twenty-eight: ice princess

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twenty-eight: ice princess

The phone call with my dad lasted for about two hours. We talked about everything and nothing at the same time. He caught me up on events from home while I lied to him about my beautiful beach vacation. I also told him how Belle and I decided to spontaneously move to Los Angeles during our vacation and how we have an apartment for ourselves. The lies snowballed until we changed the subject. He seemed to believe me and I was thankful for that.

It hurt that I lied to him, but at this point, everyone lies to me, I might as well pay it forward.

The last two days consisted of me locking myself in my room. If anyone dared to take me out of my room, I would threaten them with the idea of sending them to the dungeon. Goodness knows if we have one, but they seemed to believe me. The only people who I allowed to come in were Belle and Alice.

Aden tried to come in multiple times but was kicked out by Belle and Alice. Although him being their Alpha, they listened to me more than him. Only so many thirty-second dance parties and tubs of ice cream could help.

I cried until I couldn't cry anymore, and then when I thought I was done, I'd cry again. Aden hurt me and especially hurt me on my birthday. But today, Belle finally got me out of bed and into the shower. Alice brought me out some comfy nice clothes and forced me to go downstairs. I had no fight in me left and I couldn't smell Aden, so I obliged.

I must have a stuffed nose because as soon as I went downstairs, Aden was standing there with something behind his back. I turned to Alice and glared at her, "I hate you. You're going in the dungeon."

"We don't have a dungeon, sweet pea," Aden laughed at me. I turned around just to glare at him.

He was in the way of the kitchen, so on my way in, he grabbed my arm, "so we're back at this again."

"Lottie, don't be like that," he sighed.

"Don't be like what? Upset because, for the second time, the supposed love of my life thinks of me as an object instead of an equal?" I scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I was upset that you let the rogue go and was naked in front of others," he tried to explain, but only dug himself in a deeper hole.

"So because your tiny ego was crushed because I took down more rogues than you and was naked in front of other warriors you think it's okay to call me an object?" I spat. He gulped in realization and I just shrugged off his arm. "I'm over it, Aden."

"Let me apologize, formally. Please, Lottie. Anything," Aden pleaded. "Let me take you on a date Off the pack lands, in your world, somewhere nice. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Why should I let you," I asked.

"Because I lo-"

"No. Other than that shitty reason. Love me, my ass. Give me an actual reason, something you can prove," I dismissed him.

He stood in his spot and thought for a second, "Because although you're losing trust in me, you still care for me enough to consider letting me convince you to come with me."

I blinked at him and rolled my eyes, "if you were answering a short answer essay question, you would have failed. Lucky for you, for some reason Bambi still likes you even though you belittled us. You have until six to figure out what you want to do for a date. I'm going to wear leggings and a nice top, not a dress, so don't pick an overpriced over-the-top place."

"Yes," he cheered, "I won't let you down, sweet pea." He quickly kissed my cheek and ran away going up the stairs towards goddess knows what.

Turning towards Alice, I glared at her cheerful face. "You're still on thin ice you conniving bitch," I mumbled. "If we had a dungeon, you'd be all over it."

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