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"Whoa... Kenny is one lucky man. You took all these pictures just for him?" Kimberly asked.

"Yeah. It's my wedding gift to him." Toni said as she and Kimberly flipped through the picture album filled with nude pictures of Toni.

"He's gonna like it right?" Toni asked.

"Girl he's going to love this." Kimberly said. "I think I'm lesbian." Kimberly said making Toni laugh.

"You're so stupid." Toni giggled.

Once done she put the photo album back into its box and tied the bow.

"When did you take these?" Kimberly asked.

"About a week ago." Toni shrugged. "Let me go put this away, he'll be home any minute now." Toni said.

Kimberly nodded watching as Toni walked off.

"So have you two found a new house yet?" Kimberly asked.

"No. We're still looking, hopefully we find one before the wedding so that we can move in before it." Toni spoke. "Why? You got a house in mind?"

"Just wondering, because Landon has a friend in real estate that could help you guys. I've never met him but they're always talking on the phone." Kimberly said.

Toni came out and nodded.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier? Arrange us a meeting with him." Toni said taking Kallen out of his crib.

"Okay. I'll have Landon do that." Kimberly smiled. "I'll call him right now actually." She said pulling out her phone dialing Landon's number, "give me a minute."

"Go ahead. I have to change his diaper anyway." Toni said before they both went their separate ways.

Toni took Kallen into his nursery and laid him down on his changing table. His fist was constantly in his mouth.

"What's so nice about your fist huh?" Toni asked before she smiled watching as he immediately placed his attention onto her.

He was only 4 months old and could already tell her voice apart from everyone else's. She changed his diaper and made him sit up as she rested her hand at the low of his head.

"Look at this." Toni cooed, "Kiana gave him to you." Toni smiled holding the teddy bear in front of him.

He looked at the teddy and made his famous all gun smile before he looked up at Toni.

"I love you Kallen." Toni said

"Landon said it's fine. He'll do it." Kimberly said walking into the room.

Toni nodded with her attention still on Kallen.

"Look at him. He's so scrumptious, he gives me baby fever." Toni cooed picking him up.

"I'm sorry what? Your own baby gives you baby fever?" Kimberly asked.

"Yes." Toni pouted watching as Kallen rested his head down on her chest. "Doesn't he give you baby fever?" Toni asked rubbing his back.

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