Champagne's For Celebrating (I'll Have A Martini)

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Next morning we had breakfast with the whole family. I fqreally love having this big family. It’s such a waste that this would be finished in just two weeks.

My sisters and Caleb’s sisters are going along too well. Even my parent’s and his parents. They were laughing and shooting looks at us.

I looked nervously at Caleb.

“I think our parents is secretly planning our wedding.” I said.

“You think so?” I heard the amusement on Caleb’s voice.

“I know so. Mom is ecstatic like that when she is talking about weddings and they were shooting looks at us.”

To my surprise, he kissed my cheeks. I heard a small shriek from my mom. I felt my cheeks flame. Classic Caleb move.

“That tint, I really love that tint of blush in you.” He whispered through my ear.

“That’s because you made that.” I responded.

“I know.” I could feel his smirk.

“Stop flirting with me.” I almost whispered at him and looked at him. His face was inches through mine. “Oh god Caleb, our parents is around. Why are you doing this to me?”

“We are legal with them you know.”

I rolled my eyes at him and stuff a bread on his mouth. I think my mom just had a mini heart attack because of happiness and Caleb’s mom joined her in. What is wrong with these people?

After breakfast, our parents bid our goodbyes to us. They all head home and wish Caleb and I all the luck in the world for our relationship.

Sheesh. If they had known the truth about Caleb they would probably hate him as much as I do.

Caleb and I got home and frankly I need more sleep. I headed to the bedroom and was about to doze off when someone called me.

“Hey?” I said on the other side of the line.

“Hey Eyre, Pete here. I was thinking if you want to go in a party I am hosting tonight.”

“Okay. Text me the address and what time you want me to be there.”

“Thank you.” He said after hanging up.

‘8pm. 174 Burton Street’ it’s a text from Pete.

I went in the living room where Caleb was sitting. I sat beside him.

“Hey, Pete’s gonna have a party. He is inviting us. I’m coming, are you?”

“Pete, your partner?”

“Yes. So are you coming?”


“We will be there 8pm. He texted the address 174 Burton Street. Do you know where it is?”

“The Greek Row. Is he in a fraternity?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, we will find out later.”

“But now I really need to sleep.” I laid my head on his lap and dozed off.


Caleb woke me up. It was 7pm and I can’t believe that I’ve slept all day. Caleb didn’t move an inch too as I remembered he had that position before I fell asleep.

“We need to get ready for your friend’s party” Caleb stated. I got up, brushed my teeth and change into something more comfortable. Caleb changed into his usual skinny jeans and white shirt. In about 30 minutes we are set to go.

We took a cab going in there, Caleb said that it was smart to do because there will be some booze in there and we didn’t know what the future lies ahead of us.

“174 Burton Street.” I said to the cab driver.

Minutes later we were there. We were 10 minutes earlier but there were many people than I had ever imagine. There was a huge Sigma Kappa Beta on the porch.

I pulled Caleb to the front door and knocked. Pete answered it.

“Oh good, you came.” He hugged me and invited me in.

Caleb didn’t left me and almost everyone congratulated me on my victory.

Minutes later Caleb asked me if I wanted a drink. I said yes and he left me to get some. Pete appeared at my side asking me how I was doing and am I enjoying the party. I said yes but I didn’t know anyone besides him and Caleb.

He pulled a guy on the sea of people who was tall, ginger haired and had blue amazing round eyes. I think he is cute. Peter introduced me to him. Peter told him to entertain me because I didn’t know the people in the house and he is new here too.

His name is Chris Carlyle and everyone calls him CC. He was not from the university, he didn’t get to college at all. He is into music and he was pursuing that for about 8 years now. He would tour around the world and just play his guitar for people. That’s what paying his bills. He is 3 years older than I was. He doesn’t have a current girlfriend and he thinks that he would staying here for good.

Yeah, I learned that from him because Caleb ditched me. I don’t know where he might be.

CC offered me a drink and I happily took it. We got out the house balcony and brought a bottle of champagne with us.

We talked and talked and talked all night and I think he is kind of sweet. He even let me hear some of his songs. He has pure talent. I see Sheeran in him.

“Hey, do you know Ed Sheeran?”

“No.” I was astonished at the fact that he didn’t know Sheeran.

“OMG CC. You are missing half of your life. That guy is pure talent. That guy is pure soul. That guy is pure love. Here listen to this.” I gave him my iPhone and hit play. ‘Give Me Love’ was playing. I let him finish the song first before asking him how was it. I’m beginning to like this guy.

I was looking intently at me and I was searching for his reaction. He put the earphones down and smiled at me.

“This guy is awesome. I mean amazing.” He said with a smile on his face.

“I know. I can listen to him like forever.”

We talked about our taste in music. We aren’t different at all. He likes The Used, Coldplay, Maroon 5, fob, and Vampire Weekend. I loved those guys too. We exchanged numbers and decided to keep in touch. Well, we clicked. When I finished that stupid dare with Caleb I might be gushing over this guy.

Sometime after our champagne bottle is empty, his phone rang. He excused his self to answer it. He came back telling me that he should be going but promises to keep in touch and be friends with me, I liked the idea actually.

We bid our goodbyes and see you when I see you. He left me in the balcony. I said I needed to sober down before heading in. It took me half an hour before I let myself in again. Where the heck is Caleb and Peter?

I searched for them in the kitchen, in the living room, in the yard and in the bathroom. I even got to search the bedrooms. The first few ones were locked. Then I tried the next ones. I was surprised when I saw 2 people having drunken sex. I said my sorry to them and immediately closed the door.

Then I tried a few ones again and they were empty. I got up the stairs again because this floor was thoroughly searched. I opened a few doors with people having sex again. I really need to find Caleb or Peter.

I was at the last room at the floor and I was hoping to see anyone of who I was searching for.

I opened the door quietly and slowly. I don’t want to bother the people inside it if they are having sex like the others. The first few ones cussed and throw a pillow or two at me.

After the door has been opened, my eyes widened to see one of the people I was searching for in the party. I cannot believe what I just saw. I cannot believe what just happened. This will be in my memory for eternity.

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