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- Don't throw salt on the wound.

A few days later

"Good morning ms Braxton. How are you?" The doctor asked with a smile as she walked into Toni's room with a few documents in her hand.

"I'm good, thank you." Toni said sitting up.

"These your pills you'll need to take for the next week, one pill twice a day. Morning and night after you've eaten." Doctor said handing her the pills which she scanned before placing down on her side table.

"And these are your discharge papers which you need to fill in for me." The doctor said placing the papers down on her tray handing her a pen.

She watched as Toni filled in the forms and signed where needed. Toni looked up at her and smiled just as the door opened.

"Hey best friend!" Kenny cheered with a huge bouquet of red roses in his embrace.

Toni smiled facing him as her doctor grabbed the documents and turned around facing Kenny as well.

"Hey." Toni said, "excuse me." The doctor said walking out.

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? A little birdie told me you get discharged today so I came to get you." Kenny shrugged, "these are for you." He smiled handing her the bouquet.

She grinned inhaling the scent.

"Did you spray these with your cologne?" Toni giggled as he smiled, "I sure did."

"Your cologne smells amazing." She smiled.

"Why are you still in this damn bed, you should be out and ready to leave. Go get dressed." Kenny rushed clapping his hands.

"Okay. Fine." She laughed getting out of bed.

She grabbed her bag and walked into the bathroom. Kenny took the time to look around the room, his phone vibrated making him pull it out of his pocket. He smiled seeing that it was a text from Shanice - she had sent him a picture, he opened the message and his eyes immediately widened at the nude picture she had sent him, captioned I miss you baby 💜. Kenny bit his lip as Toni came out, realizing Kenny was still staring at his phone. She tiptoed over to him and peeked over his shoulder at his phone screen, her eyes immediately widened.

"Wow." Toni gasped making him almost jump out his skin.

"Toni!" He groaned locking his phone slipping it into his pocket, "what a fun relationship you two have." Toni said shoving her old clothes into the bag along with her pills before she zipped it up.

"Yeah well... a freak needs a freak." He grinned making her chuckle and shake her head just than the door opened once again.

They both frowned as Ashton came walking in with a wheelchair.

"Come on baby, we gotta go home." Ashton smiled making Kenny immediately face Toni.

"What's this clown doing here?" Kenny asked raising his eyebrows curiously.

"Me and Toni made up so I'm here to take my fiancée home." Ashton smirked proudly immediately making Kenny's blood boil.

"Is this true?" Kenny questioned.

Toni nodded.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kenny snapped making her frown.

"This idiot cheated on you. He made you lose your baby-"

"That part isn't his fault because I never told him about it." Toni argued.

"That doesn't- forget it. I'm leaving." Kenny said walking out.

Toni pulled her face.

"And you call him your best friend." Ashton scoffed. "He's got way too many problems, am I right?" Ashton chuckle.

"May I?" He asked and she nodded still staring at the door.

He helped her into the wheelchair grabbing her belongings before he opened the door and pushed her out.

1 week later

Toni stared at Kenny's contact contemplating on whether to call him or not. It had been a whole week since their little argument and not once has he called to checkup on her. It made her extremely worried, deciding against it. She moved onto Instagram, scrolling down her feed a post made by Shanice popped up, it was posted 3 days ago. It was a selfie of her and Kenny in front of the Eiffel Tower - With my best friend. Toni let out a sigh locking her phone tossing it down on the sofa beside her.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked rubbing her shoulders.

"Kenny hasn't called me in a week now." She said making him roll her eyes, she leaned back and looked up at him, "do you think he's still mad at me?" She frowned.

"Yes. I definitely do." He said. "That guy doesn't like me and he obviously was not too pleased with us getting back together." Ashton shrugged.

"But let's discuss something else." He smirked coming around the sofa resting his hands down on her thighs. "Let's go upstairs and take advantage of the fact that we're both doing nothing." He said kissing her lips.

"Okay." She smiled as he helped her stand. He picked her up and ran upstairs into their bedroom.

He tossed he onto the bed and hovered over her as they began to remove each other's clothes.

Toni came running downstairs picking up her phone.

"Hey daddy." She said into the call. "Hey sweetheart. I haven't seen you in forever, why don't you come stop by here. I miss you a lot." Her father said, he sounded so down. "I miss you too, I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning. I promise." She said. "Please... I need to see you. I love you baby, take care and say hi to Kenny for me." He said making her chuckle at the fact that he said Kenny and not Ashton. "I will." She said, I love you too. Goodbye." She ended the call.

She locked her phone and spun around as Ashton came downstairs.

"Whose got you smiling like that? Was it Kenny?" He asked tossing on his jacket.

"No. It was my dad. We wants me to go visit him, so I'm going tomorrow morning. Wanna come with me?" She asked excitedly.

"Nah. You can go. I got work anyways." He said checking himself out in the mirror making her arch her brow at him.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that?" Toni asked.

"Out. I have a late delivery to get to. Don't worry, I'll be back before dinner." He smiled pecking her cheek.

He grabbed his car keys and walked out making her frown. Was he still cheating on her? She couldn't help it, she wanted to trust him- no she had to trust him.

"I love you." She said to herself.

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