twenty-nine: this means war

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twenty-nine: this means war

I shot up and gasped at the feeling in my chest. It felt like someone was squeezing at my heart, hurting me. Shaking Aden, he groggily woke up and groaned at the movement, "what's wrong?"

"I feel weird, I don't know how to explain it," I confessed.

"Oh, that's because of last-"

I hit him, "not that you, doofus. Stop stroking your own ego and listen to me. It's like someone is grabbing my heart and squeezing it. It's not painful, but enough to wake me up."

Aden sat up a little straighter at my explanation, "wait, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I feel like something is wrong."

"Well, you're safe right now. You're next to me and I'll never let anything happen to you," Aden comforts me.

"It's not me that I'm scared about, it's everyone else. Can you ask the border patrols if there are any weird smells around? It doesn't smell like rogues but it's light enough to scare and wake me up," I asked. "I'd ask them myself, but I don't know all of them to mind link them properly."

"Yeah," Aden responded. His eyes quickly glossed over, mind linking the patrols. "They said the borders are fine, they don't notice anything out of the ordinary, but do smell a weird smell. The East Border claims its a smell between a human and another creature that we can't identify."

I let out the breath I held and relaxed a little. A human can't do much but stumble across the campsite. There are 'No Trespassing' signs all around our territory, warning others from crossing into our borders. "Okay, good. I'm gonna go get changed and then I think I'm going to do some rounds with Alice and Belle," I decided.

"Okay, babe. Let me know when you're on your way out. I'll have some warriors to aware," he kissed me quickly, letting me get up.

I got up out of his bed and wrapped a blanket around my naked body. My face heated up at the memories of the events from last night. Quickly, I rushed out of his room to my room, across the hall. Looking to the left, I met with big brown eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but I just glared, "'fuck up, B, I'll tell you on our rounds. Tell no one, but get Alice ready."

Slamming my door and groaned at the approaching millions of questions.

Even after our rounds, the feel of impending doom stayed with me. As predicted, Alice and Belle hounded me with questions and complained about how my scent changed due to the mating. They continued to badger me with questions until I yelled at them to stop.

I ran around a little more, messing with them and pulling on their tails. We only stopped when I demanded that they stopped moving. A whiff of a toxic smell hit me and I stood in front of Belle and Alice protectively.

"What's wrong, Char?" Belle asked.

"You don't smell that?" I pondered.

"Smell what? There's nothing," Alice objected.

"I don't like the feeling I'm getting, let's go back to the pack," I commanded. We all ran our fastest back to the pack and quickly shifted back. "Aden?" I called out.

"Charlotte, calm down, I can feel-" Belle tried.

"Aden!" I yelled, ignoring Belle's suggestion. The impending doom felt more present against my chest. I knew Belle and Alice could feel my panic, it was making them sick. "Aden!"

"Charlotte?" a voice called around the corner. I turned around and saw Aden. He looked scared and worried. Quickly, I ran to him and wrapped my arm around him. "What happened?" he addressed the girls.

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