twenty-five: Full Moon

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twenty-five: Full Moon

I don't think I've ever screamed that loud in my life.

The loud wailing echoed in my ears. It sounded so far and close, my head pounded at the noise. if my throat hadn't felt so raw, I wouldn't have known it was me. I sounded like a dying animal, and at this moment, I felt like one.

Footsteps rushed around me and I felt Aden's arms wrap around me, trying to calm me down. I heard the voices of concerned pack members around me, trying to figure out why I was screaming. I tried to pry my eyes open to see my surroundings, but moving hurt more than anything. Fire courses through my veins and demanded to be let out.

I heard Aden's voice asking me questions, but everything sounded fuzzy. His voice, along with the others, felt muted and muffled in the sound of throbbing in my head. Sweat rolled down my body, leaving my clothes to stick to my body. It took everything in me to not rip off my clothes, not wanting to give a show to the people around me.

A loud voice trembled through the room and footsteps dispersed from the area. The energy in the room calmed down and it felt better to breathe, but it still hurt too much to move. I felt the need to go outside and get out of the cramped space. "Outside," I groaned, trying to get Aden's attention.

I felt myself be lifted off the dining room floor and out the back door. The cold December air hit my hot sweaty body, feeling so nice. The good sensation was over as fast as it came with a large wave of pain flowed through my body. I loud crack was heard when I was put down and I wailed in pain.

Looking over to my arm, I could see it bent in a way it wasn't supposed to in a place where I don't have any joints. I screamed in fear at the look of my arm and cried, even more, when I felt my shoulder popped out of place. The ringing in my ears got louder as I heard someone run over to me. Tears blurred my vision, but I could see a lady looking over me.

Muffled voices argued around me and I just cried. I tried to reach up to Aden, only for my arm to break again. I let out a loud cry and groaned in pain. Everything that everyone has done to prepare me for this hasn't worked. The training and the learning, they all seemed irrelevant at the moment. Pain proceeded to run amuck in my body and made its way to my head.

My head pounded and my ears rang. My throat was sore from screaming and my mouth ached from grinding my teeth. With no warning, canines shot out of my gums and elongated in my mouth. Since I didn't expect it, I ended up biting my lip which caused blood to pool in my mouth. I spat the blood and cried.

An ice-cold wet cloth was shoved into my mouth in hopes of helping the pain subside. A growl left my chest at the feeling of my hand breaking. Aden yelled at someone, asking them to help me, but there was no response. No one could help me, I couldn't even help myself.

I screamed into the cloth as I felt my hip pop out of place. It wasn't the usual dislocation, because I've dislocated my lip before. This time, it felt more powerful, it completely moved out of place. Next came my leg, it broke. I choked on my scream, feeling like I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone had taken a large hammer and slung it at my leg, ultimately shattering it.

My mind grew numb and I felt an ever-growing ball in my head. My head felt like it was going to explode and a powerful wave of energy passed through my veins towards my toes. A crack could be heard as the feet bent in a weird position.

Screaming wasn't doing justice anymore. I felt like I needed to vomit.

"Help," I groaned into the cloth. The first word I could say during this entire thing. I felt Aden's presence rush over to me and he held me, even in my broken state. He ran his hands through my hair and shushed me, trying to get me to calm down.

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