thirty-one: only my way

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thirty-one: only my way

Belle almost passed out when she saw Amelia. With good reason, I almost did, too.

The entire night consisted of Amelia, Belle, and I catching up and me trying to convince Aden to let Amelia stay with the pack. I tried every page in the book but finally got him to agree with my idea of Amelia being the pack witch.

Unfortunately, Jezebel cursed Amelia with magic in hopes of using it as leverage against me. She told Amelia that she would lift the curse if I agreed to stay with her. Look at how that turned out. But Lia was okay with it because it meant she was allowed to stay in the pack with Belle and me.

Another thing that caught me off guard was the fact that Lia already knew Belle was a wolf so she was completely okay with me being the Luna of a werewolf pack. Lia claimed that 'it's my god-given destiny and I should embrace it.'

"But what sucks is that you could never mind link with us!" Belle whined.

"Oh, the thinking thing?" Lia asked.

"Yeah, the entire pack can mind link, but you can't because you're not a wolf," I sighed.

"I'm pretty sure I can find a spell for that," Lia laughed. Lia closed her eyes and sat in a meditative stance. I watched her intensely as her chest rose and fell. Soon enough, I felt pressure on my temples. "Let it in, C," Lia hummed. Relaxing, I felt the pressure swirl in my head and land near where I feel my wolf. Lalaloopsy? 

"You bitch," I laughed and hit her. Belle laughed along with us.

"I tied us together, so whenever you need to talk, you can just think about us together and the thoughts will go through. It'll kind of be like a mind link and can-and-sting in one," Lia smiled to herself.

"You were always the smart one of us," I pushed her.

"And you were the MamaBear," She rebutted.

"Hence this whole Luna thing," I laughed.

"And what about me?" Belle pouted.

"The baby," Lia and I chorused. Belle looked offended as we both laughed loudly.

It felt like how it was before all this commotion. The only thing that's changed is time and I'm forever thankful for that.

"Aden what if we moved the training field over to the east side of the house. You guy train in the morning, so when you train the sun with shine over you guys," I smiled.

"No, it'll stay where it is," he dismissed.


"Because I say so," he shrugged. He flipped his papers over and continued to read other things. We were currently in his study trying to discuss pack issues and concerns. It had been about two hours of giving suggestions only for him to turn them down or ignore me completely.

I sighed and sat upside down on the sofa I was in. Not only did Aden ignore me, but he also didn't want to give me any work. I was the type of person that wants to work, I enjoyed it. Aden seemed to enjoy working too, just by himself.

I subconsciously sighed again and groaned as I turned around and sat correctly.

"Do you really need to be making all that noise?" Aden asked, not looking up from his papers.

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled. After a few moments of being quiet, I started to swing my feet and hum to myself. I focused on the little dut particle that fell from the ceiling fan all the way down to Aden's desk. Once the dust settled, I looked up to see Aden staring at me intently. I jump at his glare and looked down, "sorry."

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