eleven: history

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!!!- this "history" lesson is nothing but fiction. I do not want to offend anyone, especially any one of the native American descent. i only used native Americans because i was talking about the natives of the land the european's found

eleven: history

Walking out of the beautiful room, we made our way to the study– which was on the first floor, lovely. Many people smiled and nodded their heads at us. I smile politely, but on the inside, I was absolutely terrified.

There was a slim chance that Aden told me the truth, but even if it was the truth that means that these people are those scary monsters the bedtime stories use to have. My heart was racing a mile a minute at the idea of the truth. Apparently Aden was going to show me proof of this werewolf situation. It's not that I want him to lie to me, but it's kind of scary.

In my hometown, there's a story of monsters and creatures of the night that use to come to our town centuries ago. My town was one of the original founding towns of our area, dating all the way back towards the 1700s. The bedtime stories go along the lines of witches, werewolves, and vampires living in peace until something drastic and idiotic happens which makes everyone hate each other for the rest of eternity for absolutely no reason other than selfish wants. Now all three species are told to be living in the mix of humans and away from each other, hating each other until the end of time. Completely childish, if you ask me.

I slam up against a hard surface and groan as I fall to the ground. I look up to see that the hard surface was actually Aden's back. "Ouch," I moan as I stand up. My legs are still a little injured and falling kind of hurt.

"Lottie, are you okay?" Aden asks, trying not to laugh.

I flip him off, "yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking and didn't see you stop."

"Yeah, I can tell," he laughed. He wraps his arm around my back and pulls me into the study. Goosebumps form up and down my arms from his touch and I blush at my body's reaction. Aden seemed to not notice because he continued to push me towards a comfy brown sofa, making me sit.

I watch him as he walks over to a large bookcase and searches through the top shelf. Silently, I huff at the idea that no matter how far I reach, I will not be able to reach the top shelf. Soon enough, Aden pulls out an old-looking book from the shelf. "Just because it's old doesn't mean it's factual," I roll my eyes.

"Charlotte, will you give me a chance to show you!" Aden snapped. I jumped at his yelling and looked down. At my actions, he sighed and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, it's just- You're not giving me a chance. You say you can't trust me, and that hurts. But I get it, I haven't done anything to earn your trust. But you also have to work with me, you can't just shut me out because you're afraid. Everyone's afraid, Charlotte."

"I'm sorry," I whisper. My mind can't get over how angry and powerful he sounded when he yelled. My mind seemed to have shut down on myself for some reason. But once he touched my hand to comfort me, my entire body went into overdrive and I felt like I could breathe. "Why does that happen?"

"Why does what happen?" Aden asked.

My cheeks flushed at the thought of explaining how he makes me feel. I was never good at explaining my feelings and probably never will be. "Don't make fun of me please," I look up at him. He shakes his head in agreement and I continue, "okay, so, whenever you touch me, whether it's my arm or back or hand, I get this weird shock throughout my body. It's not like electricity, but like a little tingle, kind of like when your hand falls asleep and you have to shake it out to wake it up. It's not painful but it makes me happy. And it's definitely not lust, but like a... connection?"

"It's because you're my mate," Aden sighs.

"What's a mate?" I asked truthfully. I mean I've heard of people talking about it, but no one has explained it.

"A mate is the short word for a soulmate. A soulmate is someone that just gets you. It's a connection of minds, mutual respect, unconditional love, and a total understanding. It's about being yourself and knowing, not only that person is following and understanding your thoughts but is right there with you, side by side. The soulmate's relationship is equal; no higher or lower place, just as one.

"In our pack and most other packs, your mate is your other half. We believe in the Moon Goddess, which is why wolves howl at the moon. Our belief is that the Moon Goddess split our soul into two parts for two different beings. Yes, you are your own independent person, but you will always long for someone to truly connect with. It doesn't mean you're dependent on anyone, but like how someone needs a friend, your soulmate is your friend forever. They will always believe you, want you, and trust you," Aden explained.

I stared at him in disbelief, I have never heard of a Moon Goddess and the split soul theory. "Um, can you please read me the book?" I asked softly. I didn't want to dismiss him, but I needed to know the facts.

"Okay, before I read you the book, I need to show you the publication and credible source," Aden explained. On the front cover of the book, a very well known European publishing company was credited along with a man with four different PhDs. I nodded in acknowledgment and had him continue.

Aden turned to a page titled Origin of the Weres. He clears his throat and reads:

"During the founding of our lands, the white men came and destroyed the peace and tranquility of our tribe. They brought their new machinery and weapons, threatening us in a language we didn't understand. Waving their weapons around did the job of scaring us deep into the forest. Other tribes from around the area were also forced into seclusion, away from the rivers and farms. They stole everything.

"Cries from every tribe could be heard as the white men killed our families with their gifts. They gave us blankets and foods, brought us tools and clothes. But in actuality, they brought us sickness and death. They cursed our lands and our families. Slowly everyone died until only the strongest survived.

"But the tormet didn't stop there, the white men stole the health women and females as their whores and slaves. They did as they pleased and didn't care who they hurt in the process. Finally, the chief's son had enough with their debacles and prayed to the ancestors. Hunter of Wolves prayed and prayed until his cries were answered, only by one Goddess.

"The Moon Goddess heard his cries and answered his prayers. Hunter of Wolves prayed for a way to save his tribe and his family from the horrid white men. The Moon Goddess blessed him, along with all of the other tribes, with the strength of wolves. The native american's were able to fight against the men and gain back their lands and families. But they were not able to revive the warriors and people who were lost to the sickness.

"Through the grief and sadness, they still praised the Moon Goddess for her help in their revival. Pleased with their praises and integrity, she blessed them with a true gift: love. The Moon Goddess vowed that all of their children and lineage would have half a soul, which would allow them to find the other half of their soul and love. Along with that, she enhanced the gift of a wolf's strength to the ability to transform into a wolf on every full moon.

"As the lineage grew, so did the ability. Instead of only being able to transform on a full moon, the members were able to transform as they liked. Then to expand the Moon Goddess's worshippers, she allowed the werewolves the ability to spread the gift to other beings their bite."

I placed my hand on Aden's which caused him to stop reading, "I'm sorry."

Fear flashed across his eyes, "no, baby, why are you sorry?"

My heart fluttered at the name and I gave him a soft smile, "I'm sorry that your... kind had to go through that. I'm sorry people had to suffer through that."

"It's not your fault," he reassured me. "Do you believe me though?" I nodded. "Good, now I know I still haven't done anything to urge your full trust, but can you please give me a chance?"

I looked at him and thought about it. He was so sincere in his question and has been nothing but nice to me, no matter how much shit I've given him. The least I can do is give him a chance to prove himself to me, "okay, but on one condition."

"Anything," he pleaded.

"Show me how you shift."

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