eight: forest animals

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eight: forest animals

For the last two hours, Belle has not stopped running around. She has been nonstop rushing and prepping. "He's the love of your life"


"You'll fall in love-"


"Get married-"


"Have kids-"


"Live happily ever after-"

"Liabelle Grace King!" I finally yelled. That got her attention. "For the last two hours, you have absolutely driver me insane over this study date. It's not an actual date, just a tutor and a boy. Completely and utterly normal."

"But- I- You have to at least look presentable!" Belle tried. I gave her the mom look and she shot me some puppy eyes. I just rolled my eyes and extending my hands letting her dress me up.

Quickly, she pulled me into the bathroom and started on my makeup. I know Belle wants the best for me, always trying so hard to find me boyfriends and dates. She thinks it's unhealthy to not have dated anyone since our freshman year of high school. Amelia and she are such big social butterflies, I am more of the mama bear, not letting anyone harm them.

I failed on that part. Amelia has been gone for three months with no signs. I don't think she's coming back, I don't know if we'll find her. As the weather got colder, most of the search parties have ceased. No one seems to be looking anymore, but I have a feeling she's still out there. Maybe it's just my false hope, but there's no logical rationalization for this. Weirdly enough, I still feel her and feel like she's safe, even though there's no signs of her.

"Charlotte?" a voice calls out to me. I snap my head up, humming a response. Belle looked like she asked me a question. "I said, did you want eyeliner or just a natural eyeshadow?"

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Lia. Uh, both?" I sigh.

Belle gives me a sympathetic look and puts a blond strand behind her ear, "everything will be okay, Lottie. I promise."

"I love you, B."

"Love you too, Char."

The cafe was mostly empty. After Belle finished my hair and makeup, I slipped on a pair of leggings and a maroon cardigan over my white tee-shirt. Although Belle did my hair, I ended up pulling it into a loose ponytail because it started to drizzle a bit. Thankfully, I wore sneakers because puddles seemed to have formed quickly.

I decided to sit in the corner booth, as I waited for Aden. Our study date was supposed to be for four in the afternoon, but it's currently four-thirty and my only company is dust bunnies. Taking a deep breath, I decided to study on my own. I wasn't going to waste my time waiting for a guy who just wanted to-

"A hot chocolate with extra whip cream and cinnamon if I'm correct?" a voice hummed.

My head shot up to meet the face connected to the voice, "thank you, but bribing me with sweets isn't going to make up the fact that you're almost fourty-five minutes late."

"I'm sorry, I was held up at home. My dad needed help with- uh, some mean neighbors," he explained sitting down. He placed the cup of hot cocoa in front of me and scooted into his side of the booth.

I steadied my breath and looked up at him again. He wore a small smile on his lips and messed with his hair. He looked a little nervous. Me? Making him nervous? I laughed at myself but covered it by clearing my throat, "extra whip cream?"

I pulled the cup to my mouth and inhaled the sweet chocolate smell, "yeah, I overheard you and your friend the other day. Well not overheard because it was hard to not hear your friend's loud voice- no offense."

"None taken, she is pretty loud. I don't know how I'm not deaf by now," I laughed. He laughed with me and smiled. His eyes locked with mine and seemed to stare into my soul. A shiver went down my spine towards my toes.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't find a way to. Same. I cleared my throat, breaking the trance we were in, "um, so forest animals: wolves, raccoons, deer, rabbits..."

After almost four hours of laughing and studying, we decided to end our study date. it was nice talking to him, especially since I'm only close to two other people in this small town. He seemed really nice and extremely smart. He knew so much geography and biology of the forest animals– which is what our midterm is on– so I can't understand why he said he needed help.

"So this is me," I laughed softly, once we got to my car.

"Yeah, it was nice talking with you and helping me study for this final tomorrow," he smiled at me. That damned smile, always making me feel all gooey inside.

"Likewise," I nodded. Likewise? What am I, eighty? "Uh, yeah. Feel free to text me if you have any questions, before the test!"

"Of course, have a good night, Lottie," he called.

"You, too, Aden," I smiled. I got into my car and turned to look for him, only to see him crossing the street into the woods. I quickly got out and called after him, "Wait! Aden! Do you need a ride home?"

"Uh, not really, I'm right around the corner," he yelled.

"Aden, I grew up around here, there is no right around the corner. This area is all forest. Trying to meet some animals we talked about?" I laughed.

"You're funny, Charlotte Rae, I'll give you that," he laughed. I walked over towards him and opened my mouth to speak, but ended up screaming. Behind him, in the forest, was a huge wolf. It looked like a predator searching for his prey. Aden's face dropped at my scream and opened his mouth to talk.

"Aden," I ran towards him. "There's a wolf behind you-" I was cut off by the wolf running past him and towards me. Me?! I'm on the other side of the street. I screamed in fear, but couldn't move from shock. This is how I die.

The wolf came barreling towards me, full speed. Teeth showing, growling loudly, and saliva falling out of his mouth. Still screaming, I grabbed my keychain pepper spray and try to spray the animal, only for it to smack my hand with its paw and knock the keychain out of my hand. I cry in pain and cradle my arm. Blood pours out of my arm and I fall on the floor, against the light pole.

The wild animal still prowls around me and claws at my legs, as if trying to get me to fight back. How can I fight a wolf? I cry in pain and fear, no one to help me. "Aden, please run," I yell. He didn't need to die, too.

I didn't hear his response, but instead, I heard a loud growl. Great another wild animal to help kill me. Slowly, I looked up to see the familiar yellow-eyes; the wolf that was in the forest earlier last week. But this didn't stop the mean grey wolf from attacking my legs with its claws. It still hasn't bit me, surprisingly.

But slowly, the grey wolf started to blur. How strange. A loud growl echoed the empty parking lot and the scratching on my legs stopped. Another growl could be heard, but I started to not care. I felt like I was going through a tunnel because slowly the edges of my vision started to get dark and fuzzy.

The growling and whimpers seemed to stop and I softly smiled, they're gone. I relaxed against the light pole, finally out of harm's way.

But funny enough, the last thing I remember is a voice calling out to me before everything went black.

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