fifteen: acceptance

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fifteen: acceptance

The front door slammed open and Aden barged in ready to fight. His eyes shined a bright yellow, ready to pounce if needed. Collen, Daniel, and Alice ran in behind him, ready to defend me and help him fight. Belle's eyes changed from the previous green to her regular ice blue eyes and smiled at all of them. I stood in the middle of the supernatural group, afraid.

"What happened!" Aden yelled. I jumped at his voice and looked around.

"I happened," Belle shrugged. "I told her the truth."

"She's-" I started, but a voice cut me off.

"-A werewolf, too," Collen breathed. I could tell from the way Belle was looking at him that something was going on between them.

"Why did you scream?" Alice asked.

"I- I got scared," I whispered. I felt stupid for frightening everyone like that. Belle just caught me by surprise.

"Do you need help getting your things?" Aden asked.

"Things?" Belle snapped out of her little trance with Collen and turned her attention to Aden and me.

"Yeah, before you scared me, I was going to tell you that I'm going to be moving into Aden's... pack with him," I nodded.

"Moving?" Belle asked, softly. "You're gonna leave me by myself?"

Before I could answer her, Collen answered for me, "no, you're coming with us."

"She is?" I asked. Aden looked between Collen and me. It looked as if he was asking Collen a question and then nodded, "she is. They're mates."

The ride back to the pack lands was eventful, nonetheless. Imagine my surprise then Belle didn't have to ride on Collen's back. Belle shifted into a large white and brown wolf. She looked beautiful. I watched and Collen and Belle played with each other as they were running. Alice and Daniel also played with each other, but not as much as the other couple did. I guess it's because they've been together for a while and Collen and Belle just met each other.

I felt slight envy as I watched the four of them. They looked delighted to be with each other, nipping at each other's ears and tripping them. I sort of longed for that. I will never be able to experience running with Aden because I will never be a wolf. It kind of hurt. I wrapped my arms around Aden a little tighter and laid my head in the space between his shoulders.

This is stupid, I thought to myself. Envious because I can't hurt into an animal. I tried to convince myself that it was displeasing, but I will always miss that connection. Sitting up a bit, I looked around at the blurring scenery. The trees blurred with the bushes. The sunlight seeped through leaves of the trees and shined against the broken twigs and dirt on the ground.

I heard birds chirping and flapping their wings around us. Tons of birds all flew in the same direction as if they were flying away from something. It wasn't us, because they flew across us, not away. Looking over in the direction that they came from, I noticed a large blob of color coming towards us. It looked like it was running with us but getting closer. As it got closer, the blobs of color multiplied.

"Hey Aden, what's that?" I asked, releasing my right hand and pointing towards the blob. Aden kind of looked over in the direction that I pointed at and then started to run faster, causing me to yelp and grab him tighter. Growls could be heard around us.

Aden's body vibrated with a low growl and the rest of them stopped their playing and started to disperse a bit. Belle stayed with us and ran alongside us. Coming to a small clearing, Aden and Belle slowed down. Aden crouched down, letting me off and growled. Belle also got down and nudged my leg. "You want me to get on?" I asked Belle. She nodded as a response.

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