Chapter 22

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Suelgi's POV

Flowers, check!

Table design, check!

Utensils, check!

Food, check!

Candlelight, check!

Wine, check!


I hurriedly ran towards the mirror and look at my reflection, fixing the part of my outfit that was crumpled a bit. 

Myself? Perfectly check!

I felt millions of butterflies on my stomach rapidly flying around inside my body. I don't know if I'm excited or I'm just nervous about what I'm about to do. Irene is still in her room, changing clothes or maybe taking her bath. I'm so relieved she didn't go inside the kitchen earlier, or else my surprise will be ruin. 

I even forget I have a surprise for her. Shame.

I quickly turn off the lights from the living room and kitchen. The only light that was glowing in the place is this candle I've lighted a few moments ago. So basically, my surprise for tonight is a candlelight dinner. I calm my nerves and breathed heavily when I hear tiny footsteps walking in my direction. I quickly hide at the back of the door and before she could enter, I put a handkerchief in her eyes that made her flinch a little due to the surprise attack.

"Seulgi! As far as I know, I already paid my electricity bills, or is it blackout?" Irene stated, making me chuckle silently. 

Irene was wearing her Spongebob pajamas and her hair was tied into a bun. She looks so comfortable in her clothes but my mind wishes I could take those off from her body. Well.. sorry. 

"Did I scare you? This is just a little peace offering on what I did on the other day." I said as I guided her to the table. 

I check out everything for one last time if the dinner is perfect, and when I was satisfied with my creation. When I asked her if she was ready, Irene just nods as her response and that was my cue to get rid of the handkerchief that was covering her eyes. 

Irene gasps, covering her mouth with both of her hands when she saw the surprise for her.

"You like it? I mean, this is not as fancy like the other surprises, but I hope you like it." I said nervously when I notice she's not moving and was just looking at the table and food. She wanders her eyes for more, looking around the place and I'm worried that maybe she didn't like the surprise.

"You're making me conscious, say somethi-" I stopped what I am saying when Irene suddenly hugs me, crying like a baby at my shoulder. She was sobbing so suddenly that I didn't have time to ask what's wrong. I just hug her back, tighter than her embrace. It's like the hug was telling her all my emotions and unsaid feelings.

"Thank you. You're the first person to surprise me like this. I love it seulgi." Irene murmured between our hug.

I just smile in her cuteness as I gently push her away to stare into those wonderful pair of deep brown eyes she possesses. Those eyes are the ones I will surely love to look at for the rest of my life. I gently wiped her tears and gave her the sweetest smile I could make, to which Irene responded with a smile also.

"You're still beautiful after crying. God is so unfair." I said and pouted to make the atmosphere lighten which I guess was effective when I heard Irene chuckled and playfully hit my arm.

"So tell me? What is this all about?" Irene asked, her bitchy aura was now back on track.

Is this woman kinda bipolar or something? 

Irene raised her eyebrow when I didn't answer her question. It's not that I'm ignoring here, it's just I was mesmerized by the beauty in front of me. I was just staring at her heavenly beauty, thinking how can someone be this perfect, she's effortlessly gorgeous. I scanned Irene's face more and notice she didn't wear any makeup. God must really take his time creating Irene Bae.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a clearing of her throat, which made me automatically blink my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, just thinking of something." I said and gave her my shy smile, making Irene's eyebrow raised more.

"I mean- uhm this is just nothing. Just a little effort for leaving the other day unannounced."

"Is that all?" Irene said still not convinced by my reason. She must've really known I remember everything and prefer not to say it. Should I open the topic for us to have a talk? But what if that was all a mistake and she distances herself from me after this? I can't afford to lose her in my life you know.

"N-No." I responded nervously. My heart is pounding in my chest like crazy and I don't know if I'll survive today. But I know even I tried to hide everything, there is always a time the truth will set free. And I guess it's better to settle things out this time, knowing it just happened recently. 

I can do it. I just have to tell her everything. Man up seulgi!

"A-Are you mad, Irene-ssi? A-About what happened that night?"

"Why? What exactly happened that night? Can you tell me?" 

She was testing me.

She knows I suck at this type of conversation. She knows this is my weakness. And seeing the smirk that was formed in her face makes me want to disappear from this world immediately. I bit the insides of my cheeks as I stare at her, she really wants me to say what happened that night. 

I groan in frustration and stared at her eyes deeply.

"You really giving me a hard time, hyun. You know what happened." I said hoping she'll drop the act and just answer me honestly. But instead of talking things out, a grin plastered on her lips as she crosses her arms in her chest. 

"Yes I know and I want to hear it from you." Okay, she's now giving me anxiety.

This girl really will be the death of me.

"I-" I sighed and inhaled more oxygen praying it will give me some courage to blurt the words that were flooding my mind.

"I-I'm deeply sorry for..  kissing you without your consent. I shouldn't done that knowing it'll be awkward if something happened between us. It's just, I'm not in my right mind that night due to alcohol and-"

"Why did you do that, anyway?" I didn't finish my statement when she asked a question that I don't know how to answer.

I look at Irene's face and I can't read her emotions. She's not letting me read hers and it frustrates me knowing she's hiding herself from me. It may seem unfair but if she wanted to keep it for herself, then I can wait till she opens that up completely.

"I-I don't know."


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