Chapter 1

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I'm standing here, facing the grave of the person I love the most.

It's cold and raining outside, but my body doesn't care. Seulgi kept putting an umbrella over my head, but I kept pushing it away, telling her I didn't need it. I don't care if I die of illness; if it's the only way I can see her again, I'll gladly accept death.

"Byul, please, if she's alive right now and sees you like this, I'm sure she'll be angry at you. You know she hates seeing you sick and sad," Seulgi said, insisting on placing the umbrella over my head. I don't want seulgi to see me crying, but I'm in pain and I can't help but burst the emotions building up inside me.

"You just got out from the hospital, do you want to go again?" She added while sadness is visible on her face. She sounded so caring that I felt guilty for making her feel so worried about me.

The thing is, I've been in a coma for almost two months as a result of that incident, and it's also the reason I lost her.. why I lost the person who means the most to me.

It's been almost two months, but the events are still fresh and vivid in my mind. I can still feel my girlfriend's pain as she screamed my name, assuring me that everything is fine and that we can get through this together.

"I don't know what to do with my life anymore, seulgi. She's the only reason I'm alive, she's my happiness..." I paused, staring at her tombstone in front of me, tears streaming down my cheeks like this rain pouring nonstop.

"She's my everything," I sobbed, staring at seulgi, who had the most pitiful gaze on me.

I kneel in front of her grave, clutching my chest and crying myself to death. I can't feel my feet anymore, and they're becoming numb from the cold. My body is weak, and my heart is hurting. If only I could go back in time, I'd do anything to save her.

They kept telling me it was fine, that I should move on, and I kept asking myself how. It's hard. It's always hard when you don't know what to do.

Why do I have to go through this? Why do I have to lose her?

"Hey, I know it's hard and I know you want to give up, but byul, we can't change what happened; all we can do now is face the reality, focus on the future, move on, and take time to heal," she said as she patted my back.

I know seulgi has a point, but I keep my mouth shut. I can't utter a single word now, I just want to cry my heart out.

When she didn't hear a response, she put my head on her lap, hugging my head with her left hand while her other hand is holding the umbrella.

"Life is cruel. We will experience happiness, but will also experience double loneliness in return. But that's why we mature; the more problems we face, the more we mold as humans. This is another step in life byul, a chapter in our book, but definitely not the entire story. This is just a challenge," Seulgi stated with a deep sigh.

"I hope so, sulgs, I hope so," I just said. My mind isn't working this time, and I'm at a loss for words to respond to her advice.

"If you're ready to leave, just let me know. I'll give you time to say goodbye to her, and I'll just wait for you in the car," she said as she handed me the umbrella. I don't have anything to say-- or I refuse to say anything-- so I just nod.

Seulgi walks to her car after saying her goodbyes. I stood up a few minutes later, staring at her name engraved on the concrete in front of me.

I'm so sorry, love. I'll do my best to live the life you've given me. Even if I want to be with you, I will not waste this second chance. I don't want to let you down; you offer your life for me, and I despise myself for it. I should be the one saving you, but why am I the only one still alive? I promise to value this life. I'll live normally from now on. Away from violence, bloodstains, and war. I'll guard this body as if it were mine. I love you, and I will not forget you.

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