Bad decisions

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"Is she mine?" Kenny asked.


"Yes or no?"

"No. She's not, after the wedding me and Dustin-"

"My groomsmen?"

"Yeah..." Shanice sighed dropping her head, "it all happened so fa-"

"It's okay, you don't owe me any explanation... She's beautiful." Kenny smiled.

"Mommy open please." Ryan said holding her chocolate up to Shanice.

"Thank you. How's Toni?" Shanice asked as she took the chocolate from Ryan and opened it up.

"She's fine." He said frowning, realizing both Toni and the baby could've died today.

He couldn't help but overthink, how the hell did Ashton know where she worked? Why was he still so obsessed with her. He felt a tug on his shirt and looked down at Kiana.

"Want mommy?" She said.

He nodded picking her up.

"Well I gotta go. Take care." He said to Shanice who smile, "you too."

"So we're looking for an Ashton Butler. Okay, we'll stop by your house if anything comes up. For now please take care of yourself and that little one until we've tracked down this man, I will also be sending two of my best officers to keep watch of your house just to be extra safe." The policeman told Toni as he wrote down her statement.

"Thank you so much, officer Cordell." Toni nodded.

"Have a good day." He said before he walked off and just than Kiana and Kenny came walking Toni's way making her smile.

"Come see your little brother or sister." Toni held her hand out to Kiana.

Kiana ran up to Toni who kneeled to her level and held the sonograms up for her. Kiana pulled her face in confusion as she leaned all the way into the sonogram having her whole face touch it.

"Kiana." Toni chuckled. "Right there." Toni smiled pointing at it.

Kiana shook her head backing away from Toni.

"Okay fine! Maybe it is a little early to show you." Toni giggled standing up. "What's wrong babe?" Toni asked, "you wanna see our little warrior?" Toni asked holding the sonograms out to him.

He snapped away from his thoughts and smiled lightly taking them from her.

"Sure." He nodded.

Toni squinted her eyes at him, he seemed to be distracted by something. She shrugged it off as her doctor came up to them.

"Just sign here and here and remember to stay on bedrest, no lifting of any heavy objects."

"Yes doctor, I got it." Toni nodded signing where she was told to. "Okay we can go now." Toni spun around.

"Where's Kiana?" She panicked looking around.

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