twenty-three: C O N F I D E N T

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twenty-three: C O N F I D E N T

"If my sense of smell wasn't this good, I would have thought y'all did the dirty from how cheesy your smile is," Belle teased. Alice snickered at the comment and covered her mouth, trying to hide her laughing.

I gasped, in shock, at Belle's crude comment. "Shut up! Someone might hear you and think the wrong thing." Looking around, I noticed the only people around us were younger pack members that definitely didn't know what "the dirty" implied.

"Hush up, you act like people around here aren't going at it like rabbits. Why do you think this pack is so big?" Alice laughed.

My cheeks flushed at the realization, "Alice, oh my goodness." I turned away from them and hid in the fridge while trying to find an afternoon snack. "You two need to stop!"

"Tell us what happened!" Belle insisted.

"Nothing happened!"

"Something happened, Lottie. Yesterday you were all sulty and now you look like you've won a million dollars!" Alice exaggerated.

"First off, I was not sulty, I was pissed off. And secondly, nothing happened! Aden and I worked it out and now I'm not upset anything. That's it," I shrugged. I'm not one to kiss and tell, so his confession was going to be all mine.

"There you go again!" Belle brought me out of my daze. "You're all smiley and in a daze, it's as if you're-"

"Do you love Aden? Oh my god, it's finally happening!" Alice squealed. Belle looked at her as if she had three heads and I pulled my hood over my head, trying to hide from them. Well, there goes that.

"C, are you in love?" Belle shouted.

I quickly popped out of the hoodie and ran to them, shushing them as I covered their mouths with my hands, "shut up! Everyone will hear you!"

Alice mumbled a response, but I couldn't understand her I gave them a knowing look and removed my hand of their mouths, "I said, it's so cute that you love Aden."

"I never said that," I huffed.

"You never denied it," Belle pointed her finger at me.

"You better watch your finger before you lose it," I snapped. I sighed deeply and sat on the sofa, "what if it's just the mate bond?"

"No, no, it's not!" Alice tried.

"The Moon Goddess might have given you guys each other, but it's only because you guys are made for each other. She knew you would love each other, not force you to love," Belle explained.

I groaned and threw myself on the sofa, "I don't know guys. I know I'm capable of love but-" I stopped talking and sighed deeply. The problem is I know I love Aden, but I don't know if it's because of the bond or of the attention he gives me or if I truly love him.

"Lottie, in the small time that I've known you, I could see the change in you," Alice admits.

"Charlotte, you've always been loving, but never been trusting or allowed yourself to love since-"
"hey," I warned.

"-since freshman year. You finally have what you need and actually letting Aden in and trusting him. It's only a matter of time until-" Belle stops talking and both Alice and Belle look off into the distance as if they heard something. I look over to where they're looking and see nothing. Looking back, their demeanor changed from giddy to afraid.

"Luna," Alice snapped out of her trance, "you need to get to the basement and hide because there's an unauthorized person in our pack. It's a witch-"

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