nineteen: Thanksgiving

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nineteen: Thanksgiving

The dinner after the Assembly was extremely awkward. Almost all the Alphas left right after the meeting, but the neighboring packs stayed. The large dinner was held in the Formal Dining Room and consisted of two meals and dessert. The table talk was kept to a minimum, but only one Luna actually spoke to me.

Luna Lily, from Camp Hanna, was a complete angel. We excused ourselves and spoke to each other until our mates had to pry us away from each other. She told me to make sure I never felt lonely and that I could always count on her and her pack in case of anything. Formalities or not, she made me feel less lonely in a Luna sense, and I was thankful for that.

But now, it's currently seven forty-five in the morning and I actually have to get ready for the day's event: Thanksgiving Dinner.

No, it wasn't just the dinner, it consisted of a whole day's worth of work. Aden woke me up about fifteen minutes ago to let me know that I had to get ready by eight so that we can start our day. I wished I could sleep longer, but I knew my Luna duties could not wait.

But today seemed different. The energy in the air was intoxicating and liberating. I felt pride and happiness well in my chest and made me feel good. I was happy.

Aden never told me how to dress for the day, so I decided on brown skinny jeans and a burnt orange long-sleeved shirt. I paired it with a faux fur vest and my brown booties, really feeling the autumn vibe. I quickly braided a small piece of my hair and threw it into a mid-high ponytail. Leaving my face bare, I brushed my teeth and ran down the stairs.

"Boo," I joked as I jumped on Aden. People around him cooed at us but continued their work.

"You seem in a good mood," he complimented and kissed my nose. I crinkled my nose at the action and jumped off his back.

"I didn't scare you?" I pouted. I knew I wasn't the quietest person going down the stairs, but at least hoped to get a little reaction out of him.

"With your elephant stampede going down the stairs, how could I?" Aden laughed at me. "Plus, I heard when your door opened, super hearing remember?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "you couldn't even pretend? You suck."

"Ahh," he threw his hands in the air sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his arm. "Ouch, that hurt."

"As if, Mister Werewolf," I joked. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Well, first you have to eat breakfast," he walked me to the kitchen. He uncovered a plate of eggs and ham, then pulled out a juice bottle from the fridge.

"Thank you," I blushed. I finished my meal in record time and nodded to myself in recognition, "huh, I must have been super hungry."

"It's the wolf bite," Aden smiled sheepishly, "I knew you'd be hungry so I made a big plate of it, just for you."

I placed my hands on my face, trying to hide my blush, "I- thank you."

He pulled my hand away from my face and kissed it, "of course, sweet pea. Now, on to today's events..."

My outfit worked as camouflage against the trees in the forest. Aden had handed me a gun since I couldn't shift... yet.

Apparently, it was the tradition that the Alpha and Luna hunt for the Thanksgiving dinner meal. But this year, since I am the Luna and not a werewolf, we had to tweak the tradition. Instead of it just being Aden and me, we decided to invite the Beta and Gamma along with their mates. The six of us are hunting together in the woods.

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