had some stray grey's.

"Finally, you are here! You haven't been here in the past few days," the women yell at Aden. "Where have you been? I've been so worried, your mind link wasn't opened!" Mind link?

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