eighteen: human born, luna bred

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eighteen: human born, luna bred

The day before Thanksgiving is always busy, but this year was a little crazier. Not only did it leak that I have a werewolf bite, but Aden's parents thought it would be a good idea to invite neighboring pack Alphas. Beverly claims that it was already pre-set after the Changing of Power Ceremony and then never canceled.

From Aden's room, I could hear all of the commotion that was coming from the first floor, but when I got there, it was nothing that I had imagined. People ran all over the house, moving furniture and making food. Not only were people getting ready for the arrival of the Alphas, but also preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

After a few Good Morning Luna's, I made my way to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. For once, I am finally eating a meal besides dinner. Every day since I've gotten here, I have either woken up at an ungodly hour or just completely missed all meals. This time I decided to make myself some food. I pulled out some fruit and a juice bottle from the fridge and sat on the kitchen island.

I watched as people ran back and forth and started to feel guilty that I wasn't helping. I'm supposed to look after the pack and be sort of a female or mother figure for them, but here I was munching away on some fruit. I popped a few more blueberries in my mouth and downed my juice before asking someone where I could find Aden, Collen, or Daniel.

I seemed to have overwhelmed the young lady with all of my questions because she pointed me towards someone else. "Hi, excuse me?" I asked the older man.

Slowly he stopped dusting and turned to me, "oh! Hello, my dear, what can I help you with?"

"Not much, I was just wondering where I could find Alpha Aden?" I asked politely. Though on the inside I was excited that I used Aden's title correctly!

"Oh! Alpha Aden, he's in the Assembly Room, Luna," he smiled and turned back to dusting.

What an odd old man. I shook my head and made my way over to where I think the Assembly Room is. I looked in every open room I saw but couldn't find it. I groaned in defeat and turned around, only to meet a hard chest.

"Is this always how we're going to meet, little mate?" Aden laughed.

I looked up at his face and blushed, "hi."

He chuckled and bent down to give me a peck on the lips. I blushed and buried my face in his chest. "So I heard you've been looking for me?"

"Yes," I mumbled in his chest. I looked back up at him and huffed, "I feel so useless. Everyone is running around, helping set up for this huge alpha meeting, but I was in the kitchen eating fruit while everyone worked!"

"So you're upset because you're not working?" he reiterated.

"Yes! See you get me!"

"Only you, Lil C, only you," he chuckled.

"Hey, have you been speaking to Belle! She called me that although out middle school," I rolled my eyes.

"No, but now that you've said that,  will definitely ask about those middle school stories," he mused.

I rolled my eyes again, "whatever. Now tell me what I can do to help!" I demanded.

"Okay, firecracker, uh, you can go into my study, by our rooms, and organize all of the alpha papers. Basically what I need if for them to be in alphabetical order. I think that's all that's left. Everyone else has been assigned a job. I was going to do it, but since I have my little helper, I think I can just make us some food once I'm done in the Assembly Room," Aden informed me.

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