Memory Lane

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Memory Lane

Next morning Caleb asked me to come with him. He said that we would be very busy and a lot of things will occupy us.

First thing we did is eat a lot. He said that we should eat a lot so I did. After that we got out the apartment.

"You ready?" he asked holding my hand.

"For what?"

"Making up for the childhood years."

I frowned. He told me that I should trust him. We walked through 3 block going towards the university. He asked if we could skip through the last. I really don't understand why he want that it's a little bit childish but I agreed to do it.

We skip down the street holding hands up to the university yard.

"Remember when we were kids, the day you and a friend were skipping down the road. I screamed at you, you were startled and tripped. I was trying to scare you but you tripped and cried. I am sorry for that."

He remembered that? I barely remembered it. Did that even happened?

He pulled me through the yard where the sprinklers was running. We ran through the sprinkler but I stopped him. I always wanted to run in the wet grass and my shoes would get wet so Caleb and I put down our shoes on a dry area and we began running.

We ran through the sprinklers barefoot through wet grass. I loved the feeling. I really was amused by this when I was still a girl. I even jump into a puddle that the sprinkler made and splashed some water on Caleb causing him to run after me.

After what I think hours of running and being childish, we settled under the tree and made our feet dry so we could wear our shoes.

"I remember you always ran when the sprinkler on your front yard is open. You always enjoyed running there."

How can he know that? Is he like a stalker?

He stood up and pulled me up. We were still dripping in places but we didn't mind. Our shadows was right in front of us and I stepped his.

"You are it!" I said loudly. I ran away from him. He run after me trying to step on my shadow. We did that until we had gone into a park. We sat in a bench in the park and just look at the kids and couples and people around. Some were riding a bike, some were feeding the birds, some were reading books and some were just sleeping. We saw some kids playing on the playground.

Caleb and I sat on the bench for hours and ate a lot of whatever a vendor that passed us by was selling.

We had hotdogs, pretzels, popcorns, peanuts and many more. We really was enjoying ourselves even we were just sitting there at the bench and looking at everyone.

Everyone was looking at us too. Well who wouldn't. Two young adults with mud on their faces and practically everywhere else.

It was not that hot when an ice cream vendor came by. Some of the kids were just looking and I had the idea of treating them.

"Free Ice cream for everyone. I shouted at the kids and they happily ran onto the ice cream truck.

Seeing the kids with the smile on their faces made my heart swell. I smiled at Caleb to see his genuine smile upon giving the kids their free ice cream. When the all of the kids had their ice cream Caleb pulled me closer to him holding my waist.

"And what do you want my love?" he kissed my cheeks.

"Kind girl and kind boy kissing on the tree." The children sang in unison.

It made my face heat up.

"Is he your boyfriend?" A girl tugging the hems of my shirt.

"As a matter of fact, I am missy." He bent down to pat the little girl's head.

The children said their thank you and goodbyes at us.

"So what do you want?" Caleb asked me again.

"I want a bubble gum flavored one please." The vendor gave me one and I immediately licked it. Caleb did the same. My tongue was sticking out the bubble gum ice cream and so is his.

Our face was inches from each other and he licked my ice cream.

"What are you doing? I asked.

"Tasting it. I never really wanted that flavor so I taste it if it had gone any better."


"Seems like it taste better eating it with you."

I flushed. What the hell, with the vendor looking at us.

"I really love that blush on you." Caleb whispered. My body automatically ignited.

I ate the ice cream and Caleb paid for all of the ice cream. I took another bar just because I really love ice cream. We walked through the playground and the kids made me sit on the swing. They told Caleb to push the swing for me so he did. After some time, I felt queasy and I told him to stop.

I stood up and Caleb pulled me on a bench to rest.

"Do you remember the time when I pushed you on a swing and made you cry? I am sorry I have done that."

I really like this side of Caleb.

I saw a kid flying a kite. I never tried flying a kite so I borrowed it. Caleb taught me how to fly it. He was good at it too. But we gave the kite back after a few minutes.

A bunch of girls who was playing jump rope asked us to play with them. We did and it was a bit fun. When I got tired I said that I am done. A little girl gave me a crown made of dandelion and it was quite cute.

Caleb and I hunt for four leaf clovers too. It was very hard but I won finding a four leaf clover in about 10 minutes.

After about an hour when it was time for sunset, the kids were bidding their goodbyes and said they will be going home.

Caleb and I had a different idea. We lie on our back and imagine what shapes the clouds look like.

"It is a dog." I pointed at the cloud that looks like a dog.

"No. It looks more like a horse with its mane." Caleb disagreed with my dog shaped cloud.

"No it's a dog."

"Okay whatever you say. HORSE."

"Look! That one is shaped like a heart."

"Yes it does."

We did this cloud things until the sky went dark. That why we shifted on counting the stars we could see.

"Hey a shooting star." I wished upon it. I wished that Caleb was more like this always.

I think we laid in the grass for hours because we stood up when the sky is filled with stars we can't count anymore.

While walking towards the apartment, Caleb's arms was wrapped around my shoulders and we were getting cozy with each other. People were looking at us maybe because we were dirty but I didn't care. I had a lot of fun with Caleb today and I very liked it.

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