I meant you no harm

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"Mommy!" Kiana smiled.

"Morning baby." Toni said immediately taking Kiana out of Elizabeth's arms, "I got her. Wouldn't want her to get too attached to you, you might abandon her." Toni said.

Kenny's eyes widened. Elizabeth stared at Toni in disbelief, she shook her head and removed the apron she had on and slammed it down on the island.

"I can't do this-"

"Of course you can't, you never can." Toni said.

Kenny took Kiana out of Toni's arms, Elizabeth faced Toni and shook her head. Kenny handed Kiana his iPad and placed her down on the sofa with a bowl of strawberries to keep her occupied.

"I came here because I wanted to fix everything I've done. But I guess you don't even have the heart to forgive me-"

"How can you expect me to just forgive you huh? You abandoned me!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't fix everything!" Toni yelled.

"I'm leaving." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, do that. You're so great at that!" Toni loudly said tossing her hands up in surrender.

Elizabeth immediately slapped Toni, Toni gasped and slapped her back. Kenny looked between the two in confusion who were looking daggers at each other.

"I was so selfish to have left, I made a mistake don't we all?" Elizabeth asked, "I know you're angry and you're still questioning the things that happened in your past." Elizabeth said taking Toni's hand into hers.

"As an empath I feel your energy, that's why you're finding it so hard to trust in me because of what happened in your past. Toni I am being genuine when I say that I am here to stay and fulfill all my duties, to be the mother and grandmother you and Kiana need in y'all life. Trust me. I am not Ashton and neither is that man right there." Elizabeth pointed at Kenny.

He frowned and so did Toni. She looked at Kenny and he shook his head before he grabbed his car keys and walked out.

"Ken wait!" Toni shouted.

She pulled away from Elizabeth and sped walked after Kenny. He got into his car and just sat there in frustration, Toni came out and let out a breathe of relief once she saw his car still parked in the driveway. She walked up to it and opened the passenger door and got inside.

"Ken I can explain everything to you."

"What? I can't believe it, you're still comparing me to Ashton-"

"I'm not-"

"Then what is it huh?! I've been your best friend since you were 5 years old! I've proven to you a dozen times that I am nothing like Ashton, what more do you want huh?!" He yelled.

"Nothing..." She trailed off lowly.

"You should know me better then I know myself..." He sighed dropping his head down against the steering wheel.

Toni nodded before she wrapped her arms around him.

"And I do." Toni cried, "I'm sorry... but I can't help it if I'm broken."

Kenny sat up and frowned. He took her hands into his.

"I love you and it hurts me knowing that I'm not good enough, and that one day you'll leave me just like everyone else does. So I'm sorry if I have this thought in my head that tells me you're gonna leave me-"

"But I'm not gonna do that. I've been here since day one and you know that, if I didn't leave you the day when you fell because you slipped on that banana peel in 9th grade and had the entire school laugh and make fun of you who says I'm gonna leave you now? We've started a whole family, we're gonna get married. I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me for life." Kenny said wiping away her tears.

She chuckled.

"And even though you might feel like you're not good enough. To me you're the best thing in the world that has ever happened to me, not only are you the love of my life but you're also the mother of my children and that will never go unnoticed. You're a remarkable woman Toni and if I had a dollar for every time I looked at you and said to myself 'my God you're fucking beautiful' then I'd be richer then Bill Gates."

She smiled as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Now I already love you but you're gonna have to learn to love yourself again, and I'll be right here with you while you do that." Kenny assured tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She nodded and pecked his lips.

"You wanna go back inside so you can forgive your mom and give her a second chance?" Kenny asked.

Toni sighed, she looked down and began to fiddle with her hands.

"I don't know Ken." She mumbled shaking her head.

"Come on, this is the first step to self love forgiving those who have wronged you." Kenny said.

She looked up at him and nodded, he was so right.

"I don't want my son being born into such a hateful environment." Kenny said.

Toni got out and so did he, they walked inside and found Elizabeth sitting on the carpet with Kiana.

"This is Luna." Kiana smiled holding up her stuffed baby pig.

"Oh hi Luna." Elizabeth smiled she looked up and there was Kenny and Toni.

She got up as Toni looked down at Elizabeth's briefcase that was at the door.

"Dada!" Kiana shouted running up to him.

"Kiana!" He shouted back making her giggle as he picked her up. "Would you like to go jump on the trampoline?" Kenny asked making Kiana nod her head in excitement.

Kenny smiled.

"We're gonna leave you two to talk."

Once Kenny walked out Elizabeth walked up to Toni and grabbed her suitcase.

"I wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge, please do keep me in contact with Kiana. She's so much like you when you were her age." Elizabeth smiled weakly.

"You don't have to go." Toni sighed.


"No." Toni shook her head, "I don't forgive you just yet but maybe in due time I will. Once you've proven that you deserve it, you can stay here until you find yourself a place of your own. You better not let Kiana get to attached to you and then just leave, do I make myself clear?"

Elizabeth smiled and nodded her head before she pulled Toni into a hug.

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