thirty-three: soulmate

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thirty-three: soulmate

The dress was too heavy to run in so I did the only logical thing possible: I took it off. I had Daniel put Jezebel in a locked chest for the time being and went with Collen to the medical building.

Lia told me she could try to pull the wolfsbane out of Aden's blood, but it would be extremely hard since she isn't that skilled. I knew she wanted to help in any way possible, but I could tell she knew that pulling the poison from his veins wouldn't be possible.

"There's nothing you can give him?" I asked frantically.

"I'm sorry, Luna, there's nothing. Between wolfsbane and silver, he's basically marked for death," the doctor cringed.

"Don't say that," I snarled. "He can't die. I won't let him."

"Luna, all we can do is pray for help," Dr. Bender apologized. I dismissed her and sat in the chair next to Aden's bed.

Although he didn't have any injuries, the needles were poisoned with wolfsbane, which is harmful to werewolves alongside the silver needles. The silver made it hard for him to heal and the wolfsbane poisoned his blood, making it hard for him to live.

I cried over his body, praying for someone, anyone, to help. I couldn't let him die. Last time he was in the medic room, I was afraid he would die, but this time I was terrified. It felt different than before. He wouldn't just die, I would lose a part of myself.

He is a part of me and I won't let him go.

Me, a part of me.

Lia, please come here. Now. I yelled. I tried to ask calmly, but my fear took over. Without responding, Lia ran into the room. Her eyes held pity and worry, but I didn't focus on that, "Am I a witch?"

"It seems like you are. Your mother is a witch and the power you released earlier are signs that you are," Lia answers skeptically.

"Does witch blood heal?"

"Yes, it does. Why are you-"

"I can heal Aden," I conclude.

"What? No- How? That's not possible," Lia breathes.

"Yes, it is. Okay, I know I'm a wolf, but not fully. I was turned a wolf. But I was born a witch because Jezebel is one," I smile.

"What does that have to do with healing Aden?"

"Okay, so wolfsbane only harms full wolves; so it can't hurt me. That's why I was the only one that was able to pull the needles out from his skin. Yes, the silver burns, but that's because it burns witches as well!" I cheer.

"Okay, but how does that heal Aden?" she repeats.

"Oh my goodness! Use your head, Lia. A blood transfusion!"

"You have seriously lost your marbles. How are you going to give him a blood transfusion?"

"We can have Dr. Bender pump his blood out of his system and then give him some of mine to heal him. Obviously giving him half of my blood will kill me, so I can get a transaction as well," I squeal.

"Are you even his blood type?" Lia questions.

"This is why I am extra happy: I am O-," I cheese.

Lia's concerned face turns into a smile, "I'll go get Dr. Bender!"

After three hours of the blood transfusion, I laid next to Aden in the other bed and just rambled to him.

"You know Aden, I don't even know if you can hear me. You're in a mini-coma, I guess. It's been three hours of sitting here, waiting for this stupid needle to come out of my arm and the only thing I could think of is you," I confessed.

"When I was fourteen, I promised myself to never fall in love," I continued, "yet here I am, with a huge needle in my arm to save you, the love of my life. But, I never told you that story.

"In eight grade, I met a kid named Jared. We were in the same honors classes together. Belle and Lia didn't like him because he always picked on other girls. But I liked him because he never picked on me. Or at least I thought.

"As I said, I had a huge crush on him. But I was thirteen and didn't know any better. I thought he loved me, so when he asked me to send him nude pictures, I did. Stupid me, I didn't crop my head off, because I didn't know any better. I guess he sent them to his friends because I was all over my school's student-run social media account the next day.

"But that wasn't the kicker. He pretended to defend me in front of the entire school and told me his friend tricked him into sending it. I believed him and started to date him that summer. We dated until Christmas of our freshman year.

"We only broke up because he won the bet. He tricked me into thinking he loved me. Jared had made a bet with his friends that he could make me fall in love with him and break my heart by the end of freshman year; he did. He treated me like an object and I let him because I loved him. I gave him my heart and he took it and crushed it. I guess that's why it's called a crush," I sniffed.

"But now, knowing you, I know I didn't love him and he didn't love me. You and me, we have love. Now I know how to be treated. You treat me like a princess. You've learned. The last two weeks have been the absolute best time of my life. You make me so happy.

"I want to be with you forever and ever. I want to love you until my last breath. I want to have kids with you and grow old with you. But I can only do that if you wake up," I turned to him, accidentally pulling on the needle in my arm.

I winced at the tug, but stayed in my position, allowing myself to look at him. "Aden, you need to wake up. I love you. I love you so much. You can't die on me. I pulled this out of my ass, I don't think if this blood transfusion will work. I prayed and prayed that it will work. I prayed to every god and goddess I could think of, especially the Moon Goddess. I hope someone answers my prayers because I can't lose you. I just got you.

"You mean so much to me in this short amount of him. I know I'm capable of loving you until the end of our days. I know we'll live a long life, most likely forgetting our names and how to do simple things, but we won't forget how much we love each other.

"Aden, please wake up. I love you so much. You're right. We are soulmates. We were made for each other. You and I, we're inseparable. Don't make me live this life alone. Please, Aden. I love you, bubs," I cried.

"I'd never leave you, sweet pea," Aden smiled softly.

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