Chapter 10

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When I tried to call Seulgi in her room a while ago, she wasn't there. I'm sure she took her butt off to eat something for lunch because she doesn't have to cook here.

I was in my room listening to music when my phone rang, causing me to flinch for a split second. I pick it up excitedly after seeing who the caller ID was, and I'm not sure why I get excited seeing her name.


"Hello?" I asked, a big grin on my face. I was expecting a response, but a minute has passed and nothing has happened. I removed the phone from my ears to see if the call was still on the line, and it was. For a brief moment, I mistook one of our phones for faulty. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her sigh.

"Yongsun?" I asked her again, my grin gradually fading. Even though I only met her once, I believe something was bothering her. I remember Yongsun as a happy little bunny. But now, it's like the entire world's problem is on her shoulders because of how deep that sigh she made just now.

A moment of silence was winning between us. I heard her sigh again a few seconds later before she finally spoke.

"Are you available for dinner later?" She tried to sound excited, but I could tell something was bothering her. And I grew curious, but I needed to give her some space because we're not that close. I'll wait for her to willingly tell me about her problems.

"I'm always available, yong; just message me your location and I'll pick you up," I said, ignoring everything else in the call.

"Okay then.. see you later. Bye," Yongsun said as the line went dead. Even though the call had ended, I was still holding my phone to my ear, slowly putting it down while my mind was preoccupied with thoughts. But what scares me is that the thoughts in my head are no longer about Dahee. It's all about Youngsun.

And I can't help but wonder, why?

I mean, I'm still affected by what happened with Dahee, but the pain isn't as intense as it was before.

And the fact that I only met Yongsun yesterday, fucking yesterday.  Nonetheless, her impact on my entire being was tattooed inside my head. It's just a simple phone call, but it makes me grin all of a sudden. She has a problem, and I worry even though I don't have to. What's the matter with me?

I completely put my phone on the desk as I lay on the bed, battling with my mind and feelings I had no idea existed.

Yongsun messaged me the time and her location as I quickly took a shower and brush my teeth.

I open my massive wardrobe in search of appropriate attire for our dinner. It took me a while to find an outfit, but I ended up wearing the same clothes I always do.

I put on my white polo and tucked it into my black tattered jeans, paired it with my white sneakers, and finished the look with specs. I like to wear caps as well, but I'll leave that for now.

As soon as I was satisfied with my appearance in the mirror, I exited my room and grabbed my keys to go fetch Yongsun. As I approached her location, I noticed her standing on a street corner, waiting for me. Her outfit is simple, but it is this simplicity that makes her stand out among all the crowds.


I park on the other side of the street and drag myself over to her location. She didn't notice me at first, but as I got closer, a warm smile appeared on her pretty face. When I saw how beautiful she is with that smile, I thought I was on cloud nine for a split second. My heart skips a beat just looking at her doing nothing.

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